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Last active January 6, 2020 17:12
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Boot tasks in Babashka
(ns adgoji.application.tasks
(:require [spartan.spec :as s]))
;; export BABASHKA_CLASSPATH="$(clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {spartan.spec {:git/url "" :sha "104129aae9eab6dd4622937d0f46abeed9c9c537"}}}' -Spath)"
;; TODO fix adding any?
(defn any? [x]
(defn strlen-1? [x]
(= 1 (count (str x))))
(defn strlen-2+? [x]
(< 1 (count (str x))))
(s/def ::short-option (s/or ::nil nil? ;; FIXME :nil is not accepted by
:v (s/and symbol? strlen-1?)) )
(s/def ::long-option (s/or ::nil nil? ;; FIXME :nil is not accepted by
:v (s/and symbol? strlen-2+?)) )
(defn upper-cased? [x]
(let [xs (str x)]
(= xs (clojure.string/upper-case xs))))
(defn upper-cased-symbol? [x]
(and (symbol? x)
(upper-cased? x)))
(s/def ::option (s/cat :short-opt ::short-option
:long-opt ::long-option
:argname (s/? upper-cased-symbol?)
:default (s/? (complement upper-cased-symbol?)) ;; DSL extension!
:opt-type '#{bool char code edn file float int kw regexp sym str}
:desc string?))
(s/def ::options (s/cat :options (s/* ::option)))
200 (s/def ::tasks (s/cat
:description (s/? string?)
:options (s/and vector? ::options)
:body (s/* any?)))
(def ^:dynamic *options* {})
(defmacro deftask
"Define a boot task."
[sym & forms]
(let [conformed (s/conform ::tasks forms)]
(if (= ::s/invalid conformed)
(prn (s/explain ::options forms))
`(println '~forms))
(prn "conformed" conformed)
(catch Exception e
(println "eerrro")
(deftask options
"Demonstrate the task options DSL."
[a a-option VAL 200 kw "The option."
c counter int "The counter."
e entry VAL sym "An entrypoint symbol."
f flag bool "Enable flag."
o o-option VAL str "The other option."]
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