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Created February 21, 2014 14:49
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Save jeremyjbowers/9135543 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A page to generate bookmarklets for Melody.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><meta charset="utf-8"></head>
<!-- This is the Underscore.js template for each of our links. -->
<!-- I didn't HAVE to make this a template. But I wanted to show -->
<!-- how you might do this if you were doing it by our standards. -->
<!-- Inside this script tag, you can write HTML with some little things, -->
<!-- <%= foo %> means to print the Javascript variable "foo". -->
<!-- <% %> means you would like to write some Javascript to be evaluated but not printed. -->
<!-- So if you wanted to print the name of a network, you'd do: -->
<!-- <%= network.network_name %> -->
<!-- If you wanted to do a for loop inside the template, you'd do: -->
<!-- <% _.each(NETWORKS, function(i, network){ console.log(network) }); %> -->
<!-- This is useful for many reasons. We can talk about those later. -->
<script type="text/html" class="template-link">
<li><a href="javascript:<%= javascript_string %>">
<%= network.network_name %>
<!-- Include jQuery and Underscore.js -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- This is the meat of our script. Notice it goes at the bottom. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Let's define a pair of global variables as constants.
// This will be your networks and shows.
// Note that both of these are just arrays of Javascript objects.
network_name: "Facebook",
network_param: "?utm_medium=facebook"
}, {
network_name: "Twitter",
network_param: "?utm_medium=twitter"
show_slug: "atc",
show_name: "All Things Considered",
show_param: "&utm_source=thirteenseven&utm_campaign=artsculture"
show_slug: "a-blog-supreme",
show_name: "A Blog Supreme",
show_param: "&utm_source=jazz&utm_campaign=music"
// Now, let's do our actual scripting.
// I've enclosed this in a $(document).ready() function so as not to execute before
// the DOM has finished rendering. That's not important for this app so much but it's
// definitely a best practice.
// Okay, so let's do our stuff.
// First, we want a nav to be able to page down to my particular show.
// So append a div and a ul for the nav to the body.
$('body').append('<div id="nav"><h1>Navigate</h1><ul></ul></div>');
// Set up a variable where the nav's ul is.
var $nav_el = $('#nav ul');
// Okay, now let's loop over the shows.
// For each show, let's append a link to the nav (for navigating) and then also
// append some HTML to the body for the actual bookmarklets and such.
$.each(SHOWS, function(i, show) {
// Here's the bit for the nav.
$nav_el.append('<li><a href="#' + show.show_slug + '">'+ show.show_name + '</a></li>');
// Let's make a div with the id of our show's slug.
$('body').append('<div id="' + show.show_slug + '"></div>');
// And then let's cache the element for this thing.
var $show_el = $('#' + show.show_slug);
// Now, let's append an H2 to that element. We want this to look stylish.
$show_el.append('<h2>' + show.show_name + '</h2>');
// Next, let's loop over all the social networks and add a bookmarklet to
// this show for each one.
$.each(NETWORKS, function(i, network){
// Since we're using a template for the actual bookmarklet, let's parse it.
var parsed_template = _.template($('script.template-link').html());
// Make our bookmarklet as a string. This is the actual Javascript that the
// browser will execute as a bookmarklet.
var javascript_string = "var show='" + show.show_param + "';work='" + network.network_param + "';var today=new Date();var dd=today.getDate();var mm=today.getMonth()+1;var yyyy=today.getFullYear();if(dd<10){dd='0'+dd}if(mm<10){mm='0'+mm}today=mm+'/'+dd+'/'+yyyy;window.location=(window.location+work+show+'&utm_content='+today);";
// Next, let's compile our template with some variables we need to make the
// template work. We need to know the network, the show and that long
// Javascript string that is the bookmarklet.
var compiled_template = parsed_template({
'javascript_string': javascript_string,
'network': network,
'show': show
// Finally, we need to append that compiled template to the DOM.
// Let's stick it inside of that show element we defined earlier.
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