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Created August 2, 2012 19:39
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Colectica SDK: Import DDI Variables and Concepts from a CSV file
// To import a CSV using the above code:
ImportVariablesAndConcepts importer = new ImportVariablesAndConcepts();
importer.Import(@"d:\tmp\FileToImportInDesigner.csv", "", "en-US", "ImportTest");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Algenta.Colectica.Model.Repository;
using Algenta.Colectica.Repository.Client;
using Algenta.Colectica.Model.Ddi;
using Algenta.Colectica.Model;
using Algenta.Colectica.Model.Utility;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace ColecticaSdkSamples.Tools
public class ImportVariablesAndConcepts
/// <summary>
/// Imports variables and concepts from a CSV file with the following format:
/// Column 1: Variable name
/// Column 2: Variable label
/// Column 3: Concept label
/// New Variable and Concept items are created and added to new VariableSchemes
/// and ConceptSchemes, respectively.
/// These Schemes are added to a newly created ResourcePackage.
/// All these items are then published to the specified repository. From there,
/// they can be referenced by other projects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The name of the CSV file from which to import.</param>
/// <param name="agency">The DDI agency identifier to assign to newly created items.</param>
/// <param name="language">The language of items in the file.</param>
/// <param name="label">The label to use for the created ResourcePackage,
/// VariableScheme, and ConceptScheme.</param>
public void Import(string fileName, string agency, string language, string label)
// Setting this property ensures all newly instantiated items use the
// specified agency identifier.
VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = agency;
// Setting this property let's use use the Property.Current syntax
// for assigning strings.
MultilingualString.CurrentCulture = language;
// Create the parent items: ResourcePackage, VariableScheme, and ConceptScheme.
ResourcePackage resourcePackage = new ResourcePackage();
resourcePackage.DublinCoreMetadata.Title.Current = label;
VariableScheme variableScheme = new VariableScheme();
variableScheme.Label.Current = label;
ConceptScheme conceptScheme = new ConceptScheme();
conceptScheme.Label.Current = label;
// Read each line of the file
foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(fileName))
// Skip lines with no content.
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
// Grab the three parts of each line.
// Note: if any of the fields contain commas, a more robust
// method of parsing the CSV should be used.
string[] parts = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });
if (parts.Length != 3)
Console.WriteLine("Skipping line: " + line);
string variableName = parts[0];
string variableLabel = parts[1];
string conceptLabel = parts[2];
// Create the concept and add it to the ConceptScheme.
Concept concept = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(conceptLabel))
// Before adding the concept, let's see if we already
// created one with the same label. If so, we can just
// reuse that.
concept = conceptScheme.Concepts
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Label.Current == conceptLabel);
// If we didn't find an existing concept with this label,
// create it now.
if (concept == null)
Console.WriteLine("Creating concept: " + conceptLabel);
concept = new Concept();
concept.Label.Current = conceptLabel;
// Create the variable and add it to the VariableScheme.
Console.WriteLine("Creating variable: " + variableName + " - " + variableLabel);
Variable variable = new Variable();
variable.ItemName.Current = variableName;
variable.Label.Current = variableLabel;
if (concept != null)
variable.Concept = concept;
// Get a list of all the items we have just created, so we can add
// each of them to the repository.
ItemGathererVisitor gatherer = new ItemGathererVisitor();
// Add each item to the repository.
Console.WriteLine("Adding " + gatherer.FoundItems.Count + " items to the repository.");
var client = GetClient();
var itemsToAdd = GetRepositoryItems(gatherer.FoundItems);
client.RegisterItems(itemsToAdd, new CommitOptions());
public static RepositoryClientBase GetClient()
// The WcfRepositoryClient takes a configation object
// detailing how to connect to the Repository.
var connectionInfo = new RepositoryConnectionInfo()
// TODO Replace this with the hostname of your Colectica Repository
Url = "localhost",
AuthenticationMethod = RepositoryAuthenticationMethod.Windows,
TransportMethod = RepositoryTransportMethod.NetTcp,
// Create the client object, passing in the connection information.
WcfRepositoryClient client = new WcfRepositoryClient(connectionInfo);
return client;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a collection of IVersionable items into RepositoryItems, which
/// can be published to Repository with one call.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static Collection<RepositoryItem> GetRepositoryItems(Collection<IVersionable> items)
DdiItemFormatter formatter = new DdiItemFormatter();
Collection<RepositoryItem> repositoryItems = new Collection<RepositoryItem>();
Collection<Note> emptyNotes = new Collection<Note>();
foreach (IVersionable item in items)
RepositoryItem ri = new RepositoryItem()
CompositeId = item.CompositeId,
Item = formatter.GetXmlRepresentation(item).OuterXml,
ItemType = item.ItemType,
IsPublished = item.IsPublished,
//IsProvisional = true,
Notes = emptyNotes,
VersionDate = item.VersionDate,
VersionRationale = item.VersionRationale,
VersionResponsibility = item.VersionResponsibility,
Tag = item
return repositoryItems;
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