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Last active December 16, 2015 13:18
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My first naive attempt at Markov chains
import util.Random
object Markov extends App {
// Just some long plain-text sources from Project Gutenberg
val sherlockHolmes = ""
val kingJamesBible = ""
val artOfWar = ""
val metamorphosis = ""
val greatExpectations = ""
val sources = List(
val r = new Random(System.nanoTime)
val source = if (args.length == 1) args(0) else sources(r.nextInt(sources.size))
val freqs = io.Source.fromURL(source)
.flatMap(_.split("\\s+")) // Split on whitespace
.filter(_.trim != "") // Filter out empty strings
.map(_.toLowerCase) // Lower case that shit
.sliding(2) // Create a sliding iterable over two elements at a time
.map(s => (s(0), s(1))) // Not really necessary I guess, but easier for me
.groupBy(_._1) // Group by the starting word
.map(s => {
val startWord = s._1
val ends = s._2
.sortBy(identity(_)) // Sort each ending word
.groupBy(identity(_)) // Group on itself to aggregate
.map(p => (p._1, p._2.size)) // Output absolute end word frequency
val total = ends.values.sum
(startWord, => (p._1, p._2.toDouble / total.toDouble))) // Convert to probabilities
val startingWord = "the"
var currentWord = startingWord
println("Markov chain generated from source [%s]".format(source))
for (i <- 0 to 100) {
print(currentWord + " ")
val pop = freqs(currentWord)
.map(p => (p._1, (p._2 * 100.0).toInt)) // Multiply by 100--maybe should test how this affects output
.flatMap(e => {
List.fill(e._2)(e._1) // Output a partial candidate set filled with the same word based on probability
// Maybe there's a better way to populate the candidate set?
currentWord = pop(r.nextInt(pop.size)) // Grab a random word from the cumulative candidate set
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