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Created April 8, 2019 14:03
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First experiment with closhrc
(defcmd git [& [dispatch :as args]]
(if (= dispatch "browse")
(let [{:keys [code stderr]
remote-url :stdout} (sh-value "git" "remote" "get-url" "origin")]
(if (zero? code)
(do (println "Opening" remote-url)
(sh "open" (clojure.string/trim remote-url)))
(println stderr)))
(eval `(sh "git" ~@args))))
(defcmd closhrc []
(load-file (str (getenv "HOME") "/.closhrc")))
(defn git-current-branch []
(let [{:keys [code stdout]} (sh-value "git" "branch")]
(when (zero? code)
(some (fn [line]
(when (.startsWith line "* ")
(clojure.string/trim (subs line 2 ))))
(clojure.string/split-lines stdout)))))
(defn current-dir []
(let [{dir :stdout} (sh-value "pwd")]
(last (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/trim dir) #"\/"))))
(defn closh-prompt []
(clojure.string/join " "
[" $"
(when-let [b (git-current-branch)]
(str "git:(" b ")"))
" "])))
(println "CloshRC loaded")
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