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Created September 15, 2017 12:43
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Powershell script that queries TeamCity for pending changes and generates a html release file with author, number of files changed, git comment and urls to matched Jira issues.
[string]$TC, #%teamcity.serverUrl%
[string]$outputFileName) #Output file name
$TC += "/guestAuth" #TeamCity needs to be running with the guest account enabled.
$url = "$($TC)/app/rest/changes?locator=buildType:(id:$($TC_build_Id)),pending:true" #Get pending changes for a build configuration
$JiraUrl = ""
function GetChangeDetailsUrl($changesXml)
$changeIds = @()
Foreach ($Change in $changesXml.changes.change)
$changeIds += ,@("$($TC)/app/rest/changes/id:$($")
return $changeIds
function wrapJiraIssuesInHref ($content)
$issueNumber = $content -replace "((?<!([A-Za-z]{1,10})-?)[A-Z]+-\d+)","<a href=`"$($JiraUrl)`$1`">`$1</a>"
return $issueNumber
function GetFormattedChangeInfo($changeDetailsXml)
$parsedMessage = wrapJiraIssuesInHref $changeDetailsXml.change.comment
$result = "<font color='red'><b>Author:</b></font> $($changeDetailsXml.change.user.username)"
$result += "<br/><b>Message:</b> <br/> $($parsedMessage)"
$result += "<b>Files Changed:</b> $($changeDetailsXml.change.files.count)"
$result += "<br><b>Commit:</b> $($changeDetailsXml.change.version)<br/><br/>"
$result = $result -replace "`n","</br>" -replace "`r","</br>"
return $result
$result = "<div style='font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:9pt'>"
$pendingChangesXml = [xml](Invoke-RestMethod $url)
$changeDetailLinks = GetChangeDetailsUrl($pendingChangesXml)
If ($changeDetailLinks.Count -eq 0)
$result += "This build contains no new code changes."
Foreach ($link in $changeDetailLinks)
$changeDetailsXml = [xml](Invoke-RestMethod ( $link | out-string ))
$line = GetFormattedChangeInfo $changeDetailsXml
$result += "$($line)"
$result +="</div>"
New-Item $outputFileName -Type file -Force -Value $result
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