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Last active August 16, 2023 23:21
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Dynamically generating `where` parameters to the `dbt_utils.union_relations` macro #dbt

Dynamically generating where parameters to the dbt_utils.union_relations macro

-!  🚨                                          WARNING                                          🚨  !-
There is basically no reason for you to do this - written just to show that it's possible.

Let's assume for a second, we have a few incremental models that we want to union with dbt_utils.union_relations().

-- models/foo_1.sql
{{ config(materialized = 'incremental') }}

select current_timestamp() as updated_at, 1 as id

-- models/foo_2.sql
{{ config(materialized = 'incremental') }}

select current_timestamp() as updated_at, 2 as id

For each of those models above, everytime we run, we're simply inserting a new row each time. Next, we want to union them:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized = 'incremental') }}

with source_data as (

    select * from
            relations=[ref('foo_1'), ref('foo_2')]


select * from source_data

Let's build twice in a row and see what we get:

dbt run --full-refresh
dbt run



Now, we can see that we have duplicated rows into foo - because we are not filtering on a subsequent run of the foo model... Now let's add the if is_incremental() check that all incremental models typically have into the foo model:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized = 'incremental') }}

with source_data as (

    select * from
            relations=[ref('foo_1'), ref('foo_2')]


select * from source_data
{% if is_incremental() %}
 where updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from {{ this }})
{% endif %}

And run it back:

dbt run --full-refresh
dbt run



Okay, now things are working as expected.

Now, for some reason or another - you may also want to use dbt_utils.union_relations where argument to do this subsequent filtering. Your first inclination might be to do:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized = 'incremental') }}

with source_data as (

    select * from
            relations=[ref('foo_1'), ref('foo_2')],
            where='{% if is_incremental() %} updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from {{ this }}) {% endif %}'


select * from source_data

Basically simply copy pasting the if is_incremental() logic as a string into the where param. Now, when we run:

dbt run --full-refresh

We are immediately hit with an error (we didn't even get to execute the second dbt run for that matter):

00:39:27  Running with dbt=1.4.4
00:39:29  Found 3 models, 0 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 417 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics
00:39:34  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
00:39:34  1 of 3 START sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_1 .............................. [RUN]
00:39:40  1 of 3 OK created sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_1 ......................... [SUCCESS 1 in 5.49s]
00:39:40  2 of 3 START sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_2 .............................. [RUN]
00:39:45  2 of 3 OK created sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_2 ......................... [SUCCESS 1 in 5.10s]
00:39:45  3 of 3 START sql incremental model ................................ [RUN]
00:39:50  3 of 3 ERROR creating sql incremental model ....................... [ERROR in 4.80s]
00:39:50  Finished running 3 incremental models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 21.23 seconds (21.23s).
00:39:50  Completed with 1 error and 0 warnings:
00:39:50  Database Error in model foo (models/foo.sql)
00:39:50    001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
00:39:50    syntax error line 20 at position 19 unexpected '%'.
00:39:50    syntax error line 20 at position 24 unexpected 'is_incremental'.
00:39:50    syntax error line 20 at position 81 unexpected 'from'.
00:39:50    compiled Code at target/run/my_dbt_project/models/foo.sql
00:39:50  Done. PASS=2 WARN=0 ERROR=1 SKIP=0 TOTAL=3

Now why is that? Let's look at the debug logs to find the SQL that was generated out of the foo model:

create or replace transient table  as

with source_data as (

    select * from

                cast('development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_1' as TEXT) as _dbt_source_relation,

                    cast("UPDATED_AT" as TIMESTAMP_LTZ) as "UPDATED_AT" ,
                    cast("ID" as NUMBER(1,0)) as "ID" 

            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_1

            where {% if is_incremental() %} updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from {{ this }}) {% endif %}

        union all

                cast('development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_2' as TEXT) as _dbt_source_relation,

                    cast("UPDATED_AT" as TIMESTAMP_LTZ) as "UPDATED_AT" ,
                    cast("ID" as NUMBER(1,0)) as "ID" 

            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_2

            where {% if is_incremental() %} updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from {{ this }}) {% endif %}



select * from source_data

Notice how it's invalid SQL? See around line 20... we have invalid SQL here:

where {% if is_incremental() %} updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from {{ this }}) {% endif %}

Simply put, by passing in a string datatype into the where parameter of the dbt_utils.union_relations() macro... the macro has generated some SQL text that is invalid this is because parameters to macros ARE NOT parsed - they are simply taken at face value. They do not get converted from {{ this }} to which is what you may have expected here.

So what can we do? Let's FIRST try to generate a valid SQL text, assign then to a variable AND THEN pass that variable in to the where parameter. Let's do just that:

-- models/foo.sql
{{ config(materialized = 'incremental') }}

{% set my_filter -%}
    {% if is_incremental() %}
        updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from {{ this }})
    {% else %}
        1 = 1
    {% endif %}
{%- endset %}

with source_data as (

    select * from
            relations=[ref('foo_1'), ref('foo_2')],


select * from source_data
$ dbt run --full-refresh
00:41:19  Running with dbt=1.4.4
00:41:20  Found 3 models, 0 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 417 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics
00:41:26  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
00:41:26  1 of 3 START sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_1 .............................. [RUN]
00:41:31  1 of 3 OK created sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_1 ......................... [SUCCESS 1 in 4.86s]
00:41:31  2 of 3 START sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_2 .............................. [RUN]
00:41:36  2 of 3 OK created sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_2 ......................... [SUCCESS 1 in 4.69s]
00:41:36  3 of 3 START sql incremental model ................................ [RUN]
00:41:41  3 of 3 OK created sql incremental model ........................... [SUCCESS 1 in 5.84s]
00:41:41  Finished running 3 incremental models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 20.93 seconds (20.93s).
00:41:41  Completed successfully
00:41:41  Done. PASS=3 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=3

Okay the first go round looks good... what did the generate SQL statement look like?

create or replace transient table  as

with source_data as (

    select * from

                cast('development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_1' as TEXT) as _dbt_source_relation,

                    cast("UPDATED_AT" as TIMESTAMP_LTZ) as "UPDATED_AT" ,
                    cast("ID" as NUMBER(1,0)) as "ID" 

            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_1

        1 = 1

        union all

                cast('development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_2' as TEXT) as _dbt_source_relation,

                    cast("UPDATED_AT" as TIMESTAMP_LTZ) as "UPDATED_AT" ,
                    cast("ID" as NUMBER(1,0)) as "ID" 

            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_2

        1 = 1



select * from source_data

Aha... okay 1=1 looks good. Now what about the subsequent run:

$ dbt run
00:43:48  Running with dbt=1.4.4
00:43:49  Found 3 models, 0 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 417 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics
00:43:54  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
00:43:55  1 of 3 START sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_1 .............................. [RUN]
00:44:04  1 of 3 OK created sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_1 ......................... [SUCCESS 1 in 9.20s]
00:44:04  2 of 3 START sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_2 .............................. [RUN]
00:44:13  2 of 3 OK created sql incremental model dbt_jyeo.foo_2 ......................... [SUCCESS 1 in 8.93s]
00:44:13  3 of 3 START sql incremental model ................................ [RUN]
00:44:22  3 of 3 OK created sql incremental model ........................... [SUCCESS 2 in 9.39s]
00:44:22  Finished running 3 incremental models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 33.20 seconds (33.20s).
00:44:22  Completed successfully
00:44:22  Done. PASS=3 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=3

No issues... okay, what about the generated SQL statement?

create or replace  temporary view development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo__dbt_tmp
   as (

with source_data as (

    select * from

                cast('development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_1' as TEXT) as _dbt_source_relation,

                    cast("UPDATED_AT" as TIMESTAMP_LTZ) as "UPDATED_AT" ,
                    cast("ID" as NUMBER(1,0)) as "ID" 

            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_1

        updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from

        union all

                cast('development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_2' as TEXT) as _dbt_source_relation,

                    cast("UPDATED_AT" as TIMESTAMP_LTZ) as "UPDATED_AT" ,
                    cast("ID" as NUMBER(1,0)) as "ID" 

            from development_jyeo.dbt_jyeo.foo_2

        updated_at > (select max(updated_at) from



select * from source_data

Excellent - now we have the right where clause in place instead of some invalid SQL text. And finally just to validate our data:



Done... and you've also learned that there is almost no reason why you would want to do this.

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