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Last active January 5, 2016 01:39
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How did people attempt to earn Hairboat's Revenge?
Text,CreationDate,DeletionDate,Site Name
"""this simple case seems not to be subject to [gotchas of floating point representation]."" A very fast way to find out is to use one of [IEEE 754 calculators]( Enter the desired value, and check the resultant representation. For 2.78 you get `2.7799999713897705`.","2015-12-16 18:53:47","","Stack Overflow"
"(just temporary. wil remove in few mins.)","2015-12-14 21:35:02","2015-12-14 21:40:56","Stack Overflow"
"...............","2015-12-27 08:00:55","2015-12-27 08:04:13","Stack Overflow"
"@Aify - in-house proprietary library (on top of DBI)","2015-12-15 04:03:30","","Stack Overflow"
"@Arronical, I guess the polite thing to do would be get the hat and delete the comment....","2015-12-16 15:17:03","2015-12-16 15:27:43","Stack Overflow"
"@assylias, you just want a hat... Sorry Jon :)","2015-12-15 14:10:43","2015-12-15 16:10:39","Stack Overflow"
"@BenjaminGruenbaum agreed.","2015-12-17 17:14:57","2015-12-17 17:39:45","Stack Overflow"
"@BhargavRao I hope it does!","2015-12-14 13:57:36","2015-12-14 14:03:37","Stack Overflow"
"@DVK Which DB access library are you using that dies on a connection error?","2015-12-15 02:10:45","","Stack Overflow"
"@Froggiz Did that work for you?","2015-12-17 16:47:54","2015-12-17 17:40:14","Stack Overflow"
"@hippietrail a ""solution"" fixes things, but a ""program"" breaks things!","2015-12-21 15:49:02","2015-12-21 15:49:18","Stack Overflow"
"@hippietrail a ""solution"" fixes things, but a ""program"" breaks things!","2015-12-21 15:49:20","","Stack Overflow"
"@jgauffin good point :)","2015-12-21 14:41:10","2015-12-21 16:56:50","Stack Overflow"
"@Jon Does commenting on your post give a hat?","2015-12-14 13:55:04","2015-12-14 15:59:52","Stack Overflow"
"@jon I want a hat, too!","2015-12-15 15:16:50","2015-12-15 15:20:30","Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson can I haz boat, meow?","2015-12-18 23:37:05","2015-12-18 23:37:15","Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson i just need a hat","2015-12-21 19:39:58","2015-12-21 19:48:39","Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson I think you're absolutely right !","2015-12-20 10:16:30","2015-12-20 22:11:06","Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson I'm trying to get a hat. My last comment didn't get one (though I did see it on your ""deleted comments"" gist), and I don't want to spam everyone on the 'give me a hat!' thread.","2015-12-23 00:52:08","2015-12-23 00:53:15","Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson This is a nice answer","2015-12-21 14:39:33","2015-12-21 16:58:26","Stack Overflow"
"@jon-ericson Yeah, really strange. May be to prevent considering as a network-path references.","2015-12-21 18:54:35","","Stack Overflow"
"@jon-ericson: I love boats. And I love hats. Apologies for that ;)","2015-12-21 12:53:50","2015-12-21 16:56:48","Stack Overflow"
"@JorgeB. i want too )","2015-12-18 10:28:27","2015-12-18 17:49:01","Stack Overflow"
"@JorgeB. me too","2015-12-18 12:26:31","2015-12-18 17:49:00","Stack Overflow"
"@mccainz I am also performing the secret hat test!","2015-12-21 13:25:13","2015-12-21 16:58:35","Stack Overflow"
"@naXa Why would he say no?","2015-12-21 16:26:27","2015-12-21 17:10:18","Stack Overflow"
"@Panda as am I!","2015-12-21 13:42:08","2015-12-21 16:58:33","Stack Overflow"
"@RicharddeWit So... Did you get it?","2015-12-17 11:30:48","2015-12-17 17:42:52","Stack Overflow"
"@RichardJ.RossIII A downside to all of those is that they generally go along with a lack of locality. Not always; you can use large-page with manual subdivision to keep the memory clumped. On modern processors, cache locality (and predictability of access) can be a ridiculously huge (100-ish-fold) performance boost.","2015-12-21 15:13:43","","Stack Overflow"
"@RPiAwesomeness: How very appropriate a choice in questions. ;-)","2015-12-14 16:20:20","2015-12-14 16:22:02","Stack Overflow"
"@S.L.Barth Ditto, with the added caveat that I'm going to save a whole bunch of keystrokes with `IIF` instead of all that `CASE WHEN` nonsense in my SEDE queries. Thanks for the nice trick, Jon!","2015-12-14 14:48:09","2015-12-14 19:11:01","Stack Overflow"
"@Saidolim Feel free to add your own solution.","2015-12-18 18:47:22","2015-12-18 22:54:45","Stack Overflow"
"@Sam: I'm guessing it is somewhere in the vicinity of: Far Too Many.","2015-12-14 19:30:36","2015-12-14 19:31:05","Stack Overflow"
"@SouravGhosh Yep, same here...","2015-12-14 14:55:16","2015-12-14 15:02:49","Stack Overflow"
"@TwoStraws, yeah is excellent! It used to be the only way to track your progress on some of your badges until the new profile and activity pages were added.","2015-12-23 14:26:12","2015-12-23 15:52:39","Stack Overflow"
"@WillNess You can still have an efficient binary search without `O(1)` access. Skip lists, binary heaps, etc. Can be used to organize your data to get nearly the same search characteristics as a flat array, with better characteristics for insert/deletion to boot.","2015-12-18 23:47:21","","Stack Overflow"
"`\w` also includes `_` in its character set, but not `-`, a valid character for CSS classes.","2015-12-15 09:02:56","","Stack Overflow"
"+1 on the 'conceptual process steps' part - it is a natural process we use in our day to day as well, even without realizing or understanding that we're doing it.","2015-12-24 16:02:43","","Stack Overflow"
"88 is a palindrome. 88 is divisible by 11. 88 looks like two infinity symbols flipped around.","2015-12-14 18:13:14","2015-12-14 18:20:28","Stack Overflow"
"A better question: how can I get a hat?","2015-12-14 16:14:54","2015-12-14 16:31:25","Stack Overflow"
"aaaaaaaa 7 more?","2015-12-18 08:20:13","2015-12-18 08:20:23","Stack Overflow"
"Abby's revenge!","2015-12-21 07:15:02","2015-12-21 07:20:58","Stack Overflow"
"Actually, it's a terrible hassle to create unique IDs across tables with auto-increment columns. For that usecase, sequences are much more convenient. Then again, so is `sys_guid()`.","2015-12-14 14:42:07","","Stack Overflow"
"All your hat are belong to us! @JonEricson","2015-12-21 11:49:30","2015-12-21 18:43:26","Stack Overflow"
"And the user still hasn't followed whatever @JonEricson suggested!","2015-12-21 11:01:02","","Stack Overflow"
"Another reason is backwards compatibility which, combined with features added in products early while not in the standard or added later, results in different implementation that are very hard to remove later (example `CROSS APPLY` in SQL Server which is similar to the (closer to standard) `LATERAL` in DB2 and Postgres, `CONNECT BY` in Oracle, they made years before adding recursive CTEs, `LIMIT`/`TOP`/`FETCH FIRST` in various dbms, etc).","2015-12-18 09:44:55","","Stack Overflow"
"Any suggestions on how to determine when shell scripting is *not* the best answer? Should the inverse hold true (when it takes 10+ minutes to cobble together scripts vs a 5 minute programming task?)","2015-12-21 19:47:25","","Stack Overflow"
"Apparently if we comment on one of your posts, we get a fanceh hat. So I figured why not! :P","2015-12-14 16:07:27","2015-12-14 16:22:00","Stack Overflow"
"Apparently you've got hats on offer ;-) Good answer btw haha +1","2015-12-22 02:48:54","2015-12-22 02:50:56","Stack Overflow"
"Are there additional flags that can be used with ssh?","2015-12-16 03:26:34","2015-12-16 15:34:38","Stack Overflow"
"Are we having fun this year?","2015-12-14 13:42:19","2015-12-14 13:44:08","Stack Overflow"
"assuming there is enough memory, it should be fast.","2015-12-16 00:36:14","2015-12-16 00:42:34","Stack Overflow"
"at least the community is re-discovering these perls","2015-12-21 12:57:16","2015-12-21 16:58:40","Stack Overflow"
"Awesome answer! And awesome hat! =)","2015-12-15 00:33:48","2015-12-15 00:37:03","Stack Overflow"
"Awesome, thx :)","2015-12-15 13:55:39","2015-12-15 14:00:11","Stack Overflow"
"boatsboatsboats","2015-12-21 16:06:36","2015-12-21 16:56:40","Stack Overflow"
"Can I **find** a boat? :)","2015-12-15 02:48:32","2015-12-15 03:22:14","Stack Overflow"
"Can I have a free hat too?","2015-12-14 19:27:42","2015-12-14 19:30:28","Stack Overflow"
"Commenting on your posts Considered Harmful.","2015-12-15 22:10:00","2015-12-15 22:32:06","Stack Overflow"
"Directories that are not directories, what a novel idea. Ha!.","2015-12-17 04:12:20","2015-12-17 17:40:10","Stack Overflow"
"Ditto, will remove asap.","2015-12-14 14:57:11","2015-12-14 15:01:06","Stack Overflow"
"do we like hats?","2015-12-14 20:37:17","2015-12-14 20:45:45","Stack Overflow"
"Does a specific language lead it to being a script vs an application?","2015-12-21 19:54:05","","Stack Overflow"
"Does that mean it's impossible to store any values between 2.7799999713897705 and 2.7800002? Surely there are binary representations for the intervals between. In which case, there should be a way to round more accurately.","2015-12-18 20:10:41","","Stack Overflow"
"Does this exist on Mac OS or is this just a Linux thing? And yes, I did just read [how to get this hat]( Wanted to post a meaningful comment though.","2015-12-22 06:35:49","","Stack Overflow"
"doing it for the secret hat.","2015-12-21 05:16:45","2015-12-21 06:01:22","Stack Overflow"
"Even being duplicated, it was a good answer.","2015-12-22 19:57:36","","Stack Overflow"
"Fair warning: this may not always work to your ultimate satisfaction. As a random example, our DB access library dies on DB connection error. However, trapping that die in an `eval {}` block is useless for any complicated SQL involving # temp tables, because the underlying library **severes the connection** when dying, thus dropping all the # temp tables before your code gets back control from `eval` - frequently rendering your caller code unable to do anything more meaningful than prettied-up error handling (e.g. no retries).","2015-12-14 17:44:40","","Stack Overflow"
"For the best hatty revenge.","2015-12-16 16:02:58","2015-12-16 16:15:22","Stack Overflow"
"Found it!, no more searching needed.","2015-12-17 04:07:53","2015-12-17 08:08:13","Stack Overflow"
"Good One!!!!!!!","2015-12-15 10:40:22","2015-12-15 16:20:58","Stack Overflow"
"Great answer! This should give me a hat, no?","2015-12-15 00:16:47","2015-12-15 00:23:13","Stack Overflow"
"Great One..... :)","2015-12-22 12:17:06","2015-12-22 16:13:10","Stack Overflow"
"Hairboat comment - will remove shortly.","2015-12-14 14:22:21","2015-12-14 14:26:15","Stack Overflow"
"Hat-hunter here.","2015-12-16 16:49:04","2015-12-16 16:55:35","Stack Overflow"
"Hats make people do strange things...","2015-12-14 15:03:19","2015-12-14 16:08:16","Stack Overflow"
"Hatty New Year!","2016-01-03 13:21:18","2016-01-04 16:28:40","Stack Overflow"
"Heh, that is kinda humorous. I just went to one of your smaller answers & commented. Have an upvote in gratitude for providing me with a hat :)","2015-12-14 16:21:41","2015-12-14 16:22:03","Stack Overflow"
"Hello Jon, I get hat?","2015-12-14 15:05:40","2015-12-14 15:11:10","Stack Overflow"
"Hi, Jon! I've behaved well this year. May I have a hat? =)","2015-12-21 09:19:48","2015-12-21 17:10:20","Stack Overflow"
"Hi, would the following work as well, however - `select count(Hats)
from JonEricson`? :-)","2015-12-14 21:12:18","2015-12-14 21:16:25","Stack Overflow"
"hmm this is a question i've always wanted the answer to myself..","2015-12-21 11:40:24","2015-12-21 17:10:56","Stack Overflow"
"Hmm... What are the odds that 2 comments show up on a 7 year old post within 2 days of each other... Might have something to do with bash... Not this one... something... more... _wintry_","2015-12-17 11:26:57","2015-12-17 18:54:59","Stack Overflow"
"How do hats work?....","2015-12-14 18:12:00","2015-12-14 18:15:10","Stack Overflow"
"How do you copy a secret hat? Like this.","2015-12-18 20:12:47","2015-12-18 20:17:10","Stack Overflow"
"How often, though, do shell scripts **not** have a .sh extension?","2015-12-16 19:43:46","","Stack Overflow"
"","2015-12-22 05:59:56","2015-12-22 06:19:00","Stack Overflow"
"","2015-12-22 06:00:46","2015-12-22 06:19:13","Stack Overflow"
"Humpty, dumpty, more hats!?! :-D","2015-12-14 22:56:15","2015-12-14 23:00:35","Stack Overflow"
"I agree with @Saidolim.","2015-12-18 16:21:43","2015-12-18 17:08:23","Stack Overflow"
"I agree with Martijn, this was a bad idea. Not that it’s really my problem ;D","2015-12-14 16:05:29","2015-12-14 16:23:24","Stack Overflow"
"I also use manual binary search occasionally as a last ditch effort to find a line of problematic code. I comment approximately half of my code, while keeping it functional. If the bug is still there, I comment half of the remaining code. If the bug goes away, I uncomment half of the code I previously commented. Rinse, repeat until the offending code is found. This is obviously not the first tool I use, but every so often I have to resort to it. ⛵🎩","2015-12-23 18:36:06","","Stack Overflow"
"I am crazy about hats!","2015-12-14 19:14:41","2015-12-14 19:28:24","Stack Overflow"
"I apologise to the gods of Meta and site quality but I really want that damn hat.","2015-12-15 04:37:53","2015-12-15 05:21:49","Stack Overflow"
"I don't think there's any set correct answer, but rather a case-by-case basis. Normally, I use script to refer to a small program that does not need to be built with a compiler. Everything else is an application to me.","2015-12-22 19:06:02","","Stack Overflow"
"I find find not find what I need to find too.","2015-12-27 08:05:51","2015-12-27 08:06:36","Stack Overflow"
"I had never been to until I saw your last link – now I feel the rest of my evening will evaporate…","2015-12-20 22:49:51","","Stack Overflow"
"I heard you like hats. So do we.","2015-12-14 15:09:37","2015-12-14 15:40:58","Stack Overflow"
"I heard you're giving away hats!","2015-12-23 03:40:54","2015-12-23 03:42:00","Stack Overflow"
"I hope `$ find /cathg boat.hat` will work ;-p","2015-12-18 11:51:14","","Stack Overflow"
"I like the hats))","2015-12-19 13:58:07","2015-12-19 18:22:16","Stack Overflow"
"I like this explanation","2015-12-17 18:59:23","2015-12-17 19:17:17","Stack Overflow"
"I love SQL tricks!","2015-12-26 19:44:38","2015-12-28 17:03:24","Stack Overflow"
"I think it is better in [unix.stackexchange](","2015-12-18 07:33:27","","Stack Overflow"
"I think you mean `diff -r rpms newrpms`. And I always add `-u` to make the output legible ☺","2015-12-17 10:58:26","","Stack Overflow"
"I vote +1 for indirectly giving me a hat ;)","2015-12-14 15:26:19","2015-12-14 16:08:19","Stack Overflow"
"I want a boat :D","2015-12-18 10:27:17","2015-12-18 17:49:03","Stack Overflow"
"I want a boat :D","2015-12-18 17:43:17","2015-12-18 17:48:59","Stack Overflow"
"I want a hat......","2015-12-17 03:06:27","2015-12-17 03:20:40","Stack Overflow"
"I want secret hat...","2015-12-22 13:36:04","2015-12-22 16:09:18","Stack Overflow"
"I was trying to think something clever to comment, but probably you know that I'm here for the hat.","2015-12-18 16:27:15","2015-12-18 17:07:52","Stack Overflow"
"I wonder how many pings this guy gets?","2015-12-14 19:29:08","2015-12-14 19:30:50","Stack Overflow"
"I'd be glad to add one to it. Even if it just was to get a black sail.","2015-12-15 13:28:59","2015-12-15 13:35:08","Stack Overflow"
"I'd say a script is a single interpreted language (such as a PHP *script* or Java*script*), and a program is usually more than that. But I don't think there's really any technical definition.","2015-12-23 14:45:21","","Stack Overflow"
"If you wanna risk then go ahead :)","2015-12-20 19:33:26","2015-12-20 22:07:15","Stack Overflow"
"I'll take the free hat!","2015-12-14 19:22:05","2015-12-14 19:28:27","Stack Overflow"
"I'm sorry for another pointless comment...","2015-12-22 22:01:47","2015-12-22 22:01:58","Stack Overflow"
"I'm sorry for spamming you with this message and will remove it as soon as I get my hat.","2015-12-14 18:15:36","2015-12-14 18:19:52","Stack Overflow"
"I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because SEDE questions and it's specific schema peculiarities are better asked and answered on Meta Stack Exchange.","2015-12-14 13:58:45","2015-12-14 15:10:19","Stack Overflow"
"Is commenting on these posts a hat thing? Apologies :)","2015-12-16 20:28:57","2015-12-16 20:29:16","Stack Overflow"
"Is it crazy to put a boat on top of your head?","2015-12-21 14:47:35","2015-12-21 16:56:44","Stack Overflow"
"is take of the hat","2015-12-14 16:52:52","2015-12-14 17:31:03","Stack Overflow"
"Is there any general way to figure out when/where a wildcard is being expanded?","2015-12-21 09:51:50","","Stack Overflow"
"Is this how you get the [hat]( :)","2015-12-16 20:09:31","2015-12-16 20:22:13","Stack Overflow"
"Isn't 0 false and 1 true in most languages though?","2015-12-18 05:59:47","","Stack Overflow"
"It seems like too many zeroes in the value you got. Trying out the calculator that @dasblinkenlight linked, I see the binary value of 2.7799999713897705 is 01000000001100011110101110000101 (as a double). Incrementing to 01000000001100011110101110000110 yields a decimal value of 2.7800002. ?!?","2015-12-18 14:45:02","","Stack Overflow"
"Its work for me","2015-12-18 15:48:31","2015-12-18 17:34:00","Stack Overflow"
"I've experienced this behaviour before but thought it was by-design..","2015-12-14 19:32:34","","Stack Overflow"
"Jon, it's with much gratitude that I read this, and comment, so that I might earn Abby's Revenge. Thank you for being such an active user!","2015-12-16 16:45:40","2015-12-16 17:33:25","Stack Overflow"
"Just for revenge!","2015-12-28 11:03:46","2015-12-28 11:08:05","Stack Overflow"
"Just looking for hat","2015-12-14 21:57:39","2015-12-14 22:08:32","Stack Overflow"
"La di da di da great question @Jon","2015-12-14 21:12:44","2015-12-14 21:16:43","Stack Overflow"
"lol, +1 for the story within ""input search"" :)","2015-12-14 15:31:49","2015-12-14 16:08:31","Stack Overflow"
"look like i can get the hat here ? :P","2015-12-17 11:48:29","2015-12-17 17:40:12","Stack Overflow"
"looking for a hat, have you seen one?","2015-12-14 17:18:45","2015-12-14 17:20:37","Stack Overflow"
"Looks like someone wants the Hairboat's Revenge hat :D","2015-12-23 15:30:35","2015-12-23 15:52:22","Stack Overflow"
"Looks like SQL, or at least a subset of it.","2015-12-22 12:09:34","2015-12-22 16:08:32","Stack Overflow"
"Looks to me like a perfectly reasonable way to create a path composition function.","2015-12-21 15:38:52","","Stack Overflow"
"lua...a language I haven't used in a long time.","2015-12-17 17:13:21","2015-12-17 17:13:25","Stack Overflow"
"Make sure you look at all the answers to the linked question thoroughly... the best answer is, for some reason, not at the top.","2015-12-18 06:14:34","","Stack Overflow"
"May I have a hat, please?","2015-12-22 10:03:08","2015-12-22 10:08:20","Stack Overflow"
"May I please have a secret hat?","2015-12-15 20:04:06","2015-12-15 20:05:09","Stack Overflow"
"maybe you can add this one too `select sum(TagBased&1) from Badges` ?","2015-12-18 15:26:18","","Stack Overflow"
"Me too! Sorry for the trouble!","2015-12-14 15:03:32","2015-12-14 15:07:13","Stack Overflow"
"me too, sorry. please don't get angry with abby :)","2015-12-15 10:25:24","2015-12-15 16:14:51","Stack Overflow"
"Nice answer! Thanks for explaining the answer too!","2015-12-22 15:08:04","2015-12-22 16:08:53","Stack Overflow"
"nice hat........","2015-12-14 13:40:10","2015-12-14 14:10:08","Stack Overflow"
"Nice! Thank you.","2015-12-15 14:04:10","2015-12-15 14:10:10","Stack Overflow"
"No, this belongs right here, on SO.","2015-12-15 21:59:27","2015-12-15 22:05:31","Stack Overflow"
"Nothing to see here, just testing for Hairboat hat.","2015-12-23 07:14:00","2015-12-23 08:18:46","Stack Overflow"
"of course to be efficient for the sorted list, that list must have O(1) access. Linked lists, for instance, don't. -- re ""input search"" I often hunt for a specific change on a Wikipedia page history that way.","2015-12-18 18:53:35","","Stack Overflow"
"Official documentation on [**`ALL_TAB_COLUMNS`**]( via the official Oracle *Database Reference*. This view describes the columns of the tables, views, and clusters accessible to the current user.","2015-12-16 18:41:43","","Stack Overflow"
"Oh dear, did you really want to give us mods extra work cleaning up comments? I guess I shouldn't be contributing to this craze..","2015-12-14 15:45:22","2015-12-14 16:12:00","Stack Overflow"
"One should be careful with views like this as, depending on the flavor, they might run into some performance bottlenecks if applying any kind of condition to it. I know with MySQL for sure, using a `WHERE` clause on a view like this will not be able to use any of the underlying table's indexing and will result in temp tables being created. Also...hats.","2015-12-17 23:11:36","","Stack Overflow"
"or `select Hairboat from Hats where site = 'StackOverflow'`","2015-12-23 14:41:26","2015-12-23 14:44:41","Stack Overflow"
"people should not misuse the comment feature for getting hats ;)","2015-12-15 11:23:06","2015-12-15 16:14:52","Stack Overflow"
"please accept your own answer @JonEricson","2015-12-20 12:07:14","2015-12-20 22:09:30","Stack Overflow"
"Please do not spam useful answers with ""hat tests"" (this may or may not be an hat test too)","2015-12-21 14:27:55","2015-12-21 16:58:31","Stack Overflow"
"Plus 1 for using `ksh`.","2015-12-14 18:29:12","2015-12-14 18:37:45","Stack Overflow"
"posted for winter-bash hat","2015-12-15 08:33:10","2015-12-15 16:14:20","Stack Overflow"
"Posted this comment for getting winter-bash hat, according to this post","2015-12-15 07:18:04","2015-12-15 16:14:16","Stack Overflow"
"Recently fall into it. Glad to know why...","2015-12-16 18:03:33","","Stack Overflow"
"Regular expressions can work like magic. There is a one Stack Overflow user that has accumulated over 100K reputation by posting answers mostly to questions about formulating regular expressions in several different programming languages.","2015-12-22 10:03:00","2015-12-22 13:50:31","Stack Overflow"
"Revenge:","2015-12-14 13:59:13","2015-12-14 14:05:58","Stack Overflow"
"Same answer as accepted answer, but this one has useful comments. Maybe add that in your answer to make your answer distinctive from the accepted one? and help people like me along when we are forced to work with legacy stuff.","2015-12-16 12:15:27","","Stack Overflow"
"secret hat test...","2015-12-21 12:56:40","2015-12-21 16:58:43","Stack Overflow"
"Self-answered in the same minute as asked, very quick on the draw.","2015-12-16 21:14:23","2015-12-16 21:18:23","Stack Overflow"
"Smart, +1 for hat and and helping build up all your notifcations :P","2015-12-14 15:42:58","2015-12-14 16:08:34","Stack Overflow"
"So it sounds like knowing how to do it is probably okay, but actually doing it without permission is absolutely not okay!","2015-12-14 19:53:57","","Stack Overflow"
"So, is this a way to earn a hat? :) If it's not, I guess you'll get a ton of notifications for nothing, all thanks to a chat thread :D","2015-12-14 16:24:55","2015-12-14 16:46:36","Stack Overflow"
"Sorry but I need to check if I can get a hat from you. I will delete this comment later ;-)","2015-12-14 13:42:00","2015-12-14 13:44:53","Stack Overflow"
"Sorry Jon for this unrelated comment, just thinking of getting the hat, you know.... :)","2015-12-14 14:51:48","2015-12-14 16:08:13","Stack Overflow"
"Sorry Jon... :(","2015-12-16 00:16:50","2015-12-16 00:19:25","Stack Overflow"
"Sorry, but is this the Jon Ericson (a.k.a. Father Christmas) whom we're supposed to bug for a hat, in revenge for somebody else being bugged for the same purpose last year? Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all the rest!","2015-12-23 01:38:55","2015-12-23 01:39:04","Stack Overflow"
"Sorry. Just here for the hat.","2015-12-22 15:23:13","2015-12-22 16:09:15","Stack Overflow"
"Sure it does, wait & see :D (Thx Jon !)","2015-12-17 16:48:55","2015-12-17 17:41:01","Stack Overflow"
"Surprised to see no comment to this brilliant post :-)","2015-12-15 13:14:25","2015-12-15 14:44:50","Stack Overflow"
"Tee hee. I hope this isn't a troll!","2015-12-14 13:43:59","2015-12-14 15:59:51","Stack Overflow"
"test for the secret hat..","2015-12-15 15:37:44","2015-12-15 16:09:37","Stack Overflow"
"test hat, sorry !","2015-12-16 10:31:31","2015-12-16 10:31:50","Stack Overflow"
"test hat, sorry !","2015-12-16 10:33:02","2015-12-16 10:39:06","Stack Overflow"
"test to get the secret hat..","2015-12-15 15:30:53","2015-12-15 15:37:26","Stack Overflow"
"Thank you, Jon ))","2015-12-14 15:18:16","2015-12-14 16:08:17","Stack Overflow"
"thanks @Jon Ericson","2015-12-24 14:41:20","2015-12-24 17:43:34","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks @Jon For the Hat :)","2015-12-16 07:17:05","2015-12-16 07:19:20","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for all the alternatives!","2015-12-15 14:53:26","2015-12-15 16:09:51","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for that link. It's very detailed, and I'm going to learn a lot from reading through it.","2015-12-16 22:44:29","2015-12-16 22:49:20","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for the answer. :)","2015-12-28 08:03:32","2015-12-28 08:03:58","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for the boat!","2015-12-14 18:03:34","2015-12-14 18:07:24","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for the hat!","2015-12-15 01:52:15","2015-12-15 01:52:41","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for the hat.","2015-12-16 20:45:33","2015-12-16 20:45:53","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks for the IIF function.(+1)","2015-12-18 16:22:22","2015-12-18 16:29:41","Stack Overflow"
"thanks this really helped me","2015-12-16 04:23:57","2015-12-16 04:51:26","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks! That helped me.","2015-12-25 15:16:24","2015-12-25 15:23:16","Stack Overflow"
"Thanks, that solved also some other problems with `find` for me!","2015-12-16 13:22:45","2015-12-16 16:14:19","Stack Overflow"
"That helped me thanks!","2015-12-18 22:47:07","2015-12-18 22:54:44","Stack Overflow"
"That is the answer","2015-12-14 19:28:52","2015-12-14 19:30:38","Stack Overflow"
"The [bugs in ERR and RETURN traps are fixed now](","2015-12-21 17:09:34","","Stack Overflow"
"The language doesn't really determine anything. Facebook is (or was) a PHP application and [composer]( is a PHP program.","2015-12-24 09:25:47","","Stack Overflow"
"These hat seeking comments seem a bit harsh.","2015-12-16 13:18:01","2015-12-16 15:35:10","Stack Overflow"
"They say revenge is a dish best served cold...","2015-12-30 15:06:45","2015-12-30 15:09:54","Stack Overflow"
"This comment solely exists for WinterBash reasons. Sorry!","2015-12-14 13:46:18","2015-12-14 14:59:03","Stack Overflow"
"This fits better on [UnixSE](","2015-12-17 10:17:21","","Stack Overflow"
"This is [the sieve of Eratosthenes]( There are [faster algorithms](, but this is simple to implement and should be enough for dealing with relatively small numbers.","2015-12-14 14:08:22","","Stack Overflow"
"This is a nice answer, but I'm afraid I'm only here for the hat!","2015-12-16 11:10:53","2015-12-16 15:35:06","Stack Overflow"
"This is a test for a hat","2015-12-21 15:06:13","2015-12-21 16:58:23","Stack Overflow"
"This is a totally legit comment that doesn't contain the word for the thing you wear on your head.","2015-12-14 15:09:22","2015-12-14 15:11:13","Stack Overflow"
"this is a totally regular comment with no implications","2015-12-14 15:10:25","2015-12-14 15:11:14","Stack Overflow"
"This is good to know !","2015-12-15 10:45:58","","Stack Overflow"
"this is just hat spam, sorry.","2015-12-14 21:26:05","2015-12-14 21:26:23","Stack Overflow"
"This is the best answer I've seen in a long time.","2015-12-14 17:20:07","2015-12-14 17:31:01","Stack Overflow"
"This isn't what the question asks...","2015-12-14 23:26:58","","Stack Overflow"
"This seems to have been fixed, at least in my testing.","2015-12-21 19:17:14","","Stack Overflow"
"This will be my 20th hat ⛵","2016-01-02 12:19:42","2016-01-02 12:23:44","Stack Overflow"
"tks for the info! :)","2015-12-17 20:18:01","2015-12-17 20:20:42","Stack Overflow"
"Token comment spam here.","2015-12-14 16:13:22","2015-12-14 16:23:16","Stack Overflow"
"Totally Agree with Kruti","2015-12-15 12:42:43","2015-12-15 12:46:55","Stack Overflow"
"Trying to get the hat ;)","2015-12-19 19:04:04","2015-12-19 19:04:44","Stack Overflow"
"Trying to get the secret hat! Will del this comment in 5 min :)","2015-12-19 19:03:17","2015-12-19 19:08:07","Stack Overflow"
"Very good, thanks!","2015-12-18 09:52:32","","Stack Overflow"
"Was the default value for 0 being true or false pre-programmed in the languages? I don't understand why anyone would want it to be different between different languages.","2015-12-15 22:50:24","","Stack Overflow"
"Well, growing up in windows where *everything* has an extension I've seen quite a lot scripts on *ix omitting that `.sh`","2015-12-21 19:29:00","","Stack Overflow"
"What if the file is a shell script but lacks the `.sh` extension? Maybe something like `find /xyz | xargs file | grep shell`?","2015-12-14 17:52:12","","Stack Overflow"
"what language is that?","2015-12-21 20:51:58","2015-12-22 16:08:30","Stack Overflow"
"What, do you get a hat for commenting on this answer?","2015-12-14 13:59:40","2015-12-14 14:11:18","Stack Overflow"
"Where's my hat!?","2015-12-17 04:00:21","2015-12-17 04:02:58","Stack Overflow"
"Which version of egrep was it?","2015-12-20 13:41:38","","Stack Overflow"
"wondering if this would work for the `.hats` class as well","2015-12-14 15:17:54","2015-12-14 16:11:40","Stack Overflow"
"Woo hoo, Hairboat!","2015-12-17 17:40:43","2015-12-17 17:41:04","Stack Overflow"
"yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah","2015-12-14 14:11:15","2015-12-14 16:04:18","Stack Overflow"
"Yeah, me too...!","2015-12-14 15:00:52","2015-12-14 16:08:14","Stack Overflow"
"Yes! This works.","2015-12-23 03:31:40","2015-12-23 03:31:43","Stack Overflow"
"You had this coming Jon. Shouldn't have messed with Abby :D","2015-12-17 08:53:01","2015-12-17 18:56:23","Stack Overflow"
"You know why I'm doing this!","2015-12-14 13:05:29","2015-12-14 13:10:05","Stack Overflow"
"You say this is not an answer. Does it mean I won't get a hat?","2015-12-19 18:29:19","2015-12-19 18:29:35","Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson Sorry to do this, but Abby's revenge!","2015-12-21 07:06:27","2015-12-21 07:15:19","Super User"
"A hat! My kingdom for a hat! (sorry for noise, and I promise to delete this comment once winterbash 2015 is over)","2015-12-21 17:15:01","2015-12-21 17:26:41","Super User"
"Did you find any alternative solution?","2015-12-17 12:56:11","2015-12-17 13:03:52","Super User"
"Here is a comment....","2015-12-15 20:49:20","2015-12-15 20:49:42","Super User"
"Simple internet connection sharing?","2015-12-14 14:10:50","2015-12-14 16:04:26","Super User"
"Remember to set an `alias` with your desired options, so you don't have to type them out every single time.","2015-12-15 01:48:27","","Server Fault"
"⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩⛵🎩","2015-12-23 18:29:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"""hat"" - to balance this ^^","2015-12-22 00:12:10","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"""secret"" ""boat"" ""revenge"" ""Abby""","2015-12-22 00:01:18","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@AustinHenley: Unfortunately, there's [no way to earn the hat on Academia](","2015-12-28 17:03:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@AwesomePoodles Wouldn't the Hot Network Questions sidebar do the trick?","2015-12-14 18:43:14","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@bleh: Yes you can. It might be difficult depending on how poorly you start, but it should be possible to recover. (A [question ban]( would make it infinately harder, however.)","2015-12-22 18:46:16","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@CalebKleveter: The invites for Documentation have been trickling out for weeks. We have tons of volunteers who are still waiting. Just hang tight: we'll get everyone in eventually. The feature will be in beta for another couple of months at least.","2015-12-30 19:18:03","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Drew For some reason the StackOverflow team doesn't want *any* deleted posts to be viewable by anyone until they have reached that threshold. I don't know the reason; personally I disagree and think users should *always* be able to see their own deleted posts regardless of reputation.","2015-12-23 19:20:15","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Father [;)](","2015-12-22 18:43:41","2015-12-28 16:17:01","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Father: +1 for ""Don't hide just one comment"".  Was this implemented?  I believe I still see ""Show 1 more comment"" links, which don't save much space.  (2) I'm concerned about what happens to low-visibility questions.  If a question gets only five views in ten days, it seems unfair to penalize all the comments for not getting a lot of votes.","2015-12-22 12:10:54","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas - ""we also don't award hats for getting downvotes."" I would have thought the correct response would have been: ""We can neither confirm nor deny that any Secret Hat may be obtained from getting downvotes."" After all, they are supposed to be *secret*! Maybe such a specific one - with a ""[Wooden Spoon]("" motif - will be a candidate for the next WB?","2015-12-27 19:45:23","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas *suddenly has incentive to visit on weekends*","2015-12-22 15:08:33","2015-12-22 16:12:53","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas am I doing it right?","2015-12-22 15:24:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Did you change your name to stop getting spammed?","2015-12-21 23:28:41","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Gimme my boat! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)","2015-12-23 09:02:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas hat plz <3","2015-12-22 20:01:40","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Hmm, good point.","2015-12-24 20:24:10","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas I seem to recall that they were all guessed but that those guesses were confirmed after the end. I might be misremembering. If some aren't guessed and y'all decide not to reveal them at all then that's fine; in that case y'all certainly wouldn't reveal them on the Winterbash page itself, so the OP will just have to wait longer. :-) And yes, Pops did a nice job with these!","2015-12-25 15:52:34","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas I want my christmas presents! I want more of them! :P","2015-12-21 22:54:27","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas I'm also interested in how you would check comments when you're a sleep, because most likely the comment rate will be too high for you to keep up with when doing it al by hand. Also if you would be automatically deleting comments, there is the potential danger of deleting good comments?","2015-12-23 09:37:01","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas I'm not sure I understand all these hat related memes.","2015-12-24 20:20:51","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas It's nice to see you with your own hat. You got it!","2015-12-22 15:14:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Nice idea!! Changing the name in the hopes of avoiding meaningless spam messages in the inbox","2015-12-22 06:55:01","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas plus one for the father of christmas :)","2015-12-28 05:36:00","2015-12-28 21:31:50","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Right, I was referring to ""searching"" for your deleted posts when I said ""see their own deleted posts"", sorry. You can always see your own *if you know the URL*.","2015-12-23 19:33:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas The revenge of the hair boat will be upon thee!","2015-12-22 14:55:19","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas The same reason it's beneficial to have my other dropdowns there.","2015-12-24 20:17:47","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas There are equations for this? While it is a good plan, this is hilarious!","2015-12-23 05:56:58","2015-12-28 21:32:13","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas What if we ping you during the night when you're asleep? Or do you have a script set up to delete the comments automatically? Or are you just planning to not sleep for a few weeks?","2015-12-22 20:38:42","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Why don't I have the hat on Academia.SE yet?? :(","2015-12-25 17:50:52","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas, I signed up for the documentation beta through the blog post, but I never got an e-mail. Thats weird, I can't find the blog post.","2015-12-30 19:12:34","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas, they cannot comply with the principles of Safe Harbor - the principle of Safe Harbor is that PII of their european members is protected in exactly the same way in the US as it is in the European Union. You cannot unilaterally declare that you are acting in accordance with other nations laws if the respective nations declare that you aren't. This lackadaisical attitude regarding EU laws causes quite a bit of trouble (legal, plus some corporate clients refuse to buy US products) so of course I'm curious why my favorite site simply ignores the issue.","2015-12-29 20:50:22","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas: Hello! :)","2015-12-21 18:44:56","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Gabe What goes around comes around...","2015-12-14 16:42:55","2015-12-14 16:48:28","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@HeatherBrown Raspberry Pi was a public beta, not private, so it would have gotten hats regardless.","2015-12-16 19:45:04","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Jon if m not is true, that i will get secret hat after commenting under your post? sorry if my comment disturb you..","2015-12-21 14:06:02","2015-12-21 16:59:00","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson : Great explanation :)","2015-12-17 08:10:25","2015-12-17 20:18:35","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson - I'm guilty of just wanting to gain the hat :-P","2015-12-17 15:23:37","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson - just want to express my sincere condolences for your inbox overflown for hat reasons and wish you a nice day","2015-12-16 22:12:44","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson - Perhaps if I post this comment, and then delete it before it actually pings you, I will get a hat and you will not get annoyed :P","2015-12-17 01:04:23","2015-12-17 01:04:31","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson - revenge is a dish best served?","2015-12-14 16:51:18","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Revenge is a dish.","2015-12-17 08:33:48","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson - So I tried to delete one of these before it could ping you to save the trouble, but it didn't work :( Sorry! Happy Holidays :D","2015-12-17 19:38:55","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson *gimme hat pweaze* erm, I mean.. I wish to express my sincere sympathies for you and your inbox. I understand what a difficult and stressful time it must be for it, and I hope for a speedy recovery","2015-12-16 23:02:48","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson +1 give me a hat...","2015-12-20 12:05:33","2015-12-20 22:06:52","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Abby's revenge!","2015-12-20 12:00:00","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Break the cycle? Where's the fun in that?","2015-12-16 20:38:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Chat messages can be starred but there is no use of it, it should be there in profile or have some relation with user reputation.","2015-12-17 04:34:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Come to think, that could be a legit answer.","2015-12-16 15:14:18","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson commenting not for gaining a hat","2015-12-21 15:58:05","2015-12-21 15:59:26","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Could you post on Travel SE. I want the had :)","2015-12-14 20:09:47","2015-12-14 20:12:43","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Cycle of revenge? More like [cycle of TVTropes links]( Seriously, post a warning next time ;P","2015-12-16 02:18:46","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Dear Jon, you said `Of note, Stack Exchange OpenID removal is rarely an urgent issue from our perspective` - so if user don't use it's account for 3 year (for example), you'll not delete their account? Maybe better to automate deletion? Sorry fo off-top","2015-12-18 15:20:18","2015-12-18 15:53:46","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Do you want to post on Travel SE? :) I need the hat there :)","2015-12-14 20:14:35","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson does it count if we post here?zlol","2015-12-18 03:09:55","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson excellent knowledge about badges.","2015-12-21 10:53:19","2015-12-21 16:53:58","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson free hat? yay!","2015-12-21 16:35:16","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Funny that meta.SE is not meta enough to excluded from this evil scheme.","2015-12-19 01:07:46","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson gonna need a bigger boat","2015-12-21 15:26:33","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson great idea.","2015-12-18 08:09:26","2015-12-28 17:05:08","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Great!","2015-12-23 05:05:15","2015-12-23 05:05:47","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson hats are fun! Too bad for you!","2015-12-17 14:24:47","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson here goes nothing :)","2015-12-17 07:52:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Hi Jon. I like hats :D","2015-12-19 00:50:08","2015-12-19 00:50:48","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Hi! I guess this will get me the hat","2015-12-20 19:46:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Hi. This is probably flooding your inbox.","2015-12-19 17:23:39","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Hopefully this isn't the straw notification that breaks your iPhone camel's back...","2015-12-15 22:08:29","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson :)","2015-12-14 20:23:20","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson I am sorry for you as well :-)","2015-12-17 08:58:26","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson I don't think it is a good idea to display recent messages that a user posted. People (like me) tend to post some rather funny/interesting things at one time or another, and it could look rather odd out of context on someone's user page.","2015-12-14 14:42:20","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson I feel bad about posting meaningless comments :( Wishing you a New Year filled with happiness and good fortune.","2015-12-18 04:21:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson i feel sorry for all this","2015-12-15 18:07:18","2015-12-15 18:10:24","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson I really think the boat would fit my profile picture. Ok, I desperately need the boat. Sorry.","2015-12-17 03:25:17","2015-12-17 03:31:09","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson I was wondering who the inbox-flood would be for this year. Did you know about it or did Abby just slip it in?","2015-12-14 17:52:55","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson I, for one, am *a little* sorry. But not lots of sorry.","2015-12-14 18:59:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson It's quite generous of you guys to be giving these ""Hairboat"" hats away for free. [There's so much arbitrage potential here.](","2015-12-17 04:42:05","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Just think, you have a whole year to plan your re-revenge! Although it's possible things may start to get out of hand :)","2015-12-20 22:37:07","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson May be awarding the secret hat on spamming your account.","2015-12-15 04:50:31","2015-12-15 05:44:46","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson May I get a hat!!!","2015-12-17 20:54:43","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson may I have a hat too?","2015-12-21 16:00:59","2015-12-21 16:05:11","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson me, too.","2015-12-18 08:56:59","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson more boats?","2015-12-18 09:31:30","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Next year, you guys can target Mysticial, since he [would love to increase his notification count](","2015-12-15 03:27:08","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Revenge!!! (Hehe)","2015-12-17 02:57:30","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson see this If you can answer","2015-12-17 06:29:28","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson so do I get a hat too?","2015-12-16 01:36:36","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson so sorry, the hat made me do it.","2015-12-16 20:40:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson So this reply will get me a free boat hat?","2015-12-18 23:35:56","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Sorry for being cruel. !! ;)","2015-12-18 10:00:35","2015-12-22 17:03:03","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Sorry to disturb you ! :D","2015-12-18 08:48:15","2015-12-18 08:48:42","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson sounds about right. I still think this is worth looking at a bit more as part of [the current conversation]( about the chat system.","2015-12-14 16:27:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson stackexchange makes me evil. I like it.","2015-12-17 08:06:49","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Testing to see if this gives a hat . . .","2015-12-14 15:17:04","2015-12-14 16:11:34","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson That was just cruel.","2015-12-14 22:02:56","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson That's human nature. Rather than encouraging and discouraging the bad, however, it's generally more efficient to just encourage the good.","2015-12-17 23:15:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson This is now status-completed, because you implemented deleted:1 user:me","2015-12-17 20:54:19","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson This seams like a great place to drop an off topic comment. :)","2015-12-14 22:34:25","2015-12-14 22:51:42","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Trivial hat comment","2015-12-15 23:46:54","2015-12-15 23:47:18","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson well... I just hat to","2015-12-16 00:33:34","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson What is a HairBoat anyway?","2015-12-18 01:10:09","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson WHO TIPPED YOU OFF? /prepares box of spiders for shipment","2015-12-14 18:19:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson Why would make a comment on this answer? Do you _want_ to get spammed with notifications?","2015-12-18 12:21:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson With the hairboats revenge hat, this post has taken on a new meaning (:P)","2015-12-15 17:38:40","2015-12-15 17:41:03","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson would be worthwhile to also add a feature (privilege) for reviewers to vote to/remove altogether trivial comments, can't tell you how many times I wish I could do that","2015-12-14 19:28:40","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson You are really Awesome.","2015-12-21 10:53:03","2015-12-21 16:54:00","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson You doomed yourself! Now feel the flood of notifications for 21 days and 21 nights","2015-12-14 14:17:12","2015-12-14 15:58:47","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson, Abby Hairboat asked me to send her regards.","2015-12-14 20:18:59","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson, down to 91% battery before 8AM? You might want to just turn the app off for the day. :-)","2015-12-14 19:06:07","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson, everything has already been said. So, just give me a hat.","2015-12-17 02:36:44","2015-12-17 02:42:20","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson, is such person for hat selected every year?","2015-12-18 18:39:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: Ehm, hat please.","2015-12-21 11:55:01","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: I just came to say hello 0/","2015-12-21 15:53:04","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: I want this hat here, too.","2015-12-21 13:34:27","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: interestingly enough, this answer was my very last post - I didn't post any new answers/questions since then. Now, my reputation is 27.4k!","2015-12-18 22:59:04","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: No, don't, no, no, aaargghh... */hits enter*.. sorry, just couldn't resist the temptation! ;)","2015-12-21 09:41:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: Oh, that's fine. Didn't know that :P","2015-12-16 00:13:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: SORRY NOT SORRY!","2015-12-14 17:30:36","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: The question I have is, which one of the programmers wanted to make your life miserable for a month?","2015-12-14 19:54:46","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson: Yes, but sometimes you don't have a choice of the face. On or on the ""Your Hats"" dialog from my user page, hats shows up on a white background, not on a face. Further, hats can extend outside the avatar, and Most SE sites have a white background. This bothered me in the Secret Hats thread where most people put screenshots of hats with such confusing backgrounds, which is why I made the edit where I rendered the hat on a blue background. (The larger resolution is just a bonus.)","2015-12-18 10:27:47","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Konamiman Looking at his badge count also makes me curious about whether or not there would be special privileges for badges...","2015-12-14 16:59:37","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Laura that is true but on any post I can decide to edit and/or improve over time. I don't have that control over chat messages. So if you let me edit my chat messages I'm happy to have those out-of-context be presented on my profile. Until that day I rather keep that separated as I don't consider it to be an integral part of my Q/A attributions which I'm proud off.","2015-12-14 14:07:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Leothelion let's put it to a test! :P","2015-12-21 14:27:07","2015-12-21 16:58:56","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@MikeAtNobel: If a user gets the hat, and FatherChristmas deletes their hat earning comment, does the user still keep the hat? If so, the user isn't very likely to repost their comment.","2015-12-23 00:39:16","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@MikeAtNobeli: Perhaps. But that's a risk I'm willing to take.","2015-12-22 19:27:55","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Mureinik, not reliably, no.","2015-12-14 19:03:49","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@nicael: Ugh. That was an accident.","2015-12-22 00:03:53","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@nneonneo That's peculiar, I got my invite via e-mail. Although it seems that the site was already a week old when I got it.Still, if you replied to the form you should have received an invitation... spam filtered, perhaps?","2015-12-19 14:03:53","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@nneonneo, same here. No swag. It's like it disappeared into thin air.","2015-12-30 19:30:05","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@SagarNaliyapara me 2","2015-12-20 22:06:17","2015-12-20 22:06:49","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@ShadowWizard he obviously do, also, through I sometimes say some insightful stuff on chat that rarely (never?) get stared, just funny stuff.","2015-12-14 14:41:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@ShadowWizard Seems quite appropriate actually. Ever seen Santa's belly? :)","2015-12-22 19:55:28","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@ShadowWizard: I too am wondering this.","2015-12-14 14:14:53","2015-12-14 14:22:24","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@TylerH: It's actually possible to view your own older posts _if_ you remember (or can discover) the URL/PostId. We've been slowly opening up the gates (for instance, putting [metadata of deleted posts on SEDE]( and watching for problems.","2015-12-23 19:24:28","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"@Virginia: Yes I am. But are you?","2015-12-23 17:05:08","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"+1 ............","2015-12-22 16:36:48","2015-12-22 16:36:59","Meta Stack Exchange"
"+1 insightful data","2015-12-21 18:24:50","2015-12-21 18:35:54","Meta Stack Exchange"
"+1, as this gives me a hat.","2015-12-21 15:35:41","2015-12-21 15:36:02","Meta Stack Exchange"
"A better way to ""bring a chat a little closer"" would be to provide a link to a user's chat profile in their profile. Because right now that's mod-only, but I'd *really* like to have it everywhere (and apparently the `` method no longer works).","2015-12-14 13:29:26","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"A free T-shirt has 30K StackOverFlow on it!","2015-12-17 20:51:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"a test message!","2015-12-14 15:14:08","2015-12-14 15:14:34","Meta Stack Exchange"
"able to reproduce this still? :)","2015-12-14 22:53:35","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Ah, ok, so, because of this I have to write another nonsense comment...","2015-12-22 12:19:34","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"An accident? What a convenient excuse! But hey, whatever floats your (⌐■_■) boat.","2015-12-22 00:07:14","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"And you also have a message in your room on meta ^_^","2015-12-14 13:29:46","2015-12-14 15:58:43","Meta Stack Exchange"
"And.... enjoy your new secret hat Jon!","2015-12-22 16:08:13","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Another idea to make it more prominent might be to include the small ""n people chatting"" on all pages instead of just the home page.","2015-12-14 13:49:24","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Any chance of a ""winter holiday of your choice"" gift of a ""status-planned"" on the [top-voted not-yet-completed proposal]( (Will Jon even see this comment, given that hat? :-) )","2015-12-15 20:24:50","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Any updates till now?","2015-12-15 10:18:55","2015-12-15 16:10:24","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Are you guys still looking at ways to clean up/hide trivial comments? Or perhaps ways to more easily clean out obsolete comments (mods don't like to touch them if they are over a specific length, even if the post has already been updated in response). Haven't seen any more posts in a while.","2015-12-16 23:39:02","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Are you making a distinction between a regular question and a question on Hotr Network Questions list? The latter seems to significatly amplify TFGITW.","2015-12-14 17:38:48","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Are you putting these comments on top of a tree?","2015-12-14 15:19:06","2015-12-14 15:29:05","Meta Stack Exchange"
"As a mod I'd really like to get help with comment moderation and when it only cuts out the chatty and obsolete ones, that would be fine. I like the idea of a review queue about that. I also think it should be capped how many of those reviews can be done. Editing comments is not a good idea - sometimes I think we mods should not be able to do that, especially when we don't see who edited what and when.","2015-12-15 04:54:33","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Beware the `fork()` bomb!","2015-12-21 19:44:59","2015-12-21 19:45:53","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Boat, boat, boat...","2015-12-21 16:15:43","2015-12-21 16:53:38","Meta Stack Exchange"
"But I agree with not *easily* being able to see them in retrospect for under 10k. One of the privileges of 10K is seeing deleted posts and the trust that you will not stir up stink seen in them","2015-12-23 19:33:31","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"But then everybody will know that I put my most recent hat on my butt, and that happy hours are followed by sad seconds, and that NSFW emoticons are not valid wifi SSIDs, and that I think spiders should have a little tiny newspaper called the Bug Report.","2015-12-14 15:15:51","2015-12-14 16:01:13","Meta Stack Exchange"
"But what about comments that include ""ybbA"" ro ,""egnever"" ,""taob"" ,""tah"" ,""terces""? Will you count those, too?","2015-12-22 03:30:17","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"can i haz hat plz?","2015-12-16 00:11:13","2015-12-16 00:11:48","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Can this formula be tweaked on a community by community basis? For exam math.SE comments do not need to be as long as other sites to be as benefical.","2015-12-16 06:41:13","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Can you get a positive record back if you get a negative?","2015-12-21 20:09:48","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Chat messages can be starred completely out of context. Displaying such messages on a profile will not be helpful in the least.","2015-12-14 14:46:25","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"C'mon @FatherChristmas now you're just asking for it.","2015-12-24 06:03:56","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Cmt for chk is that true","2015-12-19 09:38:06","2015-12-19 18:20:53","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Considering the nonsense that habitually gets starred in e.g. [the Mathematics chat room](, I have to agree that this is not a particularly good idea.","2015-12-14 15:03:21","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Considering your motivation, this would just encourage people to star crap which highlights it. Isn't it better to delete the crap instead of highlighting it?","2015-12-21 20:54:23","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Dear @FatherChristmas -- are you real? - signed, Virginia","2015-12-23 17:04:23","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Deleted posts of others, sure, but still why not your own (assuming it wasn't deleted as spam, etc)","2015-12-23 19:18:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"deleting comments","2015-12-22 04:38:36","2015-12-23 15:52:00","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Destroying your inbox to get a hat.","2015-12-21 16:08:14","2015-12-21 16:53:40","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Did it for the hat.","2015-12-21 10:51:58","2015-12-21 16:54:03","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Displaying chat lines out of context strikes me as a horrible idea.","2015-12-14 22:16:31","2015-12-15 16:09:00","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Do trivial comments about hats count?","2015-12-14 17:20:54","2015-12-14 17:29:09","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Does this give me a hat? :)","2015-12-15 00:15:31","2015-12-15 00:15:49","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Does wanting the hat make me a hat-hoarder? This Winter Bash event is the highlight of my year. Color me pathetic (but hopefully with a rakishly affixed chapeau!) :-) Happy New Year @FatherChristmas !","2015-12-31 18:05:58","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Doesn't deleting the comments with the sole intention of getting a hat just cause the user to comment again, thereby adding more comments to your inbox? (P.S. can i haz hat?)","2015-12-22 19:26:58","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Doesn't seem like I received anything at all. (Come to think of it, I never got my swag either - wonder if the SO guys are just not getting anything to my address...)","2015-12-19 16:35:44","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Done for the hat and to aid in the destruction of inboxes","2015-12-21 16:00:40","2015-12-21 16:53:41","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Downvoters will be on Father Christmas' naughty list! No boats for you too!","2015-12-21 19:51:39","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"erm.... mentor awarding points to a new user, well I suggested awarding three upvotes, 15-50, to ""good"" questions or answers [here]( Didn't see many upvotes on that suggestion. I believe your proposal *will* be abused by users who set up multiple accounts, i.e. sock puppets. After my experience with a user and his six (or more?) accounts and his cheating, which went unnoticed for many months, perhaps almost a year, I'm inclined to believe this proposal is the equivalent of the Pandora's box.","2015-12-22 17:27:40","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"For many 2nd Monitor regulars, that *recent chat messages* section would say ""lol ⭐ 5"" and ""gosh I'm out of stars again ⭐8""","2015-12-14 14:42:54","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"for the !badge!","2015-12-14 15:00:38","2015-12-14 16:07:59","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Gimme gimme gimme!!","2015-12-14 23:36:50","2015-12-14 23:39:31","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Give me a boat. A hair boat. Now.","2015-12-14 16:28:32","2015-12-14 16:48:53","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Good answer!!!!","2015-12-24 05:34:26","2015-12-24 17:24:49","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Great idea. But the answer below has a point...","2015-12-17 23:03:04","2015-12-28 17:05:10","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Great idea. Hmm. Ideally, maybe there would be a way to have hidden comment digression threads saved but hidden (unless opened) like this too.","2015-12-16 22:17:23","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hairboat's inbox shall be avenged! :)","2015-12-16 16:05:18","2015-12-16 16:14:49","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hat! hat! hat! Happy winter!","2015-12-16 14:52:31","2015-12-16 16:14:53","Meta Stack Exchange"
"hathathat... i mean, hathathathat.","2015-12-20 13:18:20","2015-12-20 22:09:10","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hats in exchange for trivial comments? Now that would be interesting… ;)","2015-12-14 16:19:11","2015-12-14 16:45:15","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hats. (I'm sorry)","2015-12-14 14:49:47","2015-12-14 15:59:29","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hats. Hats never change.","2015-12-23 08:31:28","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hats. I'm sorry, too. :)","2015-12-14 14:52:24","2015-12-14 15:59:30","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hats. lets make it 3","2015-12-14 14:56:24","2015-12-14 15:59:32","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Heard Father Christmas is giving away !!hats. Merry Christmas and thank you for the hat :)","2015-12-23 12:21:09","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hi, Jon! I've behaved well this year. May I have a hat? =)","2015-12-21 09:18:50","2015-12-21 09:19:25","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Honestly, I am commenting only to get the hat but isn't there a typo here somewhere - *who as changed his display name*?","2015-12-22 12:20:06","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hopefully this gets implemented in some form in the future.","2015-12-14 21:36:11","2015-12-15 16:10:23","Meta Stack Exchange"
"How about 30K users, on any site, can opt-in for alerts when questions like this are posed on MSE? This Q is 8 months old and I'm just now seeing it. :(","2015-12-14 17:29:23","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"How about a game-like approach with a prestige function: Their score resets, but all their votes are from then on worth 1 more. :P","2015-12-24 18:24:13","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"how ho get 30k in one minute?","2015-12-23 13:53:47","2015-12-23 15:51:57","Meta Stack Exchange"
"How many of these comments are just an excuse to get ""hairboat""?","2015-12-14 19:16:49","2015-12-14 19:29:00","Meta Stack Exchange"
"How would constantly scraping those sites help find new hats? You still wouldn't know how they were collected for secret hats, wouldn't you?","2015-12-21 21:43:44","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Huh, TIL that there's even a docs beta - wish that the signup link had been sent to the people that sent in the Warlords of Documentation form...","2015-12-18 21:54:26","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I agree with alternative 2.","2015-12-19 17:26:48","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I agree with your assessment while simultaneously providing supporting evidence for it -- commenting for an extrinsic hat.","2015-12-14 18:03:03","2015-12-14 18:07:58","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I agree... I think","2015-12-14 16:17:35","2015-12-14 16:39:42","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I also just want the hat.","2015-12-22 17:15:22","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I am also doing this for hat :p","2015-12-16 13:33:43","2015-12-16 16:14:57","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I am doing for hat :)","2015-12-16 13:45:33","2015-12-16 16:14:56","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I am here for the Revenge","2015-12-14 14:07:32","2015-12-14 15:58:45","Meta Stack Exchange"
"i am here to read!","2015-12-14 14:48:54","2015-12-14 15:58:49","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I am sorry for this comment.","2015-12-14 13:46:34","2015-12-14 13:46:59","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I am verifying","2015-12-21 12:31:15","2015-12-21 16:53:52","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I am, unashamedly, trying to get another secret hat, but not the Hairboat one. I shall wait and see if my fiendish plan works....","2015-12-26 14:37:56","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I can't believe people will be commenting on your posts just to get a hat! *Shaaaaaaame on everyone*","2015-12-14 16:34:22","2015-12-14 16:48:39","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I concur.......","2015-12-18 18:25:27","2015-12-28 17:05:05","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I could see possibly showing where you are most active and highlighting the number of stars received in different chats, but showing messages out of context sounds a bit iffy to me.","2015-12-16 14:31:49","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I didn't know about that trigger list before, now I can find out why I got my blue hat :-)","2015-12-23 20:59:44","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I didn't know this feature existed. Always good to learn new things. Thanks!","2015-12-17 12:10:19","2015-12-17 17:42:29","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I disagree; showing starred out-of-context messages in the profile is not much different than going into the room and seeing the starred out-of-context messages on the starboard. Also, I want a hat.","2015-12-14 15:03:53","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I don't like the idea of my useless starred messages to display on my profile :p","2015-12-15 09:43:58","2015-12-15 16:09:04","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I got nothing... 1 nautical noggin adornment please. ⛵","2015-12-23 18:27:09","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I have to say, I was much more into this proposal when it was about showcasing a bit of content I had produced, that was selected by others as having some sort of merit (starred). That's what my profile does now, it would just be extended to chat. I'm much less excited about some sort of activity tracker, which feels reminiscent of gaming ""Achievements"" and seems more to showcase how much time I waste (to the casual observer) than anything particularly noteworthy or interesting.","2015-12-29 01:19:33","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I heard there are free hats over here!","2015-12-14 19:21:24","2015-12-14 19:27:36","Meta Stack Exchange"
"i just want the dahm hat","2015-12-22 10:51:24","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I just wanted to get my hat :)","2015-12-21 17:34:37","2015-12-21 18:12:59","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I like 3 though, and I think the only thing that'd make this proposal close to meaningful is 3.","2015-12-14 14:32:01","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I like boats and I like hats.","2015-12-29 00:40:04","2015-12-29 00:40:18","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I like the idea of showing which chat rooms you frequent. Maybe it could also, alongside of having a limit, display how many messages you've posted in each room. That way people can look at it and go ""Man, that guy has a lot of free time at work!"" Also, hat, want, etc.","2015-12-14 21:50:40","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I like the idea, but the user should be able to unlist any such messages. It's too prone to abuse, for example by taking things out of context, without that.","2015-12-21 23:00:40","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I posted a comment on a post of yours, days ago on EL&U, I just went back to check and the comment was deleted, but I didn't get a second Hairboat hat as I expected. I've just posted two comments on EL&U and I was immediately awarded the hat. I've deleted both comments, and the hat is still safe in my warm hands, so to speak, but what happened with the first comment on EL&U. Was it too serious?","2015-12-26 14:36:43","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I think it would be strange for content that I cannot really control be shown on my own profile.","2015-12-21 17:46:01","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I think it's a good idea :D","2015-12-18 09:32:03","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I think the second option is more workable, I don't mind people seeing where I choose to hang out on the network. But because I can't control stars and context, I really don't see a good reason for me to have starred stuff I have said there because I can't control what gets selected (and then we are back to revenge starring considerations and all that fun stuff.)","2015-12-14 16:14:32","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"i think there are probably better ways of highlighting chats by linking them to questions rather than users - I thought that was the original point anyway.","2015-12-15 22:45:46","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I think this classifies as a trivial comment.","2015-12-16 14:33:12","2015-12-16 16:16:33","Meta Stack Exchange"
"i too see multiple socratic","2015-12-15 11:53:13","2015-12-15 16:12:07","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I was wondering what is the point of this hat (besides the revenge). Thought it gotta have one. Perhaps it is as metric for how many users really like winterbash. I'd like to earn one in GIS SE, can you post a comment there?.","2015-12-26 15:10:16","2015-12-26 22:07:07","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I would not want any of my starred messages in the Bridge to be on display anywhere else.","2015-12-14 13:53:53","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm a bot, needing a boat.","2015-12-14 17:08:54","2015-12-14 17:12:23","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm all for it :)","2015-12-15 07:21:57","2015-12-15 16:09:02","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm confused, how do I earn this hat? You'll have to add some more clarification..","2015-12-22 20:57:29","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm glad, then, that Raspberry Pi recently got out of Beta :D. Will this change in later years if more betas **are** open at the time?","2015-12-16 19:40:46","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm in favor of the second option (the idea of including general chat information)","2015-12-14 14:42:20","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm just doing this for the hat.","2015-12-16 13:10:56","2015-12-16 16:14:59","Meta Stack Exchange"
"I'm voting for alternative 2 ;)","2015-12-18 12:05:18","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Indeed, trivial comments are a menace to this site! ;-)","2015-12-14 14:53:10","2015-12-14 16:07:51","Meta Stack Exchange"
"information is valid on this day?","2015-12-22 07:19:17","2015-12-22 07:19:35","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Is Father Christmas giving out hats?","2015-12-21 23:27:16","2015-12-21 23:27:46","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Is this generating a hat for me?","2015-12-21 11:33:25","2015-12-21 16:53:54","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Isn't 10k a little too restrictive? On most sites 5k rep signifies a sufficiently high level of contribution that one should be allowed this privilege.","2015-12-19 16:13:40","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"It is strangely easier to comment when you have more reputation because you can afford to be a little controversial.","2015-12-28 20:10:06","2015-12-28 21:31:48","Meta Stack Exchange"
"It looks like the large late answer queues are all fixed now!","2015-12-16 13:15:19","2015-12-22 02:59:28","Meta Stack Exchange"
"It looks like the large late answer queues are all fixed now!","2015-12-22 02:58:24","2015-12-22 02:58:46","Meta Stack Exchange"
"It was me, I'm sorry. Apparently I've chosen not the best way to collect hats stats. (not sure if anybody else also did this, it's actually pretty stupid)","2015-12-20 09:28:45","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Its for the boat","2015-12-18 06:08:46","2015-12-18 06:09:04","Meta Stack Exchange"
"It's fun looking for secret hats!","2015-12-21 14:51:28","2015-12-21 16:58:54","Meta Stack Exchange"
"It's probably not a bad idea to have the room parent site icon displayed somewhere. I don't know whether all site rooms have obvious titles.","2015-12-15 03:11:45","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Joke's on me... now *I'm* getting a flood of notifications from this post. @JonEricson must have it a hundred times worse. I feel your pain...","2015-12-16 01:37:53","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Just commented for getting the winter-bash cap, sorry Jon for flooding your inbox :)","2015-12-14 17:46:43","2015-12-14 17:52:52","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Just testing. Can I haz hat?","2015-12-14 22:06:43","2015-12-14 22:06:57","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Lies. You do have a hat, it's just caching!","2015-12-22 00:02:23","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Long posts, however well written, get skimmed over by readers who then don't vote. It is an attention span problem more than anything intrinsic to the system.","2015-12-14 14:15:49","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Looking for free boat here.","2015-12-24 00:35:00","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"maybe positive.","2015-12-21 20:54:46","2015-12-21 23:27:55","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Merry Christmas, Father Chirstmas!","2015-12-22 02:12:43","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Moreover, it might be abused by the ""mentees"" themselves who might inundate the ""mentor's"" inbox with daily messages that could be genuine requests of advice, or grievances. If the proposal ever does become implemented, the mentor should be anonymous. That way no one risks being offended, if I were to help a newcomer, I want to be able to not only upvote their contributions but also downvote them, w/o one day hearing them accuse me of stabbing them in the back.","2015-12-22 17:31:15","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Most likely because 10k is the threshold for seeing deleted posts on full sites in the first place.","2015-12-23 19:17:58","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Most of the stuff starred in chat is completely useless even with some sort of context, moving it into your profile will just make messages make even less sense, even if you did have a good algorithm; nothing is useful out of context.","2015-12-14 19:58:38","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Nearly a year after, any updates on this? /cc @Father.","2015-12-24 14:33:25","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"need the hat yes","2015-12-28 05:02:42","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Nice hat you have, Jon! :)","2015-12-14 21:13:34","2015-12-14 21:14:51","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Not so secret anymore...","2015-12-16 05:24:04","2015-12-16 05:47:28","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Not sure it's really needed. I've also seen people star strange things that shouldn't be considered relevant to anything (I remember that happened a lot last year during the winter bash)","2015-12-14 14:30:48","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Not the best move imho","2015-12-16 12:25:31","2015-12-16 16:11:12","Meta Stack Exchange"
"obvious I'm-just-trying-to-get-a-hat comment.","2015-12-23 10:13:51","2015-12-23 10:23:38","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Okay now i see some logic in it.","2015-12-22 18:41:00","2015-12-28 21:32:11","Meta Stack Exchange"
"On the subject of things stopping being fun, how's that hairboat going? :-)","2015-12-24 12:16:25","2015-12-29 19:36:21","Meta Stack Exchange"
"One thing I'd like high-rep users to be able to do, is to automatically move comments to the question. Often low-rep users don't know they can edit their question (due to their low rep they need someone else to approve the edit) and they clarify their question by posting a comment (sometimes they even paste source code in the comment, which then becomes illegible). I often copy/paste such comments to the question, but it would be great if I could just click on the comment to extend the question. As a result, the question would improve for those people who overlook the comments.","2015-12-20 11:22:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Only for the hat","2015-12-16 13:35:00","2015-12-16 16:16:35","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Ooh, a sailboat!","2015-12-21 13:46:53","2015-12-21 16:53:43","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Personally, I find that I'm afraid to ask questions on SO because people are so quick to downvote and mark as duplicate, so I avoid it at all costs! My precious reputation can't take the hit!","2015-12-23 16:02:22","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Reasonable at 10k. Appreciate it!","2015-12-16 08:07:25","2015-12-17 17:42:31","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Reeeeeveeeeeengeeeeeeee!!!!! Hairboat legacy will live! :P","2015-12-14 13:28:49","2015-12-14 15:58:41","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Revenge hat as well... Sorry Jon!","2015-12-17 18:20:47","2015-12-17 18:54:34","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Revenge hat... Sorry Jon!","2015-12-14 16:48:16","2015-12-17 18:54:27","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Same here, option 2 would be a nice improvement.","2015-12-21 08:45:34","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"secret hat.....","2015-12-21 12:53:47","2015-12-21 16:53:45","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Seems like a good idea","2015-12-15 14:30:39","2015-12-15 16:10:25","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Seems like it's working pretty good, atleast in the CrossValidated community!","2015-12-15 06:45:37","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"So [tag:status-pending-users-decision]? :)","2015-12-15 05:30:17","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Sorry but this is for Hairbot's Revenge :) Great post by the way :)","2015-12-16 15:14:53","2015-12-16 16:14:51","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Sorry, Jon, but I think Ashley has a point. Starring is something an user has no control over, so it is even to easy for others to force incomplete, out off context messages to the profile. (Ps: also.. I got this package for Hairboat, but I was told that this year you are the one that will do the delivery...)","2015-12-14 21:10:19","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Sorry, trying to get a secret hat...","2015-12-14 14:17:11","2015-12-14 14:20:29","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Spell for revenge hat! :)","2015-12-14 16:22:19","2015-12-14 16:45:47","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Stop making hats that reward comments like this one.","2015-12-14 17:37:20","2015-12-14 17:39:17","Meta Stack Exchange"
"thank you for Post @JonEricson","2015-12-21 10:58:08","2015-12-21 16:53:56","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thank you for the hat.","2015-12-15 01:50:50","2015-12-15 01:51:07","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for compiling the gist. After a quick glance it seems quite entertaining, if utterly predicable.","2015-12-22 16:16:24","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for confirming that this feature is live. Greatly appreciated to have it in place!","2015-12-14 18:24:23","2015-12-17 17:42:33","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for pointing out what you've already discussed so positively.","2015-12-22 02:38:52","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for taking care of the site(s) so that we all can still get to it. And @nicael, don't feel too bad. We've all done something like that at one point or another.","2015-12-20 16:46:11","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for the fix","2015-12-16 17:37:24","2015-12-16 17:40:52","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for the hat","2015-12-14 18:16:01","2015-12-14 18:19:33","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Thanks for the hat!!","2015-12-15 01:54:05","2015-12-15 02:12:40","Meta Stack Exchange"
"That is why it's important to drag and drop those urls into a followup folder or bookmark concept.","2015-12-23 19:26:05","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"That seems like a good plan.","2015-12-14 20:09:53","2015-12-15 16:10:22","Meta Stack Exchange"
"That's one nice hat!","2015-12-22 20:02:57","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"The one exception is your own deleted posts are visible on your activity page for three months.","2015-12-23 19:20:47","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"The rougher the seas, the smoother we sail. Ahoy!","2015-12-15 15:47:52","2015-12-15 16:08:50","Meta Stack Exchange"
"The star board in the chat rooms I visit are frequently filled with messages that are jokes, inflammatory, or really odd-sounding out of context. People star the weirdest stuff. The only room I frequent where this isn't a problem is the writers' chat room, where there's almost never anyone there and the room only gets used for the Tuesday writing exercise (come join us!) and we star the submissions. The fact that the room is uncommonly on-topic is probably why stars work well there... most other rooms are usually off-topic, or they are off-topic often enough that the stars are junk.","2015-12-14 16:39:47","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"There are so many useless starred messages. Like this comment, but I'd like the hat (sorry!)","2015-12-15 15:25:54","2015-12-15 16:08:52","Meta Stack Exchange"
"There's definitely a lot of weird stars in chat, but (at least in the rooms I hang out in) nothing super inappropriate.","2015-12-15 20:11:19","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Things are starred for many different reasons, most of which are of no use out of the chat itself and even start comments that are important aren't something typically to brag about or pin to your profile on the site. If it was you would put it _in_ your profile.","2015-12-14 17:48:24","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"This is a great activity-badge since the SE network rely on participation.","2015-12-20 09:25:55","2015-12-20 22:06:58","Meta Stack Exchange"
"This is definitely a nice feature, thanks:-)","2015-12-14 19:51:42","2015-12-14 19:54:55","Meta Stack Exchange"
"This is fantastic.","2015-12-30 19:00:08","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"This is much better -- expose the *room* and not the individual messages on the main site (my answer has the same motivation). To avoid user confusion (""why *this* room but not *that* one?), instead of trying to morph the 50-messages threshold around private rooms and other sites, I'd suggest just going with a time limit. And I agree about adding a ""stars"" tab to the chat profile; that's hard to find now.","2015-12-14 16:50:16","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"This is such a great idea. Can I have a hat now?","2015-12-26 21:38:36","2015-12-28 17:05:03","Meta Stack Exchange"
"This still can be useful und","2015-12-14 14:06:51","2015-12-14 14:11:28","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Trivial comments must be deleted! hehe.","2015-12-17 17:36:59","2015-12-17 17:37:31","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Umm.... are you aware that @Fat also pings you now? :-D","2015-12-22 16:09:41","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Wait, that's (at least) 647 comments. I can only guess when you've got so much time to filter them out ;)","2015-12-22 00:00:22","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Was Abby right?","2015-12-14 15:59:26","2015-12-14 16:12:43","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Well I guess it goes to show the things people will do for these hats. You could probably interest a psychologist in the study of Winter Bash - how people's behavior during Winter Bash is different than their normal SE behavior","2015-12-24 00:27:08","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"What a nice christmas present... Father Christmas... :)","2015-12-21 20:13:32","2015-12-21 20:24:34","Meta Stack Exchange"
"what about co-ordinated upvoting","2015-12-29 19:35:36","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Where Documentation is a feature-building/official StackOverflow Corp site, I'd almost expect all SO behaviors to be in play, as they will be in the future.","2015-12-15 02:26:38","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Why 10k, eh? Why can't I see the list of my deleted posts before 10k?","2015-12-20 18:31:10","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Why stop at 30k - why not plan out 50k, 75k, 100k, etc...?","2015-12-21 16:58:56","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Wonder if you enjoy Abby's revenge this year? ;)","2015-12-14 13:31:58","2015-12-14 15:59:19","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Would it make sense to run an analysis on smaller (but still reasonably high-volume) site such as SciFi.SE? FGITW is certainly a problem there on larger tags (HP, SW, ST).","2015-12-14 17:37:45","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"wow so many downvotes dude","2015-12-20 19:31:40","2015-12-20 19:32:15","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Yeah, but soon it'll fill up again.","2015-12-21 16:14:35","2015-12-22 02:59:21","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Yeh isn't that just a community based decision and not really a meta problem.","2015-12-16 06:33:12","2015-12-16 06:33:25","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Yes, I feel the world would be a better place with.. wait, what is this post about again?","2015-12-14 21:42:01","2015-12-14 21:56:33","Meta Stack Exchange"
"You ""boat"" must ""secret"" be ""revenge"" staying ""Abby"" very ""hat"" busy.","2015-12-22 19:31:36","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"You're having fun with all the comments, right?","2015-12-22 06:42:42","","Meta Stack Exchange"
"Hairboat comment - will remove shortly.","2015-12-14 14:22:30","2015-12-14 14:27:25","Stack Apps"
"Removing health-related stuff!","2015-12-22 21:40:57","2015-12-22 22:01:39","Cooking"
"Shameless for hat comment...","2015-12-18 07:37:43","2015-12-18 07:39:05","Cooking"
"At 9' doesn't it wedge against the ceiling?","2015-12-14 14:18:24","2015-12-14 14:24:14","Home Improvement"
"Fishing line has always worked well on my tree of heavy ornaments and curious pooch.","2015-12-21 21:08:45","","Home Improvement"
"Thanks for the fishing line idea, would never have occurred to me.","2015-12-15 22:29:32","","Home Improvement"
"Hat! Hat! Hat! Hat!","2015-12-14 19:06:37","2015-12-14 19:08:38","Gaming"
"Hat, huh? Well, okay...","2015-12-16 15:10:32","2015-12-16 15:23:34","Gaming"
"Hm a post on the thing","2015-12-14 21:41:29","2015-12-14 21:56:01","Gaming"
"I can certainly think of the immediate disadvantage that everything around you looks like a unicorn barfed on it when you equip them.","2015-12-17 16:49:17","","Gaming"
"I wonder if posting on a closed question will still work","2015-12-14 21:52:36","2015-12-14 21:57:30","Gaming"
"I'm here just for the secret hat. Sorry :D","2015-12-17 12:26:15","2015-12-17 12:40:05","Gaming"
"is it just me, or are mid air dashes always tricky to get the hang of?","2015-12-15 01:09:03","2015-12-15 01:10:30","Gaming"
"Nintendo still uses the ""Make circles with the control stick"" mechanic in *Ultimate Angles*, the 3DS Mii Plaza game.","2016-01-03 03:59:33","","Gaming"
"Revenge is a dish best served in a boat.","2015-12-14 14:10:37","2015-12-14 14:27:51","Gaming"
"Seeing sparkles everywhere is *clearly* an advantage.","2015-12-14 21:05:02","","Gaming"
"Thanks for the secret hat :D","2015-12-14 16:25:49","2015-12-14 16:46:10","Gaming"
"Why isn't this the accepted answer?","2015-12-24 18:03:41","","Gaming"
"Yes. Yes of course.","2015-12-16 07:48:51","2015-12-16 07:49:23","Gaming"
"$\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$","2016-01-02 23:23:57","2016-01-02 23:24:06","Mathematics"
"@AsafKaragila thanks for a wonderful link.","2015-12-19 16:15:19","2015-12-19 18:21:50","Mathematics"
"@BalarkaSen That's basically what the accepted answer says.","2015-12-14 14:39:58","2015-12-14 14:41:47","Mathematics"
"@DanielFischer Well, I had to make a nontrivial comment (unlike @MikeMiller) to get my hairboat hat !!","2015-12-14 14:40:50","2015-12-14 14:41:24","Mathematics"
"@JonEricson HATZ PLEAZ","2015-12-20 22:10:33","2015-12-20 22:21:48","Mathematics"
"+1, as this gives me a hat","2015-12-21 15:36:19","2015-12-21 16:58:06","Mathematics"
"Comment for hat to delete in a moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.","2015-12-18 23:22:01","2015-12-18 23:22:19","Mathematics"
"Fine, I'll try again.","2015-12-14 13:58:39","2015-12-14 14:41:42","Mathematics"
"Half of the hats I'm about to get are odd.","2015-12-28 03:44:11","2015-12-28 04:01:46","Mathematics"
"Hatness!!!!!!!!","2015-12-16 15:48:44","2015-12-16 15:48:49","Mathematics"
"I believe you've been screwed royally. Oh well, at least I got my hat.","2015-12-14 17:58:45","2015-12-14 18:00:34","Mathematics"
"I really like the probability connection. Someone else can likely put it more succinctly, but it seems like, for any range containing `n` numbers, the probability of drawing an odd number from that range is bounded by $\( 1 \over 2 \) \pm \( 1 \over 2n \)$. As n goes to infinity, that probability goes to $1 \over 2$. (Sorry about the failed formatting :-( ).","2015-12-18 13:18:15","2015-12-18 13:24:43","Mathematics"
"I wonder why no one has commented on this post recently.","2015-12-15 04:31:12","2015-12-15 05:44:14","Mathematics"
"If Doorknob is right, at least [] users can get a this secret hat this year.","2015-12-14 13:50:55","2015-12-14 13:55:13","Mathematics"
"is get hat, hairboat will have much revenge","2015-12-14 16:48:44","2015-12-14 16:49:28","Mathematics"
"May I have a hat?","2015-12-14 16:32:31","2015-12-14 16:47:00","Mathematics"
"The statement in the title is true or false depending upon it's interpretation. If one looks the set $\{1, 2, \cdots, n\}$, indeed about half the numbers are odd for any arbitrarily large choice of $n$. But for infinite sets one one needs to define what it means to even ask whether half the numbers are odd or not. One plausible definition is as $\lim_{n \to \infty} a(n)/n$ where $a(n)$ is the number of odd numbers up til $n$ in which case indeed half of the numbers are odd.","2015-12-14 14:08:36","2015-12-14 14:41:44","Mathematics"
"very cool question!","2015-12-17 22:26:18","2015-12-17 22:47:18","Mathematics"
"I know a good number of users that search questions in their tags with answers:0 (including me), so this (unfortunately) makes sense.","2015-12-14 13:38:43","","Mathematics Meta"
"Hairboat comment - will remove shortly.","2015-12-14 14:20:13","2015-12-14 14:27:32","Web Apps"
"@Jon Does this get me a hat even if it's not your post…?","2015-12-18 23:19:38","2015-12-18 23:20:27","Apple"
"@Kaveh: Makes sense. If you feel like experimenting with migrating questions rather than straight up closing them, we can revisit in a month or two.","2015-12-23 19:32:01","","Theoretical Computer Science Meta"
"@Kaveh: That's not what I meant. Instead, I suggest encouraging people to flag for migration and/or moderators manually migrate questions that have been closed with this custom off topic reason. It's likely there will be plenty of good migrations to turn the default path on, but I'd like to be sure. (In case you hadn't read [Shog's answer](, migrations are a feature we hope to de-emphasize. They are often a poor user experience for everyone involved.)","2015-12-23 21:35:40","","Theoretical Computer Science Meta"
"I doubt that would work for the same reasons that people do not normally flag for migration and moderators seldom migrate questions by themselves. If you want a better estimate of how often the migration path could be used if we had it you can go over the questions closed as off-topic and see how many of them would be on-topic on cs. My impression is that we get such questions quite regularly.","2015-12-23 22:37:04","","Theoretical Computer Science Meta"
"Jon, we typically close off-topic questions without migration. Migration needs a mod action and mods very seldom do so. I think the real criteria is how many off-topic questions would be properly migrated. Also note that 25% is just one question, i.e. the sample size is way too small for a conclusion about the probability of improper migrations is high.","2015-12-23 01:56:45","","Theoretical Computer Science Meta"
"Rather than training people to flag if they're not currently doing so, I'd recommend just periodically [reviewing closed questions]( and migrating those that warrant it, @Kaveh. This gives you a chance to test two things: how many off-topic questions are actually worth migrating, and how many get rejected in practice. No sense training folks to pan for gold if there isn't any.","2015-12-23 22:47:57","","Theoretical Computer Science Meta"
"So the migration path is going to be activate temporarily for a few months to collect better statistics? Sounds good to me.","2015-12-23 21:27:56","","Theoretical Computer Science Meta"
"@JonEricson And if not, do I get the Archimedes hat for guessing the Archimedes hat is for guessing how to get a secret hat?","2015-12-14 16:33:32","2015-12-16 20:41:50","English Language and Usage"
"@JonEricson Do I get the Hairboat's Revenge hat for commenting on one of your posts? And do I get Archimedes for guessing the Hairboat's Revenge hat? :)","2015-12-14 16:30:41","2015-12-16 20:41:47","English Language and Usage"
"@JonEricson: It turned out that I had to send a second comment specifically on this site to increase the number of hats. Also, how do we get Archimedes hat? Did I guess the secret hat already?","2015-12-16 20:40:58","2015-12-16 20:41:53","English Language and Usage"
"An excellent point, there are numerous questions on here referring to 'going on', which does point as to how this phrase is so misunderstood.","2015-12-15 22:05:02","","English Language and Usage"
"Both forms appear frequently in Shakespeare, so they have both been in use for a long time.","2015-12-14 13:54:10","","English Language and Usage"
"Contractions sound more friendly in speech. Compare: ""We did *not* like it"" vs ""We didn't like it""","2015-12-26 14:21:23","2015-12-26 14:23:30","English Language and Usage"
"Did this posting contribute to the ""On Hold"" change for newly closed questions?","2015-12-19 21:28:27","","English Language and Usage"
"I disagree. I think the indefinite article is important, because the OP is defining A. For your examples of mu or c, they are (probably) already defined elsewhere (we all know that c is the speed of light in a vacuum).","2015-12-16 15:04:52","","English Language and Usage"
"I'm guessing this is the way to get the Hairboat's Revenge hat?","2015-12-14 14:21:42","2015-12-14 16:03:42","English Language and Usage"
"Negation can be applied to specific elements like adjectives and noun phrases also. For example: "" I saw not a living thing there, but a ruined city.""","2015-12-17 15:58:28","","English Language and Usage"
"Of course there are trivial, mundane, non-idiomatic usages: “I’m going to visit my Grandmother for the holidays.” / “Oh; how are you going?” / “I’m **going on** the train.”  … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …  But seriously, I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned the song [“Sixteen Going On Seventeen”](, from *The Sound of Music*, in which Liesl is approximately 16 years and 10 months old (16 going on 17), while her boyfriend Rolf is approximately a year older (17 going on 18).","2015-12-22 07:08:14","","English Language and Usage"
"This is an imperative construction that eliminates the necessity for do-support. Personally, I prefer it. e.g., ""Fear not the reaper."" Just sounds cooler.","2015-12-14 16:11:48","","English Language and Usage"
"What do you mean by avoid contractions, in speech or in writing?","2015-12-26 14:15:12","2015-12-26 14:23:27","English Language and Usage"
"While correct, not all of this post actually answers the question ...","2015-12-14 14:19:49","2015-12-14 14:21:48","English Language and Usage"
"As I understand it, you're currently getting a lot of notifications?","2015-12-16 09:38:40","2015-12-16 16:07:20","TeX - LaTeX"
"Fun with LaTeX commands and bad focussing ... ;-)","2015-12-17 14:42:28","2015-12-17 17:41:50","TeX - LaTeX"
"+1 for including the text instead of just making it into its own file. Cleaner and more efficient!","2015-12-14 21:43:43","2015-12-14 21:57:05","Ubuntu"
"I tried to do this nicely, but it didn't work so... good answer, +1 :P (will self destruct in 15 mins ;)","2015-12-14 19:45:02","2015-12-14 19:55:35","Ubuntu"
"My apologies for doing this again, but hats are hats! :D","2015-12-15 01:21:40","2015-12-15 01:27:20","Ubuntu"
"Obligatory comment for hat.","2015-12-15 05:45:45","2015-12-15 05:54:30","Ubuntu"
"""Assume that only the first few answers are ever read"" -- it would help if you could verify this assumption with stats - because that's certainly _not_ the case for me and guys like me. [How many votes and flags are cast by users preferring particular answer order (active / oldest / votes)?]( (""frankly, I hope to find out that most votes and flags are cast by folks using different (default) order..."")","2015-12-18 08:46:28","","Programmers Meta"
"""The only other site that has anything like Programmers emphasis on purity of questions is Skeptics"" -- what about Server Fault?","2015-12-19 06:05:22","","Programmers Meta"
"""Why would anyone keep participating in a hobby that makes them miserable?"" - I'd like to touch upon that briefly. I, and other active users, use Programmers to help provide a backstop to the problems we encounter at work. In other words, we use the site to work more efficiently and not purely for fun. If you don't have the benefit of working on a large team, Programmers can be useful for exposure to concepts that you wouldn't otherwise encounter. That said, there is a measure of fun that comes with mastering a skill, and programming *is* a skill. But we're not looking for frivolity, ...","2015-12-19 16:45:55","","Programmers Meta"
"... and in the past few days since the change, the number of pending review tasks has gone from ~20 to ~100. Just a ""if this is important for us to handle in a timely manner, we don't have the resources to do it.""","2015-12-16 20:07:59","","Programmers Meta"
"... as we could simply use ""/r/programming"" if frivolity was what we were interested in. We specifically want a high signal:noise ratio because we're using this site for _professional_ reasons. We still have a good time and enjoy what we do here. So it's a different definition of fun that causes us to moderate in the way that we do. If anything, that difference in perspective is likely what underpins why we're getting an impedance mismatch in discussing the site's scope and what constitutes and appropriate question.","2015-12-19 16:52:23","","Programmers Meta"
"@200_success as a *guess* for some of them, as they were migrations from SO, the closure would have meant extra work from a mod to close, clear the rejected migration lock, undelete the posted answers, and relock the question. Much easier to just lock it and forget about it.","2015-12-18 20:38:36","","Programmers Meta"
"@200_success because sometimes the moderators will lock it without closing it - or before it completes the process for closing it. For such specific questions, I would ask the moderator who did it. We've got [quite a few in this state](","2015-12-18 20:30:18","","Programmers Meta"
"@200_success: May I point you to #4 and #3 above? This question may be the only place on the internet where this history lesson can be found and you already gotta scroll past a page of irrelevant nonsense (including the question itself) to get to the good stuff. (Oh. See also a bit of #2.) Adding a close notice will make the page _less useful_ without really helping you avoid bad questions. Because the only way we can avoid bad questions is to disable the route. Seriously, the [closed] notice does not deter people from copying a question.","2015-12-18 20:59:44","","Programmers Meta"
"@200_success: There's no functional advantage to closing a question before locking. Closing first just burdens outside readers in the detritus of Stack Exchange politics.","2015-12-18 20:38:58","","Programmers Meta"
"@enderland FWIW I run a bunch of monthly searches (like []( and results support the idea that the month of experiment was a substantial spike in closing","2015-12-18 21:30:33","","Programmers Meta"
"@enderland: The ""Closed"" number means questions that were closed at some point. ""Close Rate"" uses that number as the numerator and questions asked as the denominator. Some of those questions have since been reopened. But the ""Reopened"" column uses ""Closed"" and not questions as the denominator. Similarly, the ""Closed->Edited"" uses closed questions and the ""Cl->Ed->Re"" uses closed and edited questions. So while these are positive developments, the total effect is a net increase in closed questions. Not surprising, but a bit disappointing.","2015-12-18 20:37:32","","Programmers Meta"
"@JanDoggen: Sorry about that. I added a line to more or less show the critical weeks. Your comment also prompted me to notice I had used the wrong start date in my table. (I had gone back several years using the report by week and so I had to shift the date to account for months not having multiples of 7 days. Then I changed to months and forgot to correct the start date.)","2015-12-21 21:07:47","2015-12-22 13:34:35","Programmers Meta"
"@JonEricson - Any estimate on when you think you'll be ready to present the final data? How long should we wait for the data to settle down due to reopens / edits / deletes / whatnot?","2015-12-14 16:29:21","","Programmers Meta"
"@JonEricson as opposed to the question's current state, where it just says that one moderator thinks ""it's a bad question"", but there's no reason given for it being bad? That's really weird.","2015-12-18 20:41:17","","Programmers Meta"
"@JonEricson it also fails to instruct new users about what was wrong with the question other than the nebulous ""not a good question."" While the close reasons c. 2011-13 weren't that great, knowing *why* the question wasn't a good one might have helped future readers avoid the same pitfalls of asking similar questions.","2015-12-18 20:41:09","","Programmers Meta"
"@JonEricson Thank you for the clarification. Just knowing that actually helps a lot. And you definitely succeeded at making us self-examine more. If nothing further happens from SE maybe I'll just start another meta Q about one of the ""sample questions"" I listed here.","2015-12-21 20:27:58","","Programmers Meta"
"@JonEricson they started with those specialized guidance bits recognizing the problem that they'd have from the start. The entire community that maintains and curates it agrees on those principles. You will find much less cohesion of similar principles here - though the portion of the community that maintains and curates the answers *here* tend to be fairly consistent. What principles we have come up with (""name that thing is problematic"", asking ""is it possible"" needs to be refined"", asking ""what did so and so mean"" is guesswork) came up with on a case by case basis as we recognized problems.","2015-12-20 05:07:05","","Programmers Meta"
"Also, is the close rate only for those questions asked in the given month? So when there are 73.5% questions closed in November, does that mean that _of the questions asked in November_ that many were closed? Or is that saying ""1294 total questions asked in November. 951 questions closed in November. 951/1294 = 73.5%?"" If its the latter, it might just be the result of flushing the close vote queue at the beginning of the experiment. In which case the above comment becomes even more meaningful.","2015-12-18 16:00:39","","Programmers Meta"
"Great write up!","2015-12-18 02:35:16","","Programmers Meta"
"I can't edit this post. Can someone please edit the period 7Nov-7Dec to the 1st paragraph, so that passers by know where to look in the graph?","2015-12-21 07:44:17","2015-12-22 08:13:02","Programmers Meta"
"I would upvote because I am very much thankful that you took the time to run this experiment and analyze the data. But I disagree with the conclusion and some of the broader points that were suggested.","2015-12-18 16:03:44","","Programmers Meta"
"If you come back with a list of what was closed that you wouldn't close, that might help. I'm not sure if anyone will change their mind anyway, but it's very unlikely *without* such a list.","2015-12-21 17:29:43","","Programmers Meta"
"Thank you for all of this. I think it was a very valuable experiment as it gave me a sense that the community-protection reflex around here has growth rather more peremptory than I had realized; and I suspect it has in it's way either affirmed or caused questions among many others around here just by acting as a magnifier. I hope the exemplification does bring about some possible solutions to increasing out edit/reopen numbers as everyone appreciates more content improvement.","2015-12-18 01:55:45","2015-12-19 23:26:32","Programmers Meta"
"Thank you for trying this experiment. I hope that this experience doesn't discourage you from trying it on another site, since good experiments require more than a sample size of one.","2015-12-18 19:35:44","","Programmers Meta"
"There's more that I'd add, but I fear that I'm also digressing from the primary purpose of this post and I don't want to hijack it. Thank you again for continuing the discussion regarding this experiment, and I'm grateful that you're engaging in the conversation with an open mind. Even though I still disagree regarding your current conclusions, you get my up vote.","2015-12-19 16:55:58","","Programmers Meta"
"When you say ""closed"" do you mean ""on hold or closed?"" Or do you mean ""[closed]?"" It looks like in November, 20% of questions were reopened (as compared to 8% the month before). Which means that a total of only 53% of questions _remained_ closed, compared to about 50% the month before. To me this seems like a very successful experiment - the entire point of ""on hold"" vs ""closed"" is to clarify/improve the question _prior_ to getting answers. If the closed (not ""on hold"") rate is the same isn't this a great thing? Can you help me understand how I'm misunderstanding those numbers?","2015-12-18 13:08:36","","Programmers Meta"
"Why is [Why do game developers prefer Windows?]( locked but not closed?","2015-12-18 19:48:02","","Programmers Meta"
"Would it be technically possible to require different number of close votes for different close reasons? I'm thinking 3 for off topic (to quickly take care of blatantly off topic questions), 5 for everything else (dupes, migrations, too broad, opinion based).","2015-12-18 07:50:50","","Programmers Meta"
"Great question!","2015-12-28 03:57:39","2015-12-28 17:05:41","Physics"
"Hi Jon. This is a temporary comment, just to get the [Hairboat's Revenge]( Hat. I'll delete this as soon as I get it. I hope you don't mind this unnecessary notification. :)","2015-12-21 06:26:44","2015-12-21 06:36:24","Physics"
"how exactly is one supposed to get a hat when there are no posts to post on?","2015-12-15 14:04:38","2015-12-15 16:11:38","IT Security Meta"
"Thanks for taking care of this Jon (Plus I'm seeing if I get a hat for this).","2015-12-14 13:52:31","2015-12-14 14:49:23","Electronics and Robotics Meta"
"this looks like its going to be your turn this year","2015-12-14 17:11:49","2015-12-14 17:34:38","Graphic Design Meta"
"@JonEricson I wonder if it's possible to ping you here since you've made an edit?","2015-12-19 19:36:13","2015-12-19 19:36:40","Science Fiction"
"@DVK Still, comments can be hard-deleted so that they're visible only to mods, while deleted posts are visible to anybody with 10k rep.","2015-12-14 14:13:34","","Science Fiction Meta"
"@DVK You got me! ;-) The catch is, I didn't get it. Who wants to talk JE into making a post on the main site...?","2015-12-14 17:25:51","","Science Fiction Meta"
"@randal'thor - did you just comment on this to get a secret hat? :) Seriously, that's correct, but there's so few 10K+ users that I'm not sure it makes much practical difference in most cases (since the concern is mostly how the site comes along to a mass of users)","2015-12-14 17:24:20","","Science Fiction Meta"
"@JonEricson [nice stealth hat edit](","2015-12-15 22:39:55","2015-12-17 00:29:04","Code Review"
"`/usb/bin` is typically *looked* down? I guess you meant ""locked"" down instead ;-)","2015-12-14 18:52:45","2015-12-14 18:56:28","Code Review"
"++ for pointing out magic number","2015-12-14 14:57:35","2015-12-14 15:04:35","Code Review"
"Best. Answer. Ever.","2015-12-14 15:38:04","2015-12-14 15:39:55","Code Review"
"Can I haz hat pl0x?","2015-12-22 00:23:15","2015-12-22 00:24:53","Code Review"
"Excellent first answer. Welcome to Code Review (some 2 years late)!","2015-12-14 16:04:49","2015-12-14 16:13:01","Code Review"
"Excellent hat placement too.","2015-12-14 16:06:06","2015-12-14 16:13:02","Code Review"
"for the badge!!!!!","2015-12-14 13:39:31","2015-12-14 13:45:41","Code Review"
"Great answer, this should give me a hat on code review, right? :)","2015-12-15 00:23:31","2015-12-15 00:25:55","Code Review"
"I agree with the Mug here. Where did you go? There's plenty more questions to answer :-)","2015-12-14 14:56:47","2015-12-14 15:01:25","Code Review"
"I guess you're a little sorry that you started the 'hunt' on Abby last year! :-)","2015-12-14 22:54:16","2015-12-14 22:55:27","Code Review"
"I heard that there was a revenge thing going on? :p","2015-12-15 16:02:46","2015-12-15 16:08:04","Code Review"
"If we're relying on [`chroot` to sandbox `perl`](, it looks like it's not too hard to [break out of it too](","2015-12-19 16:40:17","","Code Review"
"I'm just here for the hats.","2015-12-14 15:03:02","2015-12-14 15:04:55","Code Review"
"It's sad 'cause I got nothing interesting to say.","2015-12-14 15:00:22","2015-12-14 15:04:41","Code Review"
"I've already got the hat, I just thought I'd join the shitposting","2015-12-14 15:03:42","2015-12-14 15:04:27","Code Review"
"moar hats ! muh4h4h4h4","2015-12-14 14:58:24","2015-12-14 15:04:37","Code Review"
"Nice answer Jon! Tell Abby I said hello.","2015-12-20 18:32:47","2015-12-20 18:47:45","Code Review"
"Nice answer, but posted way too long ago. We need more of those, feel free to contribute again anytime! :)","2015-12-14 14:56:08","2015-12-14 15:01:23","Code Review"
"nice finding and thanks for the hat ;-)","2015-12-14 14:15:21","2015-12-14 14:34:49","Code Review"
"Not even going to pretend that it's for anything but a hat. We like hats around here Jon.","2015-12-17 00:26:41","2015-12-17 00:28:04","Code Review"
"So long and thanks for all the hats.","2015-12-14 17:50:05","2015-12-14 17:58:51","Code Review"
"Sorry for this comment, a bot needs a hat.","2015-12-17 20:40:36","2015-12-17 20:41:03","Code Review"
"there aren't very many children that actually play in Sandboxes anymore. especially because for some reason all the playgrounds you go to now have wood chips instead of sand, that's just wrong.","2015-12-14 16:40:56","2015-12-14 16:47:56","Code Review"
"This is a random comment to get the Hairboat's Revenge hat.","2015-12-15 00:10:50","2015-12-15 00:19:50","Code Review"
"We all miss you!","2015-12-14 14:57:31","2015-12-14 15:04:34","Code Review"
"Where would you put the `--` if you suggested it? The only place it would make sense is immediately *before* the script-to-run (i.e. before `command[3]`) - And, since the path/script name itself is ""clean"", it won't be interpreted as a perl argument. Having said that, I would actually recommend that you actually do suggest that ;-) - that way a later change to the script that's run - even a dynamic script, possibly, will still work - including if someone were to make their input file `-` or the traditional ""use standard in"" `cat | perl -W -T -- -`","2015-12-14 18:46:00","","Code Review"
"You say that the OP should use `#DEFINE STARTING_ARGS 3` but `#DEFINE` does not enforce type safety and is a nightmare when debugging, I suggest `const int STARTING_ARGS = 3` at the start of `main` to overcome these issues.","2015-12-20 17:27:54","","Code Review"
"Wohooo **hats!!**","2015-12-14 14:56:59","2015-12-14 14:57:06","Code Review Meta"
"(I'm sorry, but I do want this cool hat :P will delete this later of course)","2015-12-14 13:39:36","2015-12-14 14:00:46","Code Golf Meta"
"A last attempt to get the boat hat on this site, but on the other answer for a change :P","2015-12-14 15:04:00","2015-12-14 15:19:03","Code Golf Meta"
"Umm... so let's just try this again since I didn't get *it* for my previous comment. I might be spamming your inbox, but that's the whole point, right? ;P","2015-12-14 14:01:52","2015-12-14 14:48:20","Code Golf Meta"
"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","2015-12-18 11:15:42","2015-12-18 11:15:45","Skeptics"
"Hat! Hat! Hat! Hat!","2015-12-14 19:06:02","2015-12-14 19:14:10","Skeptics"
"thermal neutron flux? what is the significance of that?","2015-12-15 01:18:42","2015-12-15 01:37:25","Skeptics"
"@DucatiKiller - I think he lurks in *all of them*?","2015-12-31 02:59:05","","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"@JonEricson What chat rooms do you lurk in?","2015-12-30 19:44:45","","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"@RoryAlsop: I haven't looked at post-voting compared to election voting. (I wouldn't be surprised if that correlation exists after controlling for views.) Rather I'm suggesting that more voting could lead to more participation and more people eligible to vote in a moderator election. I'll dig into the stats a bit more, though.","2015-12-30 18:56:32","","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"Give more rep for suggested edits. Getting 25 approved takes much too long. By the way, a typo in ""it's about time for Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair to gradutate.""","2015-12-30 07:05:18","2015-12-30 20:37:02","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"Jon - by voting do you mean specifically voting in elections? Do you have any correlation data between voting on site and election voting? I think we are a low-voting site compared with some.","2015-12-30 18:39:01","","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"Mix it up. Let people who have at least 20K on *any* SE site AND have voted in at least 5 elections on SE sites, vote in a graduating site's election. We know how to pick good moderators (more or less). What could go wrong? :D","2015-12-30 06:04:35","","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"You mention voting as being an issue on the site. I've noticed there isn't much of a culture of voting as there is other sites. New users get frustrated early and abandon the site at whatever rate. Do you have any suggestions regarding shifting that paradigm?","2015-12-30 08:03:34","","Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta"
"As long as it's not freezing, going without shoes for a day or so isn't that bad. He'd at least have a story to tell if people asked :-)","2015-12-15 00:48:29","","Parenting"
"Given that he donated ALL his right shoes, I'd think he'd need to experience at least *some* of the natural consequence of that act.","2015-12-14 19:22:15","","Parenting"
"I think more reinforcement needs to be given for how people can cover emotions with an act that is played of as innocuous. It is important to be watchful of where to follow these cues later, to reach meaningful discussions.","2015-12-22 01:49:15","","Parenting"
"If I had gone to school with only one shoe, I know for a fact that at least one of my teacher would have made a fuss about it.","2015-12-16 19:11:59","","Parenting"
"Jon - you'll need a drink after this Winterbash!","2015-12-14 13:49:27","2015-12-14 16:01:21","Parenting"
"@luserdroog we'll see if I can dig up a picture I like, although I've grown quite attached to the current one.","2015-12-14 21:18:55","","Musical Practice and Performance Meta"
"""The language of the universe is not spoken with a speech impediment"" -- au contraire! The creator chose, as his spokesman to transmit torah to the people of Israel, a man who is [slow of speech](, and rebuffed the argument that this disqualified the servant.","2015-12-22 17:21:41","","Jewish Life and Learning"
"CAN I HAZ HAT??","2015-12-22 19:50:43","2015-12-22 19:51:02","Jewish Life and Learning"
"Someone's got to do it so we can All! Get! A Hat!","2015-12-18 06:05:59","2015-12-18 06:06:26","Jewish Life and Learning"
"You didn't leave my comment up long enough to trigger the hat awarding mechanism...","2015-12-18 16:41:48","2015-12-18 16:56:02","Jewish Life and Learning"
"@JonEricson Just noting, the Big Dipper is an asterism, which lies in Ursa Major. They're not the same thing.","2015-12-14 23:32:46","","Astronomy"
"I've been told that they are handing out hats in here. I'll just get in line. Great post by the way (+1).","2015-12-17 12:11:44","2015-12-17 12:16:25","Astronomy"
"You can use coffee grounds to deter slugs, but be careful around plants that don't like acidic soil","2015-12-14 15:01:53","","Gardening and Landscaping"
"@JonEricson don't understand the downvotes either","2015-12-21 15:03:14","","Philosophy"
"@JonEricson why all the downboats?","2015-12-21 17:39:20","2015-12-21 17:40:42","Philosophy"
"+1 for ""procrastination can be a useful productivity tool""","2015-12-14 15:02:31","2015-12-14 16:10:42","Personal Productivity"
"As this is a specialised service that not all airlines offer, and not all indirect routings support, I think you're going to have to just phone up the full service airlines in turn and ask them to price it manually","2015-12-15 18:09:30","","Travel"
"Do not buy the unaccompanied minor service, unless your child is young enough that she _requires_ it by airline policy, or you _want_ your child closely chaperoned from start to finish. [I don't recommend this service for teenagers.](","2015-12-15 18:56:01","","Travel"
"I have just checked Skyscanner, and indeed, they do not allow you to set if for a minor only.","2015-12-26 10:25:00","2015-12-26 10:35:57","Travel"
"I like this question since it allows me to get a hat :)","2015-12-15 22:45:14","2015-12-15 23:33:03","Travel"
"I only have an (informed) guess: the process may be hard to automate as Kayak may not be able to squeeze out the information for whether a fare can be used for unaccompanied minors (and whether all involved airlines and airports allow this) from its partner websites and databases. So the feature may be too difficult/costly to implement.","2015-12-15 18:01:58","","Travel"
"I would guess that the fees and other rules are not included in the standard lists / APIs that airlines make available, making it hard for aggregators to automatically get that data.","2015-12-15 18:02:06","2015-12-15 18:02:20","Travel"
"it is probably needed too rarely to warrant the sort of additional work this would cause for the websites...","2015-12-21 15:15:30","","Travel"
"test.............","2015-12-15 18:20:11","2015-12-15 18:21:02","Travel"
"Thanks for giving us the chance for the secret thing..","2015-12-15 22:03:06","2015-12-15 22:05:52","Travel"
"Too many laws/rules - various airlines have policies on where the chaperoning must start/end, and many airlines don't even allow this. If it's not part of the public API that many airlines provide, aggregators likely don't do it. Also the costs vs rare use-case tradeoff :/","2015-12-16 08:30:09","","Travel"
"Travelocity does mention on their age details page to call the airline in regard to younger children traveling by themselves. And they also state they will book unaccompanied minors age 15 & up (you just choose adult fare since 15+ pay adult rates anyway). Their UI is confusing since it uses 17 instead of 12 like most child age selects.","2015-12-16 04:01:20","","Travel"
"Winter break or winter bash?","2015-12-16 13:12:46","2015-12-16 16:12:38","Travel"
"+1 for this answer!","2015-12-14 20:12:23","2015-12-14 20:17:04","Travel Meta"
"It's a shame you don't post on the main travel site :/","2015-12-15 09:45:39","2015-12-15 16:07:16","Travel Meta"
"@mr. Bultitude not really, But another opinion would be nice","2015-12-23 03:31:45","","Christianity"
"@Peter Could you give some more guidance on what kind of material you're looking for that Jon's answer doesn't have?","2015-12-22 23:50:58","","Christianity"
"And another bites the dust... Ehh... hat... :)","2015-12-14 22:57:08","2015-12-14 23:00:45","Christianity"
"Have you had any further insight since this was posted?","2015-12-16 16:09:56","","Christianity"
"I guess I don't [get a hat]( for putting a bounty on your question. Unless the job hasn't kicked in yet.","2015-12-21 20:53:45","2015-12-22 03:15:26","Christianity"
"Normally I don't comment when I +1, but I thought I'd make an exception for [this time of year](","2015-12-14 16:32:35","","Christianity"
"@JonEricson Prophetic comment there! ... Related: [120 years until the flood, or until Adam's death, or shorter lifespans from now on?](, [What is the meaning of 'spirit' in Genesis 6?](, [Does the original Hebrew support the NLT of Genesis 6:3?](, & [The Correct Meaning of Genesis 6:3 - Also Flesh or Is Flesh?](","2015-12-22 15:27:18","","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"_«Beloved, never [avenge]( yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”»_","2015-12-21 13:22:56","","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"Couldn't one argue that the continued existence of a Hebrew language in religious usage is supporting evidence for its existence in such an extent in Jesus' time, in which it's no longer a native tongue for most?","2015-12-14 18:06:58","","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"Give me a boat with a side of Hermeneutics please.","2015-12-22 15:20:38","2015-12-22 16:12:13","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"I have heard footnote 1 many times as well, and find it very humorous as well","2015-12-14 16:55:26","","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"I wanna boat. Gimmie a boat.","2015-12-22 15:19:52","2015-12-22 16:12:25","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"i want my hat pls","2015-12-17 03:55:54","2015-12-17 04:03:10","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"Is Barth essentially advocating a form of Pelagianism then? The fol","2015-12-29 13:04:51","2015-12-29 13:05:10","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"Is Barth essentially advocating a form of Pelagianism then? The language of how we aren't guilty of Adams sin but rather we follow his **example** and we should follow Christ's **example** now is straight out of Pelagius. I had thought Barth was in favor of a stronger definition of sin and guilt than that.","2015-12-29 13:07:41","","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"OTOH, I don't think the textual base used is likely to be statistically significant for these numbers.","2015-12-23 21:44:49","","Biblical Hermeneutics"
"@JonEricson Totally commenting here to give Hairboat her revenge!","2015-12-16 14:39:56","2015-12-16 16:16:11","History"
"@JonEricson Hi Jon, just hat-hunting... Just curious: how annoying does this get? :-)","2015-12-24 05:17:34","2015-12-24 11:30:20","LEGO®"
"Nowadays tildes can be seen more often in informal chats thanks to the autocorrect function","2015-12-16 17:55:30","","Spanish Language and Usage"
"Thanks for your insights. It doesn't seem to have been an unlucky sample, though.","2015-12-14 14:46:33","","Movies Meta"
"Great question!","2015-12-28 03:02:35","2015-12-28 17:05:32","Biology"
"I admit to being amused that you say you ""only"" know her family history for something like 6 generations...:-)","2015-12-14 14:39:04","","Biology"
"I know this is cheap but gimme a hat!","2015-12-23 10:32:44","2015-12-23 10:37:34","Biology"
"Great question. And by great question, I mean HATS!","2015-12-17 21:55:58","2015-12-17 22:01:22","Sports"
"Hairboat comment - will remove shortly.","2015-12-14 14:21:18","2015-12-14 14:26:21","Sports"
"@Jon Ericson I'd also like to have a ""cite"" feature for teaching hand-outs and slides. That way my students can follow-up on Chem.SE ""in the open."" I'd say it's not just for academic papers.","2015-12-29 17:54:33","2015-12-29 18:13:04","Chemistry Meta"
"@JonEricson I'd also like to have a ""cite"" feature for teaching hand-outs and slides. That way my students can follow-up on Chem.SE ""in the open."" I'd say it's not just for academic papers.","2015-12-29 18:13:17","","Chemistry Meta"
"@jivings, you should take a great deal of pride in leading the community to this milestone.","2015-12-23 00:17:27","","Raspberry Pi Meta"
"@SteveRobillard Thanks Jon and Steve :)","2015-12-23 10:06:36","","Raspberry Pi Meta"
"Congrats on becoming our new mods, Steve, Ghanima and goldilocks. Thanks a lot to Jivings for bringing our community to where it is, and good luck for the future. Finally I would like to say good work to Jacob for nominating themselves and keep trying in future! We appreciate all of your hard work too.","2015-12-28 03:58:36","","Raspberry Pi Meta"
"Congratulations to all.","2015-12-23 01:01:04","","Raspberry Pi Meta"
"When I see +3, it usually involves an answer I downvoted having been deleted.","2015-12-23 21:48:37","","Raspberry Pi Meta"
"I guess that one didn't work. Maybe I have to try a different post. It's on my to-do list for now, but no real hurry.","2015-12-14 13:41:09","2015-12-14 15:59:02","Anime and Manga Meta"
"Is this how to get the hairboat hat?","2015-12-14 13:30:01","2015-12-14 15:58:59","Anime and Manga Meta"
"@FatherChristmas By the way, I'm using your floating wooden model of a b0at in my bathtub h@t","2015-12-30 17:50:02","2015-12-30 17:56:18","Blender Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas this seams a fitting place. :)","2015-12-29 19:18:43","2015-12-29 19:21:26","Blender Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas Where are my presents?! :P","2015-12-30 17:50:22","2015-12-30 17:56:31","Blender Stack Exchange"
"@FatherChristmas You are late :/ Christmas is over!","2015-12-30 17:50:23","2015-12-30 17:56:40","Blender Stack Exchange"
"Stacker won't know what hit him XD. its your fault, @FatherChristmas","2015-12-30 17:50:39","2015-12-30 17:56:51","Blender Stack Exchange"
"[I heard you're holding my hat](!?!","2015-12-14 20:22:54","2015-12-14 20:24:59","Space Exploration Stack Exchange"
"It seems like it would do some good at least, but perhaps not fully. Hmmm...","2015-12-14 20:30:20","2015-12-14 20:40:54","Space Exploration Stack Exchange"
"Shouldn't this be two separate questions?","2015-12-14 14:51:34","2015-12-14 14:56:54","Space Exploration Stack Exchange"
"Surface tension is a problem, where it would cling instead of flowing.","2015-12-14 20:51:38","","Space Exploration Stack Exchange"
"Snifters are great. Most festivals these days seem to give them out for tasting glasses.","2016-01-03 22:00:31","","Beer Stack Exchange"
"It works but that is a lot of clicking and typing.","2015-12-14 13:45:39","2015-12-14 16:00:06","Software Recommendations Stack Exchange"
"This is a comment made for one reason, a hat","2015-12-18 02:16:39","2015-12-18 02:17:07","Software Recommendations Stack Exchange"
"What appears in `chrome://flags` changes rapidly. I don't see anything like it on Chrome 47. You should edit this answer to qualify which versions of Chrome it applies to; I'm afraid very few people use these versions anymore.","2015-12-14 18:34:03","","Software Recommendations Stack Exchange"
"What versions did this originally apply to?","2015-12-18 02:23:31","","Software Recommendations Stack Exchange"
"Congrats to Izzy, Undo, & Nic","2015-12-18 02:19:59","","Software Recommendations Meta Stack Exchange"
"Congratulations to the newly elected moderators. But the link to ""the existing crew"" reminds me to ""link only posts"" ... it already points to the NEW crew. Therefor consider replacing it with whatever to what ""used to be that crew"" ... Maybe a first ""task"" for any of the new crew members?","2015-12-17 07:03:06","","Software Recommendations Meta Stack Exchange"
"Yes! Thanks to Gilles and Journeyman for all their work (and future support during the ""transition"" etc). And thanks to the voters for participating and their trust we'll do our very best to not disappoint :)","2015-12-15 20:33:49","","Software Recommendations Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson [been there done that]( ""abducted by aliens""). People know how to push the buttons and even [complain at meta]( when caught doing this. It's really easy to figure how to manipulate the system (except for Stack Overflow, of course)","2015-12-25 06:57:38","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson I hadn't looked at that recently. I believe it used to be lower, but has since been increased. Are triage and the HI queue also 500, or are they lower?","2015-12-29 17:02:39","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson I probably had a huge selection bias. I was looking for a half decent first post in the review queue, so that I could earn the hat myself.","2015-12-15 23:45:49","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson I would have to go digging for examples, mostly noticed the upvotes though. More or less a ""Why would someone upvote this?"", and noticed the edit after that.","2015-12-15 23:43:39","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"@NathanTuggy Just to reinforce that point, (which is itself very US-biased) shows that 25% of SO traffic is from the US. Particularly remarkable is the high percentage of Asian ethnicity. It also shows that I'm in a clear minority being over 60 - perhaps older people are more inclined to dislike the whole badge/reputation/reward culture.","2015-12-16 12:54:07","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"@Seth: Correct. It's somewhat difficult to handle flags otherwise. ;-)","2015-12-14 17:27:25","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"Do you also have stats on how many people adds a comment to your posts compared to the previous weeks? :)","2015-12-18 13:53:55","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"Hairboat's revenge? This probably isn't going to end well for you, Jon...","2015-12-14 13:28:28","2015-12-14 13:39:53","Meta Stack Overflow"
"Having put far too much thought into this over the last few days, I can't find an issue with it. The closest thing is that you'll have more moderators who could *theoretically* step on each other's toes, but that's a fairly low-priority issue. I do think that throwing more moderators at the queue probably isn't the best solution, though. I'm kicking around a few ideas for 'tiering' moderators, but I'm not sure how well that'd work in the real world.","2015-12-14 16:52:29","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"Hi Jon. For the hat.","2015-12-21 10:54:46","2015-12-21 18:43:10","Meta Stack Overflow"
"I hope any analysis will take into consideration how many 'votes for the sake of a hat' were at the expense of 'legitimate' +/- votes on worthy Q&As. The impression I have is that vote allocations are rarely exhausted.","2015-12-17 00:46:40","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"I prefer the snarky answer!","2015-12-14 13:10:35","2015-12-14 13:43:16","Meta Stack Overflow"
"I support this only if Bill the Lizard is required to return as moderator emeritus.","2015-12-14 17:21:32","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"My latin isn't that good.. I'm guessing by *in situ* you mean ""see flags if they visit the post they were cast on""?","2015-12-14 17:09:24","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"Remember all that drowning in comments? Revenge can work both ways :P","2015-12-14 13:34:17","2015-12-14 15:59:40","Meta Stack Overflow"
"Sorry, deleting again...","2015-12-22 05:45:46","2015-12-22 05:45:59","Meta Stack Overflow"
"You could compare the eventual score of ""greeted"" questions after, say, 48 hours. (Actually, that should be doable with SEDE; let me see if I can write a query for it.) If more bad questions are being edited and upvoted for the hat, that should translate to a lower average score for such questions.","2015-12-17 01:50:36","2015-12-17 01:59:42","Meta Stack Overflow"
"You could compare the eventual score of ""greeted"" questions after, say, 48 hours. (I could *almost* do that in SEDE, except that I can't tell if a user who edited a post also upvoted it.) If more bad questions are being edited and upvoted for the hat, that should translate to a lower average score for such questions.","2015-12-17 01:59:38","","Meta Stack Overflow"
"@JonEricson I know we're not supposed to spam the comments section for hats, but stil... ;)","2015-12-17 12:28:44","2015-12-17 17:39:23","Puzzling Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson that comment... is not going to age well.","2015-12-17 01:34:34","","Worldbuilding Meta Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson kids just love prizes, you know?","2015-12-21 02:54:13","","Lifehacks Stack Exchange"
"Testing whether this post is a candidate.","2015-12-14 17:48:43","2015-12-14 17:50:46","Engineering Meta Stack Exchange"
"+1 good answer. Thanks for the hat BTW.","2015-12-15 01:14:41","2015-12-15 01:54:49","Mythology Stack Exchange"
"Hairboat comment - will remove later","2015-12-14 14:07:42","2015-12-14 14:19:01","Mythology Stack Exchange"
"@JonEricson dame un sombrero","2015-12-17 04:04:39","2015-12-17 04:05:16","Stack Overflow Meta en español"
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