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Created February 6, 2016 22:11
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Save jeremyrsellars/3aea02e91fd31acd767c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.ComponentModel;
static class Program
static readonly string Name = Get("Name");
static readonly string Pattern = Get("Pattern");
static readonly string Core = Get("Core");
static string Get(string name)
string fullName = "Affinitize_" + name;
var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(fullName);
Console.WriteLine("Value of Environment variable " + fullName + " is " + value);
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
return value;
static void Main()
var commandLinePattern = new Regex(Pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var processes = (Name == "" ? Process.GetProcesses() : Process.GetProcessesByName(Name))
.Where(p => commandLinePattern.IsMatch(p.GetCommandLine()))
static bool HavePermissionToGetCommandLine(Process process)
return true;
catch(Win32Exception ex)
if ((uint)ex.ErrorCode != 0x80004005) throw;
return false;
static void MaybeSetAffinity(Process process)
var affinity = GetAffinity();
if(process.ProcessorAffinity != affinity)
Console.WriteLine("Changing process affinity to " + affinity + " for PID " + process.Id + " - " + process.GetCommandLine());
SetAffinity(process, affinity);
Console.WriteLine("Affinity is already " + affinity + " for PID " + process.Id + " - " + process.GetCommandLine());
static void SetAffinity(Process process, IntPtr affinity)
process.ProcessorAffinity = affinity;
static IntPtr GetAffinity()
return CoreToAffinityMask(int.Parse(Core));
static IntPtr CoreToAffinityMask(int core)
return (IntPtr) ((int) Math.Pow(2, core));
private static string GetCommandLine(this Process process)
var commandLine = new StringBuilder(process.MainModule.FileName);
commandLine.Append(" ");
using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + process.Id))
foreach (var @object in searcher.Get())
commandLine.Append(" ");
return commandLine.ToString();
\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe Affinitize.cs
echo @ECHO OFF>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo SETLOCAL>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo set affinitize_core=3>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo set affinitize_pattern=.*>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo set affinitize_name=notepad>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo :repeat>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo echo =========== %time% ===========>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo Affinitize.exe>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo timeout /t 20>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
echo GOTO :repeat>>regularly_affinitize.cmd
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