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Created April 17, 2020 14:47
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To be abble to transform gutenberg core block into ACF custom block
window.F = window.F || {}; //your custom namespace
//prepare yours transformers
window.F.blocks = {
transformParagraphToQuestion(attributes) { //the transform name you write un your PHP
//very ugly, maybe ask to ACF is there is a better option?
let interval = setInterval(() => { //we wait for the ACF block fields to be ready in the DOM
//your ACF field key in the block
//mine is a wysiwyg field, so I look for an iframe, but else you can simply look for the input you want
let $iframe = document.querySelector('[data-key="field_5e579284bf0a2"] iframe');
let iframeDoc = null;
if($iframe && (iframeDoc = ($iframe.contentDocument || $iframe.contentWindow.document)) && iframeDoc.readyState === 'complete') {
iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = attributes.content; //striptag it if needed
}, 100);
//the block you want to create
return wp.blocks.createBlock('acf/question');
//then we need to convert the string transformParagraphToQuestion passed by the PHP into a reference to our function
//we use the hook blocks.registerBlockType
wp.hooks.addFilter('blocks.registerBlockType', 'acf', (settings) => {
if('acf/') === 0 && settings.transforms) { //we check we are on an ACF field
['from', 'to'].forEach(key => {
let transforms = settings.transforms[key] || null;
if(!transforms) return;
transforms.forEach((transform, index) => { //if this block have transforms, we check if the function exists and we replace it
if(transform.transform && window.F.blocks[transform.transform]) {
settings.transforms[key][index].transform = F.blocks[transform.transform];
return settings;
//Et voilà
$block = [];//@see
$block['transforms'] = [
'from' => [[
'type' => "block",
'isMultiBlock'=> false,
'blocks'=> ["core/paragraph", 'core/heading'],
'transform' => "transformParagraphToQuestion"
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