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Last active June 8, 2018 08:37
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Some jq examples translated from

Some jq examples translated from

jq can be downloaded from

curl > data.json
$ < data.json jq '.name' | head -n 6
$ < data.json jq '' | head -n 6
$ < data.json jq '' | sort | uniq -c | head -n 8
  58 "census-gov"
  14 "dot-gov"
   2 "gsa-gov"
   1 "nsf-gov"
   8 "opm-gov"
   1 "ssa-gov"
  11 "usgs-gov"
   5 "va-gov"
$ < data.json jq -c '{name: .name, organization: }' | head -n 3
$ < data.json jq -c '"Notes: " + .notes[0:60] + "..."' | head -n 3
"Notes: The VA National Formulary is a listing of products (drugs an..."
"Notes: The Company Snapshot is a concise electronic record of compa..."
"Notes: The program collects data for analysis of traffic safety cra..."
$ < data.json jq -c 'select(.maintainer) | . + { maintainer: (.maintainer | ascii_upcase) }' | head -n 3 | cut -c1-82
{"license_title":"Creative Commons CCZero","maintainer":"DON LEES","relationships_
{"license_title":"Other License Specified","maintainer":"JAMIE VASSER","relationsh
{"license_title":"U.S. Government Work","maintainer":"LIXIN ZHAO","relationships_a
$ < data.json jq -c 'if .license_id == "cc-zero" then "Open" else "Closed" end' | head -n 3
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