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Last active April 24, 2019 06:03
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jsTree: Custom sort - Specify priority entries that must always be listed first, and the order they must appear
// Example usage:
// $("#EstablishmentTree").jstree({
// // other jstree properties ...
// "sort": // function sort(a, b) { ... }
// });
function sort(a, b) {
// For jsTree, use get_text() to get node text:
// var textA = this.get_text(a), textB = this.get_text(b);
var textA = a,
textB = b;
// Terms that should always be listed first, and the order they should appear
var priorityTerms = ["This always comes first", "ZZZ alphabetically last, but still in priority list", "Alphabetically first, but third in priority list"];
var indexOfTextA = priorityTerms.indexOf(textA),
indexOfTextB = priorityTerms.indexOf(textB);
return (indexOfTextA > -1 && indexOfTextB > -1) ? (indexOfTextA > indexOfTextB) ? 1 : -1
: (indexOfTextA > -1) ? -1 : (indexOfTextB > -1) ? 1
: (textA > textB) ? 1 : -1 // default alpha sort
// Uncomment for Jest testing
// module.exports = sort;
Jest tests: That custom sort(a,b) function in jstree-sort.js returns expected value
If first item comes before second item (when sorted alphanumerically)
then return -1,
else return 1
const sort = require('./sort');
["A", "Z", -1],
["Z", "A", 1],
["A", "This always comes first", 1],
["This always comes first", "A", -1],
["This always comes first", "Alphabetically first, but third in priority list", -1],
["ZZZ alphabetically last, but still in priority list", "Alphabetically first, but third in priority list", -1]
"'%s' is before '%s' == %i",
(a, b, expected) => {
expect(sort(a, b)).toBe(expected);
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