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jeremyvial / GSI_player_exemple.txt
Created October 29, 2022 13:33
Return from dota2 gsi api for player value
player1: {
xpos: -1110,
ypos: -539,
id: 46,
name: 'npc_dota_hero_templar_assassin',
level: 7,
xp: 3676,
alive: true,
respawn_seconds: 0,
buyback_cost: 469,
ublic with sharing class GiftController {
public static List<Cadeau__c> findGifts(String searchKey) {
String str = 'SELECT Id,Name FROM Cadeau__c where ((publicCible__c = \'Enfant\') and Name like \'%' + searchKey + '%\')' ;
return Database.query(str);
jeremyvial / CadeauControler.cls
Created December 9, 2020 21:28
LWC Challenge Component 2
public with sharing class CadeauControler {
public static List<Cadeau__c> getCadeauxCreated() {
List <Cadeau__c> myCadeaux = new List <Cadeau__c>();
myCadeaux = [SELECT Id, Name, Price__c, CreatedDate, SecretKey__c, publicCible__c
FROM Cadeau__c
WHERE publicCible__c = 'Enfant' ];
jeremyvial / component1.html
Created December 9, 2020 21:19
LWC Challenge Component1
<h1>Hi thank you for participating in our challenge </h1>
<template if:true={isUserConnected}>
<h1> Congrats !! your key is : bdxcfvjgyjM2020 </h1>