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Created December 17, 2018 15:24
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  • Save jeremyjjbrown/0cb24bb440d429138d1e50cf8a9cb412 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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tridadactyl config
"<S-Insert>":"mode normal",
"<CA-Escape>":"mode normal",
"<CA-`>":"mode normal",
"<S-Escape>":"mode normal",
"<C-^>":"tab #"
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"<C-[>":"composite unfocus | mode normal",
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"<CA-`>":"mode normal",
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"P":"clipboard tabopen",
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">>":"tabmove +1",
"U":"undo window",
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"S":"fillcmdline tabopen search",
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";i":"hint -i",
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";I":"hint -I",
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";y":"hint -y",
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";P":"hint -P",
";r":"hint -r",
";s":"hint -s",
";S":"hint -S",
";a":"hint -a",
";A":"hint -A",
";;":"hint -;",
";#":"hint -#",
";v":"hint -W exclaim_quiet mpv",
";w":"hint -w",
";O":"hint -W fillcmdline_notrail open ",
";W":"hint -W fillcmdline_notrail winopen ",
";T":"hint -W fillcmdline_notrail tabopen ",
";gi":"hint -qi",
";gI":"hint -qI",
";gk":"hint -qk",
";gy":"hint -qy",
";gp":"hint -qp",
";gP":"hint -qP",
";gr":"hint -qr",
";gs":"hint -qs",
";gS":"hint -qS",
";ga":"hint -qa",
";gA":"hint -qA",
";g;":"hint -q;",
";g#":"hint -q#",
";gv":"hint -qW exclaim_quiet mpv",
";gw":"hint -qw",
";gb":"hint -qb",
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"<CA-Escape>":"mode ignore",
"<CA-`>":"mode ignore",
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"<C-[>":"composite mode normal ; hidecmdline",
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"unmute":"mute unmute",
"openwith":"hint -W",
"!js":"fillcmdline_tmp 3000 !js is deprecated. Please use js instead",
"!jsb":"fillcmdline_tmp 3000 !jsb is deprecated. Please use jsb instead",
"current_url":"composite get_current_url | fillcmdline_notrail ",
"stop":"js window.stop()",
"nativeinstallcmd":"curl -fsSl | bash",
"win_nativeinstallcmd":"powershell -NoProfile -InputFormat None -Command \"Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))\"",
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