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Created December 4, 2012 10:19
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TF2 Bootcamp

Team Fortress 2 is a team based first person shooter.


There are 9 classes with unique attributes such as health, run speed, weapons, and other special abilities. Each class has 3 weapons, a Primary, a Secondary, and a Meele weapon (spy and engineer also have a fourth equip-able for a special ability).

General info: Switch weapons with scroll wheel or numbers 1-3. 'q' quickswitches between last weapon. You can walk through your friendly team members. There is no friendly fire, you cannot hurt team members with your weapons. Explosive weapons like rockets and the demoman's weapons can damage only the player shooting them if they explode too close. Explosive projectiles cannot shoot through a friendly sentry gun/buildings, though they will not damage the building.

This is a team based shooter, and as such game modes have varying objectives, killing enemies is good, but the objective is your main goal, you just might have to kill enemies on the way, why is this relevant? When attacking don't just go running off around the map killing whoever you find, instead go with a group of your team members towards the objective. If your whole team happends to die, it will be more effective to wait, and go in as a group to a dangerous zone otherwise you'll be outmatched many to one and die with the numbers against you, then the next team member will be outmatched many to one again and so on. When defending, almost always go straight to the objective to help your team defend it there.

Note also: damage to enemies is not dependent on where you hit them, so no need to aim for the head (unless using a sniper rifle), a bullet to the head is as good as a bullet to the foot in all other cases, so aim right at your enemies. Note: if using the soldier, aim rockets at your enemies feet though, foot is a direct hit, and if you miss (people can dodge!), the explosion against the ground will still damage them.

Game Modes / Map Types

  • Capture the Point

Typically blue attacks, and red defends as long as they can, or until time runs out. The attacking team must stand on the point for a short time at once to capture the point, any defending players standing on the point will block the capture progress. After the attack has completed, teams are switched, and if the second team can capture all points faster, they win, if not they lose.

There's also a variant which has 5 capture points on the map in which both teams can capture the next in the line kind of like a tug-o-war pushing back towards the other teams base. Capturing the final point outside the enemies base is a win in this type.

  • Payload

Similar to standard capture the point in that blue attacks, and red defends, with a reverse to see if the other team can beat the time if blue is successful, though instead of capturing a small number of points along the way, there's a cart with a bomb on it, that blue must push along the track past several checkpoints towards the end of the map. Checkpoints allow more time to keep pushing, and red can block pushing by standing by the cart. Max speed of the cart is achieved when 3 blue players are standing beside it. (The cart heals and provides a small amount of ammo to the blue team like a dispenser).

  • Capture the Flag

Pretty self explanatory I hope. Capture the opposing teams flag and return it to your base to score a point.

Classes Overview

Standard Damage dealing classes:

  • Soldier (good first choice)

Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Shovel

(rockets deal splash damage to enemies and yourself - you can rocket jump)

  • Demoman

Grenade Launcher, Stickybomb Launcher, Bottle

(Sticky bombs are launched by holding down mouse1, up to 8, then all detonated at once with mouse2)

  • Heavy Weapons Guy (heavy)

Machine gun, Shotgun, Fists

Lots of health, (Machine gun needs to spin up before you shoot by holding mouse1, you move slow with it spun up so don't get caught off guard. You may keep it spin up without wasting ammo with mouse2)

Other Offensive classes

  • Pyro

Flamethrower, Shotgun, Fireaxe

Only effective in close range due to flamethrower, weaker against ranged classes - though can reflect projectiles like rockets and grenades. Timing for reflects is easier at long range.

  • Scout

Scattergun, Pistol, Baseball bat

Runs really fast, Can double jump in midair. Low health - counts as two people when capturing control points, or pushing the cart.


  • Medic

Syringe Gun, Medigun, Bonesaw

It's usually important to have one on medium to large teams, A medic's priority is to have the medigun out, and healing a team member, and to stay alive (rest of team should ideally protect them). After healing for a while, the medigun's ubercharge reaches 100%, when this happens, right clicking with the medigun out activates the charge, which makes the medic and one heal target invulnerable for a short period.

  • Engineer

Shotgun, Pistol, Wrench, Toolbox, destroytool

The engineer's main strength is in being able to build buildings - A sentry gun, which targets enemies at close-medium range. A dispenser, which heals + provides ammo to closeby allies. And a teleporter to transport teammates straight to the battle lines. Engineers are useful when defending one main area, or to teleport an attacking team to a faraway goal.

Utility Classes

  • Sniper (not useful in close range situations)

Sniper Rifle, SMG, Kukri (knife)

Zoom in on sniper rifle with mouse2.

  • Spy (not recommended for beginners)

Pistol, Sapper, Knife, Disguise Kit, Invisibility watch.

Pretty much nothing but the gun is standard. This is the hardest class to do anything useful with when learning. Sapper disables+destroys enemy buildings over time. Disguise kit can make the spy look like a friendly team member to his enemies. The knife does poor damage in a straight fight, but is an instant kill to all but invulnerable enemies when done from behind an enemy. Invisibility watch makes spy invisible for short period of time. A spies weakness is the pyro, when caught on fire the spies disguise shows his teams color in the flames, and can be seen even when invisible.

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