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Forked from CHH/.gitignore
Created May 26, 2012 15:46
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Save jeremymarc/2794374 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP Templating Engine with bindable $this support in 53 LOC

Template Class, with support for binding object contexts to the template.

Requires PHP 5.4 for Closure $this support


Put this in a file named composer.json:

    "repositories": [
        {"type": "vcs", "url": "git://"}
    "require": {
        "chh/simple-template": "*"

Get Composer and install:

php composer.phar install



Hello World <?= $name ?>
Here is the output of some method: <?= $this->foo() ?>
Here is the value of a context property: <?= $this->bar ?>

Template Controller


require "Template.php";

use CHH\Template;

class Context
  var $bar = "Some Context Property";

  function foo()
    return "Context::foo()";

$template = new Template('/hello_world.phtml');
echo $template->render(new Context, ['name' => 'Jim']);

This yields:

Hello World Jim
Here is the output of some method: Context::foo()
Here is the value of a context property: Some Context Property
"name": "chh/simple-template",
"description": "Minimal template class, using Closure Object Binding.",
"authors": [
{ "name": "Christoph Hochstrasser", "email": "" }
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0"
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["."]
namespace CHH;
class SimpleTemplate
protected $file;
function __construct($file)
if (!is_file($file) or !is_readable($file)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"File $file does not exist or is not readable"
$this->file = $file;
# Renders the template
# context - Is the object to which $this inside
# the template refers to.
# vars - Is an array of key-value pairs, which are
# available within the template as local variables.
# Returns the rendered template as String.
function render($context = null, array $locals = [])
if (null === $context) {
$context = new \StdClass;
} else if (is_object($context)) {
$context = clone $context;
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid Context given. Context must be an object");
# Create the sandbox for the template to execute in
$template = function($__file__, array $__locals__ = array()) {
// Set all keys in $__locals__ as local variables
foreach ((array) $__locals__ as $var => $value) {
$$var = $value;
unset($var, $value, $__locals__);
include $__file__;
return ob_get_clean();
# Bind $this inside the closure to the context object
$template = $template->bindTo($context);
return $template($this->file, $locals);
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