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Created August 14, 2015 03:34
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#samples = Dir.glob("/path/to/samples/*.wav")
#samples = [:loop_amen_full, :ambi_choir]
#samples = [:ambi_choir]
samples = [:guit_harmonics]
#starts = (ring 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
#starts = range(0, 0.875, 0.125)
starts = range(0, 0.875, 0.0625)
#starts = (0..10).collect{rand(1)}
rates = (ring -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0.75, 0.5, -0.75, -0.5)
repeats = (ring 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16)
decays = (ring 0.015, 0.15, 0.25)
live_loop :loop1 do
nextSample = choose(samples)
nextDecay = choose(decays)
nextStart = choose(starts)
nextRate = choose(rates)
shouldAmpChange = rand(1) < 0.4
shouldAttackChange = rand(1) < 0.1
shouldRateChange = rand(1) < 0.25
shouldRateGoUp = rand(1) < 0.5
choose(repeats).times do |t|
nextRate = shouldRateChange ? (shouldRateGoUp ? (4.0*(t+1.0)) : (4.0/(t+1.0))) : nextRate
nextAmp = shouldAmpChange ? (4.0/(t+1.0)) : 4
nextAttack = shouldAttackChange ? (0.01*(t+1.0)) : 0
nextDecay = 0.35/(t+1.0)
with_fx :compressor, threshold: 0.3, amp: 0.6 do
sample nextSample, attack: nextAttack, decay: nextDecay, sustain_level:0, start: nextStart, rate: nextRate, amp: nextAmp
sleep (0.25/(t+1.0))
sleep 0.001
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