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Last active July 30, 2023 18:47
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Inspect marian-file format
import struct
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import difflib
class Bijective:
def __init__(self, forward):
self.forward = forward
self.backward = {value: key for key, value in self.forward.items()}
def get(self, key):
return self.forward.get(key, None)
def inverse(self, key):
return self.backward.get(key, None)
# fmt: off
TYPE_CLASS = Bijective({
"signed_type" : int("0x0100", 16),
"unsigned_type" : int("0x0200", 16),
"float_type" : int("0x0400", 16),
"packed_type" : int("0x0800", 16), # special packed (CPU cache friendly) type class, used in FBGEMM. Annoyingly we need to keep 0x800 for back-compat, would be nicer to align with intgemm
"avx2_type" : int("0x1000", 16), # processor-specific layout for avx2, currently used for FBGEMM only (keep 0x1000 for back-compat)
"avx512_type" : int("0x2000", 16), # processor-specific layout for avx512, currently used for FBGEMM only (keep 0x2000 for back-compat)
"intgemm_type" : int("0x4000", 16), # intgemm quantized architecture agnostic models
"size_mask" : int("0x00FF", 16), # maximum allowed size is 256 bytes right now; if more are required, extend the size field
"class_mask" : int("0xFF00", 16), # three fields for different type classes, if more classes are added we need to increase the number of fields here
TYPE = Bijective({
"int8" : TYPE_CLASS.get("signed_type") + 1, # int8 type
"int16" : TYPE_CLASS.get("signed_type") + 2, # int16 type
"int32" : TYPE_CLASS.get("signed_type") + 4, # int32 type
"int64" : TYPE_CLASS.get("signed_type") + 8, # int64 type
"uint8" : TYPE_CLASS.get("unsigned_type") + 1, # uint8 type
"uint16" : TYPE_CLASS.get("unsigned_type") + 2, # uint16 type
"uint32" : TYPE_CLASS.get("unsigned_type") + 4, # uint33 type
"uint64" : TYPE_CLASS.get("unsigned_type") + 8, # uint64 type
"float16" : TYPE_CLASS.get("float_type") + 2, # float16 type
"float32" : TYPE_CLASS.get("float_type") + 4, # float32 type
"float64" : TYPE_CLASS.get("float_type") + 8, # float64 type
"packed16" : TYPE_CLASS.get("packed_type") + 2, # special type for FBGEMM, not meant to be used anywhere else, not meant to be accessed invidually. Internal actual type (uint16) is meaningless.
"packed8avx2" : TYPE_CLASS.get("packed_type") + 2 + TYPE_CLASS.get("avx2_type"), # special type for FBGEMM with AVX2, not meant to be used anywhere else, not meant to be accessed invidually. Internal actual type (uint8) is meaningless.
"packed8avx512" : TYPE_CLASS.get("packed_type") + 1 + TYPE_CLASS.get("avx512_type"), # special type for FBGEMM with AVX512, not meant to be used anywhere else, not meant to be accessed invidually. Internal actual type (uint8) is meaningless.
"intgemm8" : TYPE_CLASS.get("signed_type") + 1 + TYPE_CLASS.get("intgemm_type"), # Int8 quantized (not packed) matrices for intgemm
"intgemm16" : TYPE_CLASS.get("signed_type") + 2 + TYPE_CLASS.get("intgemm_type"), # Int16 quantized (not packed) matrices for intgemm
# fmt: on
class Header:
def __init__(self, name_len, type_id, shape_len, data_len):
self.name_len = name_len
self.shape_len = shape_len
self.type = type_id
self.data_len = data_len
def __repr__(self):
return f"Header(name={self.name_len}, type={self.type}, shape={self.shape_len}, data={self.data_len})"
class Reader:
def __init__(self, fp):
self.fp = fp
def uint64(self):
buffer =
arg, *_ = struct.unpack("<Q", buffer)
return arg
def int32(self):
buffer =
arg, *_ = struct.unpack("<i", buffer)
return arg
def char(self):
buffer =
byte, *_ = struct.unpack("<c", buffer)
arg = byte.decode("utf-8")
return arg
def string(self, length):
binary =
return binary.decode("utf-8")[:-1]
def bytes(self, length):
data =
return data
def header(self):
num_fields = 4
args = [self.uint64() for i in range(num_fields)]
return Header(*args)
def shape(self, length):
data = []
for i in range(length):
datum = self.int32()
return data
class Item:
def __init__(self, type_id): = None
self.shape = None = None
self.type = type_id
def set_shape(self, shape):
self.shape = shape
def set_data(self, data): = data
def set_name(self, name): = name
def __repr__(self):
data_len = len(
typename = TYPE.inverse(self.type) or f"UnknownType[{self.type}]"
return f"Item({}, {typename}, Shape({self.shape}), {data_len})"
def parse(model_path):
with open(model_path, "rb") as fp:
reader = Reader(fp)
version = reader.uint64()
num_headers = reader.uint64()
headers = []
for i in range(num_headers):
header = reader.header()
items = [Item(header.type) for header in headers]
for header, item in zip(headers, items):
name = reader.string(header.name_len)
for header, item in zip(headers, items):
shape = reader.shape(header.shape_len)
# To align by 256, some slack is left. This distance is indicated in the
# next byte. Read, then consume distance bytes.
distance_to_256_aligned = reader.uint64()
garbage = reader.bytes(distance_to_256_aligned)
for header, item in zip(headers, items):
data = reader.bytes(header.data_len)
for header, item in zip(headers, items):
config_name = "special:model.yml"
if == config_name:
config ="utf-8")[:-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--model-path", type=str, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
[jerin@vty build]$ python3 ../ --model-path $EN_DE_MODEL_PATH
{'avx2_type': 4096,
'avx512_type': 8192,
'class_mask': 65280,
'float_type': 1024,
'intgemm_type': 16384,
'packed_type': 2048,
'signed_type': 256,
'size_mask': 255,
'unsigned_type': 512}
{'float16': 1026,
'float32': 1028,
'float64': 1032,
'int16': 258,
'int32': 260,
'int64': 264,
'int8': 257,
'intgemm16': 16642,
'intgemm8': 16641,
'packed16': 2050,
'packed8avx2': 6145,
'packed8avx512': 10241,
'uint16': 514,
'uint32': 516,
'uint64': 520,
'uint8': 513}
Bit(i1=1, i2=2, i4=4, i8=8, i4096=4096)
Item(Wemb, intgemm8, Shape([32000, 256]), 8192256)
Item(Wemb_QuantMultA, intgemm8, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_ff_logit_out_b, float32, Shape([1, 32000]), 128000)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l1_context_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_context_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_context_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_context_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_context_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_W, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_W_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_Wf, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_Wf_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_bf, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l1_rnn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l2_context_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_context_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_context_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_context_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_context_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_W, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_W_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_Wf, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_Wf_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_bf, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(decoder_l2_rnn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l1_self_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l1_self_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_self_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_self_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l1_self_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l2_self_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l2_self_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_self_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_self_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l2_self_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l3_self_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l3_self_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_self_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_self_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l3_self_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l4_self_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l4_self_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_self_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_self_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l4_self_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l5_self_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l5_self_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_self_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_self_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l5_self_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_W1, intgemm8, Shape([256, 1536]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_W1_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_W2, intgemm8, Shape([1536, 256]), 393472)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_W2_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_b1, float32, Shape([1, 1536]), 6144)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_b2, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_ffn_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_ffn_ffn_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wk, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wk_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wo, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wo_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wo_ln_bias, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wo_ln_scale, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wq, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wq_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wv, intgemm8, Shape([256, 256]), 65792)
Item(encoder_l6_self_Wv_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(encoder_l6_self_bk, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_self_bo, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_self_bq, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(encoder_l6_self_bv, float32, Shape([1, 256]), 1024)
Item(none_QuantMultA, float32, Shape([1, 1]), 256)
Item(special:model.yml, int8, Shape([1042]), 1042)
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