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Last active July 7, 2021 10:21
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Save jeroenvermeulen/e1dc727bcaadeade14ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to clean up unused Magento images
#!/usr/bin/env php
* mh_remove_unused_product_images.php
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Jeroen Vermeulen (
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$magePaths = [ dirname(__FILE__).'/..', dirname(__FILE__), dirname(__FILE__).'/../..' ];
$tool = new Tool($magePaths);
* Class Tool
* Tool to remove unused Magento images from disk.
* Looks for usage in:
* - Product media gallery
* - Product EAV attributes: small_image, thumbnail, image
* - These product attributes in flat tables
class Tool
/** @var string - Path to the Magento root */
protected $magePath;
/** @var string - Path to the product images root */
protected $imagesPath;
/** @var mysqli - MySQLi database adapter object */
protected $mysqli;
/** @var string - Hostname of MySQL server */
protected $dbHost;
/** @var string - Username for MySQL server */
protected $dbUser;
/** @var string - Password for MySQL server */
protected $dbWord;
/** @var string - Database name for MySQL server */
protected $dbName;
/** @var string - Table prefix for database */
protected $dbPrefix;
/** @var array - Magento product attribute names which contain image paths */
protected $imageFields = array('small_image', 'thumbnail', 'image');
/** @var bool - True if script is executed using CLI */
protected $cliRun = true;
/** @var bool - True if script is executed using a browser, not recommended. */
protected $webRun = false;
* Constructor. Reads config and checks images path.
* @param $magePaths
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($magePaths)
$this->cliRun = ( isset( $_SERVER['TERM'] ) && 'dumb' != $_SERVER['TERM'] );
$this->webRun = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
if ( $this->webRun ) {
header( "Content-Type: text/plain" );
foreach ($magePaths as $magePath) {
$xmlFile = $magePath . '/app/etc/local.xml';
if (is_readable($xmlFile)) {
$this->magePath = $magePath;
$this->imagesPath = realpath($this->magePath . '/media/catalog/product');
printf("Using config: %s\n", $xmlFile);
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$this->dbHost = strval($xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->host);
$this->dbUser = strval($xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->username);
$this->dbName = strval($xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->dbname);
$this->dbWord = strval($xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->password);
$this->dbPrefix = strval($xml->global->resources->db->table_prefix);
$configFile = $magePath . '/app/etc/env.php';
if (is_readable($configFile)) {
$this->magePath = $magePath;
$this->imagesPath = realpath($this->magePath . '/pub/media/catalog/product');
printf("Using config: %s\n", $configFile);
$mage2Config = include($configFile);
$this->dbHost = $mage2Config['db']['connection']['default']['host'];
$this->dbUser = $mage2Config['db']['connection']['default']['username'];
$this->dbName = $mage2Config['db']['connection']['default']['dbname'];
$this->dbWord = $mage2Config['db']['connection']['default']['password'];
$this->dbPrefix = $mage2Config['db']['table_prefix'];
if (empty($this->magePath)) {
throw new Exception("ERROR: Magento not found.\n");
// Check images path
if (!is_dir($this->imagesPath)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("ERROR: Product images directory '%s' does not exist.\n", $this->imagesPath));
* Runs the actual tool.
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function run()
// Open database connection
$this->mysqli = new mysqli($this->dbHost, $this->dbUser, $this->dbWord, $this->dbName);
if ($this->mysqli->connect_errno) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("ERROR: Failed to connect to MySQL: %s\n", $this->mysqli->connect_error));
// Add media gallery imags
$dbImages = $this->getQueryColumn(
sprintf("SELECT `value` FROM `%scatalog_product_entity_media_gallery`",
// Add images from product attributes
$attrIds = $this->getQueryColumn(
sprintf("SELECT `attribute_id`
FROM `%seav_attribute` INNER JOIN `%seav_entity_type` USING (`entity_type_id`)
WHERE `entity_type_code` = 'catalog_product'
AND `attribute_code` IN (%s)",
$this->dbPrefix, $this->dbPrefix, "'" . implode("','", $this->imageFields) . "'"));
$eavImages = $this->getQueryColumn(
sprintf("SELECT `value` FROM `%scatalog_product_entity_varchar` WHERE `attribute_id` IN (%s)",
$this->dbPrefix, implode(',', $attrIds)));
$dbImages = array_merge($dbImages, $eavImages);
// Add images from flat tables, to be sure we don't break the current site
$flatTables = $this->getQueryColumn(
sprintf("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%scatalog_product_flat_%%'", $this->dbPrefix));
foreach ($flatTables as $flatTable) {
foreach ($this->imageFields as $field) {
if ($this->fieldExists($flatTable, $field)) {
$fieldImages = $this->getQueryColumn(sprintf("SELECT `%s` FROM `%s`", $field, $flatTable));
$dbImages = array_merge($dbImages, $fieldImages);
// Make array unique, convert to real filename
$dbImages = array_unique($dbImages);
$dbInvalidCount = 0;
$keys = array_keys($dbImages); // Save keys because we will manipulate array
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$dbImages[$key] = trim($dbImages[$key]);
if (empty($dbImages[$key])) {
} else {
$fullPath = realpath($this->imagesPath . $dbImages[$key]);
if (false === $fullPath) {
// Finding path failed, filename from database does not exist on filesystem, ignore
} elseif (0 !== strpos($fullPath, $this->imagesPath)) {
// Something wrong, file is outside product images root, for example contains '../'
printf("Warning: Image path outside image root used: '%s'.\n", $fullPath);
} else {
$dbImages[$key] = $fullPath;
$dbImages = array_unique($dbImages); // After realpath some paths may be the same
printf("Found %d invalid images in database.\n", $dbInvalidCount);
printf("Found %d valid images in database.\n", count($dbImages));
// Close database connection, we don't need it anymore
// Find images on filesystem using shell command "find"
$imageFiles = array();
// Look for images in all subdirs 1 that are 1 char lang
exec('find ./? -type f', $imageFiles);
printf("Found %d image files on disk.\n", count($imageFiles));
// Compare and build list of images to delete
$dbImageFlip = array_flip($dbImages);
$deleteList = array();
$deleteSize = 0;
foreach ($imageFiles as $imageFile) {
if ('./' == substr($imageFile, 0, 2)) {
$imageFile = substr($imageFile, 2);
$fullFilePath = $this->imagesPath . '/' . $imageFile;
if (!isset($dbImageFlip[$fullFilePath])) {
if (is_writable($fullFilePath)) {
$deleteList[] = $fullFilePath;
$deleteSize += filesize($fullFilePath) / 1024 / 1024; // Add in Mb
} else {
printf("Warning: File '%s' is not writable, skipping.\n", $fullFilePath);
// Let the user descide what to do
if (empty($deleteList)) {
echo "Found no images to clean up.\n";
} else {
printf("Found %d image files to be deleted, %.02f Mb. ", count($deleteList), $deleteSize );
if ($this->cliRun) {
echo "Are you sure (y/N)? ";
$handle = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
$userInput = fgets($handle);
if (strtolower(substr(trim($userInput), 0, 1)) != 'y') {
echo "ABORTING!\n";
return false;
echo "\n";
// The actual deletion of the files
foreach ($deleteList as $deleteFile) {
// Remove empty dirs
shell_exec(sprintf('find %s -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;', $this->imagesPath));
echo "Done.\n";
return true;
* Execute a query and return the MySQLi result object
* @param string $query
* @return mysqli_result
* @throws Exception
protected function sqlQuery($query)
$queryResult = $this->mysqli->query($query);
if (!$queryResult) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("ERROR: Error '%s' running query '%s'.\n", $this->mysqli->error, $query));
return $queryResult;
* Execute a query, and return the first field of each resulting row, in one array.
* @param $query
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected function getQueryColumn($query)
$result = array();
$queryResult = $this->sqlQuery($query);
while ($row = $queryResult->fetch_row()) {
$result[] = strval($row[0]);
return $result;
* Check if a field exists in a table in the database
* @param $table
* @param $column
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
protected function fieldExists($table, $column)
$queryResult = $this->sqlQuery(sprintf("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `%s` LIKE '%s'", $table, $column));
return (0 < $queryResult->num_rows);
* Be nice to other processes in disk and CPU usage.
* We give this script low priority so we don't bother more important processes.
protected function beNice()
if (file_exists('/usr/bin/ionice')) {
shell_exec(sprintf('/usr/bin/ionice -c 3 -p %d', getmypid()));
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@Ang90 The Gist is the page you are looking at. I have updated the script so you can put it in the webroot (httpdocs or public_html etc) and execute it from a web browser. Then you don't need SSH. I am sorry but I can't give any further support. Please ask a fellow developer to help you if needed.

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