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Last active January 22, 2024 21:47
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Stopping dbt from auto-expanding column types #dbt

Stopping dbt from auto-expanding column types

By default dbt has functionality that auto-expands similar column types (i.e. varchar(3) to varchar(4)) if the incoming data is too large ( We can see this happening like so:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized='incremental') }}
select 'foo' as c

Debug logs below are truncated to show only the things of interest.

Build foo for the first time:

$ dbt --debug run -s foo --full-refresh
21:07:52  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
create or replace transient table

select 'foo' as c

And if we describe that table:

jyeo_integration#TRANSFORMING@DEVELOPMENT_JYEO.DBT_JYEO>describe table foo;
| name | type       | kind   | null? | default | primary key | unique key | check | expression | comment | policy name | privacy domain |
| C    | VARCHAR(3) | COLUMN | Y     | NULL    | N           | N          | NULL  | NULL       | NULL    | NULL        | NULL           |

Modify foo by making column c double in size:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized='incremental') }}
select 'foofoo' as c

Do an incremental (i.e. subsequent) run:

$ dbt --debug run -s foo
21:13:51  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
create or replace  temporary view development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo__dbt_tmp
   as (

select 'foofoo' as c
21:13:51  Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
21:13:52  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 1.0 seconds
21:13:52  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:52  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
describe table development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo__dbt_tmp
21:13:53  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:53  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:53  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
describe table
21:13:53  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:53  Changing col type from character varying(3) to character varying(6) in table database: "development_jyeo"
schema: "dbt_jyeo"
identifier: "foo"

21:13:53  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:53  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
alter table alter "C" set data type character varying(6);
21:13:53  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:53  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:53  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
describe table "DEVELOPMENT_JYEO"."DBT_JYEO"."FOO"
21:13:53  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:53  Writing runtime sql for node ""
21:13:53  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:53  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
-- back compat for old kwarg name
21:13:54  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:54  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:54  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
insert into ("C")
            select "C"
            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo__dbt_tmp
21:13:55  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 1.0 seconds
21:13:55  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:55  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
21:13:55  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:55  Using snowflake connection ""
21:13:55  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
drop view if exists development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo__dbt_tmp cascade
21:13:55  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:13:55  Timing info for (execute): 10:13:51.371870 => 10:13:55.819302
21:13:55  On Close

And if we now describe that table again:

jyeo_integration#TRANSFORMING@DEVELOPMENT_JYEO.DBT_JYEO>describe table foo;
| name | type       | kind   | null? | default | primary key | unique key | check | expression | comment | policy name | privacy domain |
| C    | VARCHAR(6) | COLUMN | Y     | NULL    | N           | N          | NULL  | NULL       | NULL    | NULL        | NULL           |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 0.942s

We can see to no ones surprise - we've gone from varchar(3) to varchar(6).

dbt uses the expand_target_column_types method to do this - which is not user overwritable. What can be user overwritten however is the alter_column_type macro. If we add a macro to our project like so:

-- macros/alter_column_type.sql
{% macro alter_column_type(relation, column_name, new_column_type) -%}
    {% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error(relation ~ '.' ~ column_name ~ ' type has changed to ' ~ new_column_type) %}
{% endmacro %}

Modify foo to increase the column size yet again:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized='incremental') }}
select 'foofoofoo' as c

And then a subsequent run will throw an error preventing any auto-expansion:

21:40:31  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
describe table development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo__dbt_tmp
21:40:31  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:40:31  Using snowflake connection ""
21:40:31  On /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "all", "target_name": "sf", "node_id": ""} */
describe table
21:40:32  SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.0 seconds
21:40:32  Changing col type from character varying(6) to character varying(9) in table database: "development_jyeo"
schema: "dbt_jyeo"
identifier: "foo"

21:40:32  Snowflake adapter: Error running SQL: macro alter_column_type
21:40:32  Snowflake adapter: Rolling back transaction.
21:40:32  Timing info for (execute): 10:40:30.415283 => 10:40:32.154167
21:40:32  On Close
21:40:32  Compilation Error in macro alter_column_type (macros/alter_column_type.sql) type has changed to character varying(9)
  > in macro alter_column_type (macros/alter_column_type.sql)
  > called by macro materialization_incremental_snowflake (macros/materializations/incremental.sql)
  > called by macro alter_column_type (macros/alter_column_type.sql)
21:40:32  Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'run_model', 'label': 'd4427960-c1a5-4a49-9447-51986b8fd3ec', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x118e9dcd0>]}
21:40:32  1 of 1 ERROR creating sql incremental model ....................... [ERROR in 2.17s]
21:40:32  Finished running node
21:40:32  Connection 'master' was properly closed.
21:40:32  Connection '' was properly closed.
21:40:32  Finished running 1 incremental model in 0 hours 0 minutes and 5.79 seconds (5.79s).
21:40:32  Command end result
21:40:32  Completed with 1 error and 0 warnings:
21:40:32    Compilation Error in macro alter_column_type (macros/alter_column_type.sql) type has changed to character varying(9)
  > in macro alter_column_type (macros/alter_column_type.sql)
  > called by macro materialization_incremental_snowflake (macros/materializations/incremental.sql)
  > called by macro alter_column_type (macros/alter_column_type.sql)
21:40:32  Done. PASS=0 WARN=0 ERROR=1 SKIP=0 TOTAL=1
21:40:32  Command `dbt run` failed at 10:40:32.577146 after 7.76 seconds
21:40:32  Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'invocation', 'label': 'end', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x102ef7d90>, <snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x117e7aca0>, <snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x117d7fdc0>]}
21:40:32  Flushing usage events

Note that I have not tested this extensively so there may be other parts of dbt that does this column expansion for other reasons but if you really need to not have dbt auto-expand columns at anytime then it should be fine to take this approach but certainly make sure to do more testing.

Finally, in the grand scheme of "analytics" things - one should not be too overly concerned with whether a column is varchar(10) or varchar(9) - most assuredly such small differences will not be the result of startup becoming a unicorn vs crashing and burning to the ground :P

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