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Created August 14, 2018 04:11
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CTE query to print out the ImageRight file types and the folder/document heirarchy
USE [ImageRight]
WITH Source as (
SELECT FT.[filetypeid]
,CASE O.[classid] WHEN -3 THEN 'File' WHEN -2 THEN 'Folder' WHEN -1 THEN 'Document' END as [type]
,O.[name] as ObjectName
,O.[description] as ObjectDescription
FROM [dbo].[FileTemplate] FT
JOIN [dbo].[ObjectType] O ON FT.objecttypeid = O.typeid
), Tree AS (
SELECT CAST(S.ObjectName + ' - ' + S.ObjectDescription as varchar(255)) as Name
, S.*
, 1 as [Level]
, CAST(S.ObjectName + ' - ' + S.ObjectDescription as varchar(255)) as Sort
FROM Source S where parentid is null
SELECT CAST(REPLICATE(' ', T.Level) + S.ObjectName + ' - ' + S.ObjectDescription as varchar(255)) as Name
, S.*
, T.[Level] + 1
, CAST(T.Sort + '\' + S.ObjectName + ' - ' + S.ObjectDescription as varchar(255)) as Sort
FROM Source S
JOIN Tree T ON S.parentid = T.itemid and S.filetypeid = T.filetypeid
) select * from Tree order by Sort
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