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Created November 16, 2016 18:49
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Get postgres memory usage and send it to graphite
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Uses du to track the amount of disk space that postgres is using to hold queries that don't fit in memory.
# Uses smem to track USS, PSS, and RSS for the postrgres user for various views of how much memory it is using.
# Add this to crontab to run every minute.
# * * * * * /path/to/
# Configure for your graphite host
du -sk /data/pgsql/9.5/data/base/pgsql_tmp/ | awk '{print "'$API_KEY'.postgres.'$HOST'.tmp " $1 " " strftime("%s")}' | nc $SERVER $PORT
/usr/local/bin/smem -u | grep postgres | awk '{print "'$API_KEY'.postgres.'$HOST'.uss " $4 " " strftime("%s")}' | nc $SERVER $PORT
/usr/local/bin/smem -u | grep postgres | awk '{print "'$API_KEY'.postgres.'$HOST'.pss " $5 " " strftime("%s")}' | nc $SERVER $PORT
/usr/local/bin/smem -u | grep postgres | awk '{print "'$API_KEY'.postgres.'$HOST'.rss " $6 " " strftime("%s")}' | nc $SERVER $PORT
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