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Last active November 15, 2023 15:31
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DirectoryWatcher visitor utilities
(import '[io.methvin.watcher.visitor FileTreeVisitor])
;; See for options
(require '[babashka.fs :as fs])
(defn walker-file-tree [opts]
(fn [path {:keys [on-file on-dir on-failure]
:or {on-file (fn [_ _])
on-dir (fn [_ _])
on-failure (fn [_ _])}}]
(fs/walk-file-tree path
(merge {:pre-visit-dir
(fn [path attrs]
(on-dir path attrs)
(fn [path attrs]
(on-file path attrs)
(fn [path ex]
(when ex
(on-failure path ex))
(fn [path ex]
(on-failure path ex)
(defn ->file-tree-visitor [file-tree-walker]
(reify FileTreeVisitor
(recursiveVisitFiles [_ root-path onDirectory onFile]
(file-tree-walker root-path
{:on-file (fn [path _]
(.call onFile path)
:on-dir (fn [path _]
(.call onDirectory path))}))))
(let [*files (atom [])
f (fn [path _]
(swap! *files conj (str path)))
;; play around with :max-depth and see the difference
walker (walker-file-tree {:max-depth 2})]
(walker "/usr/lib"
{:on-file f})
(count (map str @*files)))
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