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Save jernoble/50752b97d73c76673e5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implements the 'Coded Frame Processing' algorithm of the Media Source Extension spec.
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Jer Noble
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
static double unset()
return numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
static bool isSet(const double& value)
return !isnan(value);
static bool isUnset(const double& value)
return isnan(value);
class CodedFrame {
CodedFrame(double presentationTimestamp, double decodeTimestamp, double duration, bool isRandomAccess, unsigned generation)
: presentationTimestamp(presentationTimestamp)
, decodeTimestamp(decodeTimestamp)
, duration(duration)
, isRandomAccess(isRandomAccess)
, generation(generation)
double presentationTimestamp;
double decodeTimestamp;
double duration;
bool isRandomAccess;
unsigned generation;
typedef multimap<double, CodedFrame> CodedFrameMap;
static bool codedFrameIsRandomAccess(CodedFrameMap::value_type pair)
return pair.second.isRandomAccess;
class TrackBuffer {
: lastDecodeTimestamp(unset())
, lastFrameDuration(unset())
, highestPresentationTimestamp(unset())
, needsRandomAccessFlag(true)
double lastDecodeTimestamp;
double lastFrameDuration;
double highestPresentationTimestamp;
double needsRandomAccessFlag;
CodedFrameMap codedFrames; // in decode order
class SourceBuffer {
: presentationStartTime(0)
enum ErrorCode { NoError, NetworkError, DecodeError };
ErrorCode processCodedFrames(vector<CodedFrame> codedFrames);
TrackBuffer trackBuffer;
double presentationStartTime;
SourceBuffer::ErrorCode SourceBuffer::processCodedFrames(vector<CodedFrame> codedFrames)
// When complete coded frames have been parsed by the segment parser loop then the following steps are run:
// 1. For each coded frame in the media segment run the following steps:
for (auto& codedFrame : codedFrames) {
// 1. Loop top:
// ↳ If generate timestamps flag equals true:
// 1. Let presentation timestamp equal 0.
// 2. Let decode timestamp equal 0.
// No-op.
// ↳ Otherwise:
// 1. Let presentation timestamp be a double precision floating point representation
// of the coded frame's presentation timestamp in seconds.
double presentationTimestamp = codedFrame.presentationTimestamp;
// 2. Let decode timestamp be a double precision floating point representation
// of the coded frame's decode timestamp in seconds.
double decodeTimestamp = codedFrame.decodeTimestamp;
// 2. Let frame duration be a double precision floating point representation
// of the coded frame's duration in seconds.
double frameDuration = codedFrame.duration;
// 3. If mode equals "sequence" and group start timestamp is set, then run the following steps:
// IGNORE: mode="sequence".
// 4. If timestampOffset is not 0, then run the following steps:
// IGNORE: timestampOffset.
// 5. Let track buffer equal the track buffer that the coded frame will be added to.
// ASSUME: a single track buffer, trackBuffer.
// 6. ↳ If last decode timestamp for track buffer is set and decode timestamp
// is less than last decode timestamp:
if ((isSet(trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp) && decodeTimestamp < trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp)
// OR
// ↳ If last decode timestamp for track buffer is set and the difference
// between decode timestamp and last decode timestamp is greater than
// 2 times last frame duration:
(isSet(trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp) && (abs(decodeTimestamp - trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp) > (2 * trackBuffer.lastFrameDuration)))) {
// 1. ↳ If mode equals "segments":
// ↳ If mode equals "sequence":
// IGNORE: group end timestamp and group start timestamp
// 2. Unset the last decode timestamp on all track buffers.
trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp = unset();
// 3. Unset the last frame duration on all track buffers.
trackBuffer.lastFrameDuration = unset();
// 4. Unset the highest presentation timestamp on all track buffers.
trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp = unset();
// 5. Set the need random access point flag on all track buffers to true.
trackBuffer.needsRandomAccessFlag = true;
// 6. Jump to the Loop Top step above to restart processing of the current coded frame.
goto loopTop;
// ↳ Otherwise:
// Continue.
// 7. If the presentation timestamp or decode timestamp is less than the presentation start time,
// then run the end of stream algorithm with the error parameter set to "decode", and abort
// these steps.
if (presentationTimestamp < presentationStartTime || decodeTimestamp < presentationStartTime)
return DecodeError;
// 8. Let frame end timestamp equal the sum of presentation timestamp and frame duration.
double frameEndTimestamp = presentationTimestamp + frameDuration;
// 9. If presentation timestamp is less than appendWindowStart, then set the need random access point
// flag to true, drop the coded frame, and jump to the top of the loop to start processing the next
// coded frame.
// 10. If frame end timestamp is greater than appendWindowEnd, then set the need random access point
// flag to true, drop the coded frame, and jump to the top of the loop to start processing the next
// coded frame.
// IGNORE: append windows.
// 11. If the need random access point flag on track buffer equals true, then run the following steps:
if (trackBuffer.needsRandomAccessFlag) {
// 1. If the coded frame is not a random access point, then drop the coded frame and jump to the
// top of the loop to start processing the next coded frame.
if (!codedFrame.isRandomAccess)
// 2. Set the need random access point flag on track buffer to false.
trackBuffer.needsRandomAccessFlag = false;
// 12. Let spliced audio frame be an unset variable for holding audio splice information
// IGNORE: spliced audio.
// 13. Let spliced timed text frame be an unset variable for holding timed text splice information
// IGNORE: spliced text.
// 14. If last decode timestamp for track buffer is unset and presentation timestamp falls within
// the presentation interval of a coded frame in track buffer,then run the following steps:
auto timeFallsWithinPresentationInterval = [presentationTimestamp](CodedFrameMap::value_type pair) -> bool {
CodedFrame& codedFrame = pair.second;
// The presentation interval of a coded frame is the time interval from its presentation timestamp to
// the presentation timestamp plus the coded frame's duration. Note that the start of the range is
// inclusive, but the end of the range is exclusive.
return presentationTimestamp >= codedFrame.presentationTimestamp
&& presentationTimestamp < codedFrame.presentationTimestamp + codedFrame.duration;
if (isUnset(trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp) &&
any_of(trackBuffer.codedFrames.begin(), trackBuffer.codedFrames.end(), timeFallsWithinPresentationInterval)) {
// 1. Let overlapped frame be the coded frame in track buffer that matches the condition above.
auto overlappedFrameIter = find_if(trackBuffer.codedFrames.begin(), trackBuffer.codedFrames.end(), timeFallsWithinPresentationInterval);
CodedFrame& overlappedFrame = overlappedFrameIter->second;
// 2. ↳ If track buffer contains audio coded frames:
// ↳ If track buffer contains timed text coded frames:
// ↳ If track buffer contains video coded frames:
// ASSUME: video frames
// 1. Let overlapped frame presentation timestamp equal the presentation timestamp of
// overlapped frame.
double overlappedFramePresentationTimestamp = overlappedFrame.presentationTimestamp;
// 2. Let remove window timestamp equal overlapped frame presentation timestamp plus
// 1 microsecond.
double removeWindowTimestamp = overlappedFramePresentationTimestamp + 0.000001;
// 3. If the presentation timestamp is less than the remove window timestamp, then
// remove overlapped frame and any coded frames that depend on it from track buffer.
if (presentationTimestamp < removeWindowTimestamp) {
auto nextSyncSampleIter = overlappedFrameIter;
nextSyncSampleIter = find_if(++nextSyncSampleIter, trackBuffer.codedFrames.end(), codedFrameIsRandomAccess);
// NOTE: this will remove frames in decode order.
trackBuffer.codedFrames.erase(overlappedFrameIter, nextSyncSampleIter);
CodedFrameMap removedCodedFrames;
// 15. Remove existing coded frames in track buffer:
// ↳ If highest presentation timestamp for track buffer is not set:
if (isUnset(trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp)) {
// Remove all coded frames from track buffer that have a presentation timestamp greater
// than or equal to presentation timestamp and less than frame end timestamp.
CodedFrameMap replacementCodedFrames;
for (auto& pair : trackBuffer.codedFrames) {
CodedFrame& codedFrame = pair.second;
if (codedFrame.presentationTimestamp >= presentationTimestamp && codedFrame.presentationTimestamp < frameEndTimestamp)
// Frames will be actually removed in step 16.
// ↳ If highest presentation timestamp for track buffer is set and less than presentation timestamp
if (isSet(trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp) && trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp < presentationTimestamp) {
// Remove all coded frames from track buffer that have a presentation timestamp greater than
// highest presentation timestamp and less than or equal to frame end timestamp.
CodedFrameMap replacementCodedFrames;
for (auto& pair : trackBuffer.codedFrames) {
CodedFrame& codedFrame = pair.second;
if (codedFrame.presentationTimestamp > trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp && codedFrame.presentationTimestamp <= frameEndTimestamp)
// Frames will be actually removed in step 16.
// 16. Remove decoding dependencies of the coded frames removed in the previous step:
// ↳ If detailed information about decoding dependencies is available:
// ASSUME: detailed dependancy information is unavailable.
// ↳ Otherwise:
// Remove all coded frames between the coded frames removed in the previous step and the
// next random access point after those removed frames.
for (auto& pair : removedCodedFrames) {
double removedCodedFrameDecodeTimestamp = pair.first;
auto removedFrameIter = trackBuffer.codedFrames.find(removedCodedFrameDecodeTimestamp);
// Coded frame may have been removed in a previous step.
if (removedFrameIter == trackBuffer.codedFrames.end())
auto nextSyncSampleIter = removedFrameIter;
nextSyncSampleIter = find_if(++nextSyncSampleIter, trackBuffer.codedFrames.end(), codedFrameIsRandomAccess);
// NOTE: this will remove frames in decode order.
trackBuffer.codedFrames.erase(removedFrameIter, nextSyncSampleIter);
// 17. ↳ If spliced audio frame is set:
// ↳ If spliced timed text frame is set:
// IGNORE: splicing.
// ↳ Otherwise:
// Add the coded frame with the presentation timestamp, decode timestamp, and frame duration
// to the track buffer.
trackBuffer.codedFrames.emplace(decodeTimestamp, codedFrame);
// 18. Set last decode timestamp for track buffer to decode timestamp.
trackBuffer.lastDecodeTimestamp = decodeTimestamp;
// 19. Set last frame duration for track buffer to frame duration.
trackBuffer.lastFrameDuration = frameDuration;
// 20. If highest presentation timestamp for track buffer is unset or frame end timestamp is greater
// than highest presentation timestamp, then set highest presentation timestamp for track buffer
// to frame end timestamp.
if (isUnset(trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp) || frameEndTimestamp > trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp)
trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp = frameEndTimestamp;
// 21. If frame end timestamp is greater than group end timestamp, then set group end timestamp
// equal to frame end timestamp.
// IGNORE: group end timestamp.
// 22. If generate timestamps flag equals true, then set timestampOffset equal to frame end timestamp.
// IGNORE: generate timestamps flag.
// 2. If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is HAVE_METADATA and the new coded frames cause all objects
// in activeSourceBuffers to have media data for the current playback position, then run the following steps:
// 3. If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is HAVE_CURRENT_DATA and the new coded frames cause all objects
// in activeSourceBuffers to have media data beyond the current playback position, then run the following steps:
// 4. If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA and the new coded frames cause all objects
// in activeSourceBuffers to have enough data to ensure uninterrupted playback, then run the following steps:
// 5. If the media segment contains data beyond the current duration, then run the duration change algorithm with
// new duration set to the maximum of the current duration and the group end timestamp.
// IGNORE: ready state changes.
return NoError;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, CodedFrame& sample)
return stream
<< "{"
<< " PTS(" << sample.presentationTimestamp << ")"
<< " DTS(" << sample.decodeTimestamp << ")"
<< " duration(" << sample.duration << ")"
<< " isRandomAccess(" << sample.isRandomAccess << ")"
<< " generation(" << sample.generation << ")"
<< " }";
ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, CodedFrameMap& map)
for (auto& pair : map)
stream << pair.second << endl;
return stream;
int main(void)
SourceBuffer sourceBuffer;
CodedFrame(0, 0, 1, true, 1),
CodedFrame(1, 1, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(2, 2, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(3, 3, 1, true, 1),
CodedFrame(4, 4, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(5, 5, 1, false, 1),
cout << "Round 1: initial state - length:" << sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames.size() << endl
<< sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames
<< endl;
CodedFrame(0, 0, 1, true, 2),
CodedFrame(1, 1, 1, false, 2),
CodedFrame(2, 2, 1, false, 2),
CodedFrame(3, 3, 1, true, 2),
CodedFrame(4, 4, 1, false, 2),
CodedFrame(5, 5, 1, false, 2),
cout << "Round 2: ordered P frames - length:" << sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames.size() << endl
<< sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames
<< endl;
CodedFrame(0, 0, 1, true, 3),
CodedFrame(2, 1, 1, false, 3),
CodedFrame(1, 2, 1, false, 3),
CodedFrame(3, 3, 1, true, 3),
CodedFrame(5, 4, 1, false, 3),
CodedFrame(4, 5, 1, false, 3),
cout << "Round 3: unordered P frames - length:" << sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames.size() << endl
<< sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames
<< endl;
CodedFrame(0, 0, 1, true, 4),
CodedFrame(2, 1, 1, false, 4),
CodedFrame(1, 2, 1, false, 4),
CodedFrame(3, 3, 1, true, 4),
CodedFrame(5, 4, 1, false, 4),
CodedFrame(4, 5, 1, false, 4),
cout << "Round 4: unordered P frames - length:" << sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames.size() << endl
<< sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames
<< endl;
CodedFrame(2, 0, 1, true, 5),
CodedFrame(0, 1, 1, false, 5),
CodedFrame(1, 2, 1, false, 5),
CodedFrame(5, 3, 1, true, 5),
CodedFrame(3, 4, 1, false, 5),
CodedFrame(4, 5, 1, false, 5),
cout << "Round 5: ordered B frames - length:" << sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames.size() << endl
<< sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames
<< endl;
CodedFrame(0, 0, 1, true, 1),
CodedFrame(1, 1, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(2, 2, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(3, 3, 1, true, 1),
CodedFrame(4, 4, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(5, 5, 1, false, 1),
CodedFrame(0.5, 0.5, 1, true, 6),
CodedFrame(1.5, 1.5, 1, false, 6),
CodedFrame(2.5, 2.5, 1, false, 6),
CodedFrame(3.5, 3.5, 1, true, 6),
CodedFrame(4.5, 4.5, 1, false, 6),
CodedFrame(5.5, 5.5, 1, false, 6),
cout << "Round 6: ordered unaligned P frames - length:" << sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames.size() << endl
<< sourceBuffer.trackBuffer.codedFrames
<< endl;
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Compile with:

> clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 CodedFrameProcessing.cpp -o CodedFrameProcessing

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Round 1: initial state - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }

Round 2: ordered P frames - length:9
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(2) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(2) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }

Round 3: unordered P frames - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(3) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(3) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }

Round 4: unordered P frames - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }

Round 5: ordered B frames - length:8
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(5) }
{ PTS(0) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(5) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }

Round 6: ordered unaligned P frames - length:10
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(0.5) DTS(0.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(6) }
{ PTS(1.5) DTS(1.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }
{ PTS(2.5) DTS(2.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(3.5) DTS(3.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(6) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(4.5) DTS(4.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(5.5) DTS(5.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }

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jernoble commented Jun 1, 2014

If §15 part 2 is changed to read:

If highest presentation timestamp for track buffer is set and less than or equal to presentation timestamp
Remove all coded frames from track buffer that have a presentation timestamp greater than or equal to highest presentation timestamp and less than or equal to frame end timestamp.

Than the results for the same tests are as follows:

Round 1: initial state - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(1) }

Round 2: ordered P frames - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(2) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(2) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(2) }

Round 3: unordered P frames - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(3) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(3) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(3) }

Round 4: unordered P frames - length:6
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(4) }

Round 5: ordered B frames - length:7
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(4) }
{ PTS(2) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(5) }
{ PTS(0) DTS(1) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }
{ PTS(1) DTS(2) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }
{ PTS(5) DTS(3) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(5) }
{ PTS(3) DTS(4) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }
{ PTS(4) DTS(5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(5) }

Round 6: ordered unaligned P frames - length:7
{ PTS(0) DTS(0) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(1) }
{ PTS(0.5) DTS(0.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(6) }
{ PTS(1.5) DTS(1.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }
{ PTS(2.5) DTS(2.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }
{ PTS(3.5) DTS(3.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(1) generation(6) }
{ PTS(4.5) DTS(4.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }
{ PTS(5.5) DTS(5.5) duration(1) isRandomAccess(0) generation(6) }

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