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Last active December 19, 2018 16:18
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Merge a branch using --ff-only, check status checks, and remove branches locally and on remote.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def notice(text)
puts "\e[33m#{text}\e[0m"
def success(text)
puts "\e[32m#{text}\e[0m"
def error(text)
puts "\e[31m#{text}\e[0m"
exit 1
# Update the branch, and if it fails, throw error
unless system('git fetch 2> /dev/null')
error "You can only finish a branch if you're in a git repository"
# Only merge local branches
current_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp
if current_branch == "HEAD"
error "You should only finish local branches."
# Don't finish the master branch
if current_branch == "master"
error "You cannot finish the master branch."
# Make sure ci is passing
ci_status = `hub ci-status`.chomp
unless ci_status == "success"
error "You should only finish branches that are passing ci. (current status: #{ci_status})"
# Make sure branch is not behind origin/master
commits_behind = `git rev-list --left-only --count origin/master...#{current_branch}`.chomp.to_i
if commits_behind > 0
error "Your branch is behind origin/master, first rebase onto origin/master and run again."
# Checkout master
notice "Checking out master..."
puts `git checkout master`
# Do a fast-forward merge (just move the tag)
notice "Merging branch (fast-forward)..."
puts `git merge --ff-only #{current_branch}`
# Push changes
notice "Pushing changes to remote..."
puts `git push`
# Delete local and remote branch
notice "Deleting branches (local and remote)..."
puts `git branch -d #{current_branch}`
puts `git push origin --delete #{current_branch}`
# Finish program
success "Finished branch '#{current_branch}'."
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