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Created September 30, 2018 20:10
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Mosquito population model
import numpy as np
class Mosquito:
"""Contains the details of each Mosquito"""
def __init__(self, mother_gene_infected, father_gene_infected, sex):
self.genes = [mother_gene_infected, father_gene_infected] = sex
class Simulation:
"""Regulates the population and simulation"""
def __init__(self, n_healthy, n_infected):
Create a population (list of individuals)
with a number of healthy and infected individuals
# The construct ['Male', 'Female'][x % 2] will make sure that
# we produce mosquitos of alternating sex, resulting in a 0.5 sex ratio
self.population = [Mosquito(mother_gene_infected=False,
sex=['Male', 'Female'][x % 2]) for x in range(n_healthy)]
sex=['Male', 'Female'][x % 2]) for x in range(n_infected)])
def reproduction(self):
Replace the old population by a new one
# Divide the population into females and males.
# Females with 2 copies of the infected gene are infertile and not selected
females = [m for m in self.population if ( == 'Female') and (sum(m.genes) < 2)]
males = [m for m in self.population if == 'Male']
# The old population is overwritten by an empty list and will be filled with new individuals
self.population = []
# If there is at least one fertile female..
if females:
# select a random male mate for each female
lucky_males = np.random.choice(males, len(females))
for i, f in enumerate(females):
# Pass on genes to about 100 offspring (Poisson distribution).
# Since gene drive is in place, an infected gene will always be passed on.
# The construct ['Male', 'Female'][x % 2] will make sure that
# we produce mosquitos of alternating sex, resulting in a 0.5 sex ratio
self.population.extend([Mosquito(mother_gene_infected=sum(f.genes) > 0,
father_gene_infected=sum(lucky_males[i].genes) > 0,
sex=['Male', 'Female'][n % 2]) for n in range(np.random.poisson(100))])
def density_dependent_survival(self, a=0.25, beta=0.5):
Reduce the current population in a density-dependent manner.
When the population is big the survival rate is lower
than when the population is low.
Surviving individuals will go on to reproduce
# Single species density regulation based on Hassell & Comins
survival_rate = (1 + a * len(self.population)) ** -beta
n_survivors = int(len(self.population) * survival_rate)
# if there are survivors we select them randomly from the current population
if n_survivors:
self.population = self.population[0:(n_survivors + 1)]
self.population = []
def population_statistics(self):
Calculate the population statistics of interest
# Count the number of infected individuals
infected = len([m for m in self.population if (sum(m.genes) > 0)])
# Count the number of double infected (homozygote) individuals
double_infected = len([m for m in self.population if (sum(m.genes) == 2)])
return [len(self.population), infected, double_infected]
def main_loop(self, n_generations):
The main loop function of a single simulation
Each iteration is a generation
# create an array to store per-generation results
results_array = np.zeros(shape=(n_generations + 1, 3))
results_array[0] = self.population_statistics()
for n in range(n_generations):
results_array[n + 1] = self.population_statistics()
# return the per-generation evolution of the infection
# and whether the population went extinct
return results_array, len(self.population) == 0
def plot_meta_results(results):
"""Results plotter for results over multiple simulations"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# switch from proportions to percentages
plt.plot(100 * results[:, 0], 100 * results[:, 1])
plt.xlabel('Population percentage of infected individuals introduced')
plt.ylabel('Percentage of simulations with extinction')
def plot_simulation_results(results):
"""Results plotter for results of single simulation"""
import pylab
x = np.arange(0, len(results))
popsize = results[:, 0]
all_infected = results[:, 1]
double_infected = results[:, 2]
pylab.plot(x, popsize, '-b', label='Population')
pylab.plot(x, all_infected, '-r', label='All infected')
pylab.plot(x, double_infected, '-g', label='Double infected')
pylab.legend(loc='lower right')
pylab.ylabel('Number of individuals')
pylab.ylim(0, max(popsize) * 1.1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -------------------
# simulation settings
# -------------------
# While there is randomness in our simulation,
# for a particular random seed the outcome will be the same.
# The number of uninfected mosquitos present in the 1st generation
n_healthy_mosquitos = 10000
n_infected_mosquitos = 100
dyn = Simulation(n_healthy=n_healthy_mosquitos,
# a single run of the simulation
results = dyn.main_loop(n_generations=20)[0]
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# # -------------------
# # simulation settings
# # -------------------
# # While there is randomness in our simulation,
# # for a particular random seed the outcome will be the same.
# np.random.seed(1)
# # The number of infected mosquitos to introduce in the 1st generation
# infections_to_test = [1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300]
# # The number of simulations to run for each of the values in the list above
# n_simulations = 100
# # The number of uninfected mosquitos present in the 1st generation
# n_healthy_mosquitos = 10000
# # create an array to store per-simulation setting results
# results = np.zeros(shape=(len(infections_to_test), 2))
# # loop over the settings and run simulations
# for i, n_infected_mosquitos in enumerate(infections_to_test):
# n_extinct = 0
# print(n_infected_mosquitos)
# for n in range(n_simulations):
# dyn = Simulation(n_healthy=n_healthy_mosquitos,
# n_infected=n_infected_mosquitos)
# n_extinct += dyn.main_loop(n_generations=20)[1]
# # write to the results matrix what the proportion of infected vs healthy
# # mosquitos was + the proportion of simulations where extinction took place
# results[i] = [n_infected_mosquitos / n_healthy_mosquitos,
# n_extinct / n_simulations]
# print(results)
# plot_meta_results(results)
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