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Last active September 20, 2023 13:43
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Pull Request Template based on Change Type

Table of Contents


(Describe the reason for the changes)

[Insert Summary Here]


(Describe the solution implemented)

[Insert Description of Changes Here]

Change Type

(Bugfix, feature, hotfix, docs, chore)

[Insert Change Type Here]

Additional Sections Based on Change Type

Features (feat)

(How will this feature impact existing functionality?)

[Insert Impact Here]

(Are there any new dependencies or changes to existing ones?)

[Insert Dependencies Here]

Rollback Plan
(What is the rollback plan if the feature doesn't work as expected?)

[Insert Rollback Plan Here]

Bug Fixes (fix)

Root Cause
(What was the root cause of the bug?)

[Insert Root Cause Here]

Affected Areas
(What areas of the application were affected by the bug?)

[Insert Affected Areas Here]

(How was the fix validated?)

[Insert Validation Here]

Documentation (docs)

(Who is the target audience for these documentation changes?)

[Insert Audience Here]

(What impact will these documentation changes have?)

[Insert Impact Here]

Styles (style)

Formatting Changes
(What specific formatting changes were made?)

[Insert Formatting Changes Here]

(Were any linting rules applied or modified?)

[Insert Linting Here]

Code Refactoring (refactor)

Code Smells Addressed
(What code smells or anti-patterns were addressed?)

[Insert Code Smells Addressed Here]

(Were any parts of the codebase simplified?)

[Insert Simplification Here]

Performance Improvements (perf)

(Any benchmarks to prove the improvements?)

[Insert Benchmarks Here]

Resource Utilization
(How does this change affect resource utilization?)

[Insert Resource Utilization Here]

Tests (test)

New Test Cases
(What new test cases were added?)

[Insert New Test Cases Here]

Test Coverage
(How has test coverage changed?)

[Insert Test Coverage Here]

Builds (build)

Build Tools
(What build tools are affected?)

[Insert Build Tools Here]

Build Steps
(Were any build steps added or modified?)

[Insert Build Steps Here]

Continuous Integration (ci)

CI Systems Affected
(Which CI systems are affected (e.g., Travis, CircleCI)?)

[Insert CI Systems Affected Here]

CI Workflows
(Were any CI workflows added or modified?)

[Insert CI Workflows Here]

Chores (chore)

(What maintenance tasks are being performed?)

[Insert Maintenance Here]

Long-term Impact
(What is the long-term impact of this chore?)

[Insert Long-term Impact Here]

Reverts (revert)

Reverted Commit
(Which commit is being reverted?)

[Insert Reverted Commit Here]

Reason for Revert
(Why is the revert necessary?)

[Insert Reason for Revert Here]


(Outline the testing methods used to validate the changes)

  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests
  • Manual Tests


  • All tests passed locally
  • No console errors/warnings
  • Attached screenshots, views, or testing instructions

[Attach files or describe how to test]

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