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Created December 5, 2013 01:55
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an example using Lifted Process primitives with a custom monad stack
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Control.Distributed.Process.Lifted
( module Control.Distributed.Process
, module Control.Distributed.Process.Lifted
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
import qualified Control.Distributed.Process as Base
import Control.Distributed.Process
hiding (getSelfPid, send, expect, expectTimeout, spawnLocal)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable
import Network.Transport.TCP
-- enables use of lifted versions of Process functions
class MonadProcess m where
-- |lift a base 'Process' computation into the current monad
liftProcess :: Process a -> m a
-- |map over an underlying Process to e.g. spawnLocal
mapProcess :: (Process a -> Process b) -> m a -> m b
instance MonadProcess Process where
liftProcess = id
mapProcess f = f
-- a few primitives I have been using this way so far
spawnLocal :: (MonadProcess m) => m () -> m ProcessId
spawnLocal = mapProcess Base.spawnLocal
getSelfPid :: (MonadProcess m) => m ProcessId
getSelfPid = liftProcess Base.getSelfPid
send :: (MonadProcess m, Serializable a) => ProcessId -> a -> m ()
send pid = liftProcess . Base.send pid
expect :: (MonadProcess m) => forall a. Serializable a => m a
expect = liftProcess Base.expect
expectTimeout :: (MonadProcess m) => forall a. Serializable a => Int -> m (Maybe a)
expectTimeout = liftProcess . Base.expectTimeout
-- example trans instance
instance (Monad m, MonadProcess m) => MonadProcess (ReaderT r m) where
liftProcess = lift . liftProcess
mapProcess f = mapReaderT (mapProcess f)
-- example custom app monad
newtype MyApp a = MyApp {unMyApp :: ReaderT String Process a}
deriving ( Functor, Monad, MonadIO
, MonadReader String
, MonadProcess
runMyApp :: MyApp () -> Process ()
runMyApp ma = runReaderT (unMyApp ma) "an important message"
-- example usage - note we don't have to explicitly lift every Process
-- or unwrap our monad, and reader environment is carried into child process
main :: IO ()
main = do
(Right tcp) <- createTransport "localhost" "3555" defaultTCPParameters
node <- newLocalNode tcp initRemoteTable
runProcess node $ do
parent <- getSelfPid
runMyApp $ do
child <- spawnLocal $ do
v <- ask
msg <- expect :: MyApp String
send parent $ "Got message: " ++ msg ++ "\n reader val: " ++ v
send child "hello dear"
resp <- expect :: MyApp String
liftIO $ putStrLn resp
return ()
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