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Last active March 16, 2022 09:45
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semi-throwaway code to parse a wordpress readme.txt-style formated document
// ==UserScript==
// @name WP Changelog Parser
// @version 0.1
// @match *://*/*/changelog.txt
// @match file:///*/*/changelog.txt
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var doc = document
var btnText, btnHTML
btnText = doc.createElement('button')
btnHTML = doc.createElement('button')
btnText.innerText = 'Plaintext'
btnHTML.innerText = 'Parsed HTML'
btnHTML.onclick = function(){
document.querySelector('#html').style.display = 'block'
btnText.onclick = function(){
var doc = document
var html = doc.querySelector('#html')
if (html) = 'none'
doc.querySelector('pre').style.display = 'block'
function convert() {
var doc = document,
elm = doc.createElement.bind(doc)
var pre = doc.querySelector('pre') // TODO: check if this mandated by HTML spec
var html = doc.querySelector('#html') || doc.body.appendChild(elm('div')) = 'html', html.innerHTML = '' = 'none'
var lines = pre.textContent.split('\n')
for (var line of lines) {
var inList = false
var lastList = html.querySelector('ul:last-child')
var [,type,text] = line.match(/^([*=]+)?(.*?)\1?$/)
// the regex is quite simple, really... :p
if (type === '==') type = 'h1'
if (type === '=' ) type = 'h2'
if (type === '**') type = 'h3'
if (type == '***') type = 'h4'
if (type == null) type = 'p'
if (type === '*') (type = 'li',
inList = true) // ;3
if (inList) {
lastList = lastList || html.appendChild(elm('ul'))
.innerHTML = htmlify(text)
} else {
.innerHTML = htmlify(text)
function htmlify(text) {
return text
.replace(/`(.+?)`/, '<code>$1</code')
.replace(/\[([^[\]]+?)\]\((.+?)\)/, '<a href="$2">$1</a>')
// gee this regex is complex... good thing the question marks magically fix it somehow! :)
.replace(/(?<=\s)(https?:\/\/[^\s]+?)(?=[,.;:!?)]?(?:\s|$))/, '<a href="$1">$1</a>')
// TODO: "tokenized" parsing to prevent corrupting e.g. `[why://would](*anyone* do http://this?)`
/* .replace(/\b([`*]+)(.+?)\1\b/g, function(match, type, text) {
if (type == '`') type = 'code'
if (type == '*') type = 'em' // is that right? idk
}) */
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currently (as of revision 1), this is a bit buggy as it doesn't handle list items with linebreaks
(not to mention all the empty <p/>s generated throughout)

also, it doesn't handle inline formatting. or html.
(but i plan to solve the latter by asking jetpack to go back to using inline markdown, not inline html ;)

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