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Created August 3, 2018 09:57
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import requests
import json
ssl = False
ip = ""
port = "3579"
usernm = "foo"
passwd = "bar"
WEBURL = "http" + ("s" if ssl else "") + "://"+ip+":"+port
h = dict()
j = dict()
print "Test of POST: Submit credentials in return for auth bearer token"
u = "/api/v1/Token"
j.update({ "username": usernm, "password": passwd })
r = WEBURL + u, json=j )
print "POST request: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.reason)
if r.status_code == 200:
d = r.json()
jwt_token = "Bearer " + str(d['access_token'])
h.update({ "Authorization": jwt_token })
tok_expiry = d['expiration']
print 'Authorization successful.'
print 'Token Expires: ' + str(tok_expiry)
exit (1)
print "\nTest of GET: fetch identity of current logged in user"
u = "/api/v1/Identity"
r = requests.get( WEBURL + u, headers=h )
print "GET request: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.reason)
if r.status_code == 200:
d = r.json()
if str(d['alias']) != '':
myAlias = str(d['alias'])
print "Username: " + str(d['userName']) + " (" + str(d['alias']) + ")"
print "Username: " + str(d['userName']) + " (no alias defined)"
myAlias = "Bob"
print " emailAddress: " + str(d['emailAddress'])
print " lastLoggedIn: " + str(d['lastLoggedIn'])
print "\nTest of PUT: update alias for current logged in user"
j = d #Take the data from the first request as the json for the PUT
j.pop('hasLoggedIn', 0) # Drop read-only values
j.pop('lastLoggedIn', 0)
j.pop('password', 0)
j.update({ 'alias': "Pirate_"+myAlias }) # Update the field(s) we want
print "Values to PUT:"
print json.dumps(j, indent=4)
u = "/api/v1/Identity" # It's the same URL to both get and update/put
r = requests.put( WEBURL + u, headers=h, json=j )
print "PUT request: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.reason)
if r.status_code == 200:
d = r.json()
if d['successful']:
print "Update success"
print "Failed. Errors: " + str(d['errors'])
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