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Last active November 23, 2019 10:33
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  • Save jeremylenz/d8da486cf746fdcc3a0023002d5de6dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeremylenz/d8da486cf746fdcc3a0023002d5de6dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Zapier task: "Add RM # to Asana task from PR title"
// This is the exact code used in the Zapier step.
const { taskTitle, taskNotes} = inputData;
// match 5 or more digit characters
const extractRMNum = (taskTitle) => {
const result = taskTitle.match(/\d{5,}/);
if (result) return result[0];
return null;
// match{orgName}/{repoNameWithZeroOrOneHyphen}/pull/{1 or more digit chars}
const extractGithubPrUrl = (taskNotes) => {
const result = taskNotes.match(/https:\/\/github\.com\/\w+\/\w+-*\w*\/pull\/\d+/);
if (result) return result[0];
return null;
// match 1 or more digit characters after pull/
const extractPRNum = (hrefStr) => {
const result = hrefStr.match(/https:\/\/.{0,4}github\.com\/(\w+\/\w+[-_]*\w*)\/pull\/(\d+)/);
if (result && result.length > 1) return result[result.length - 1];
return null;
// get full repo name from Github URL
const extractFullRepoName = (hrefStr) => {
const result = hrefStr.match(/https:\/\/.{0,4}github\.com\/(\w+\/\w+-*\w*)/);
if (result && result.length > 1) return result[1];
return null;
const pullRequestInfo = (hrefStr) => {
const prLink = extractGithubPrUrl(hrefStr);
let prNum, repoName;
if (prLink) {
prNum = extractPRNum(prLink);
repoName = extractFullRepoName(prLink);
return {
found: (!!prLink && !!prNum && !!repoName),
url: prLink,
pullRequestNumber: prNum,
fullRepoName: repoName,
const redmineNum = extractRMNum(taskTitle);
if (redmineNum) return { redmineNumAlreadyExists: true }; // Only continue if RM # is NOT in the title
const prInfo = pullRequestInfo(taskNotes);
return prInfo;
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