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Created September 30, 2022 17:07
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Slack Bulk Bot
// GO TO, select from scratch, give the app a name and pick a workspace
// GO TO OAuth & Permissions, Oauth permissions -> Scopes, add chat:write and users:read to user scopes
// Press "install to workspace" at the top of the page, approve and copy User OAuth Token
// Go to Google sheets, create a new sheet, press Extentions -> Apps Script, Copy this code, press save, press execute
// Go back to Google Sheets, select Slack -> Initialize and paste the User OAuth token
// Fill out the input sheet with names (or user names), and messages you can use $firstname and $lastname placeholders, but it may be empty
// Press Slack -> Send to Recipients, confirm and watch while the status column is populated, the status column must be empty
const LOOKUP_TPL = [
const SETTINGS_TPL = [
const INPUT_TPL = [
const SLACK_TOKEN_NAME = 'slack-user-token';
function onOpen(e) {
.addItem('Initialize Sheets', 'initSheets')
.addItem('Update Lookup Table', 'updateLookupTable')
.addItem('Send to Recipients', 'postLoop')
function initSheets() {
getOrCreateSheet('Input', INPUT_TPL);
getOrCreateSheet('Lookup', LOOKUP_TPL);
getOrCreateSheet('Settings', SETTINGS_TPL);
function getOrCreateSheet(sheetName, tpl) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName) ?? SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().insertSheet(sheetName);
const headers = sheet.getRange('1:1').getValues();
const missingColumns = tpl.filter(c => !headers.includes(c));
missingColumns.forEach((column, i) => {
sheet.getRange(1, i + headers.length).setValue(column);
return sheet;
function loadSheetAsObject(sheetName, tpl) {
const sheet = getOrCreateSheet(sheetName, tpl);
const range = sheet.getDataRange();
const rows = range.getValues();
const result = [];
for (let i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
const data = {};
for (let j = 0; j < rows[i].length; j++) {
const key = rows[0][j];
data[key] = rows[i][j];
data['set'+key] = (value) => range.getCell(i+1, j+1).setValue(value);
return result;
function updateLookupTable() {
const token = getSetting(SLACK_TOKEN_NAME);
const members = loadUserData(token).members;
if (!members) {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Unable to communicate with slack');
const resultData = members.filter(m => !m.deleted).map(m => ({
fullname: m.profile.real_name,
displayname: m.profile.display_name,
firstname: m.profile.first_name,
lastname: m.profile.last_name,
const rows = [
LOOKUP_TPL, => => d[h]))
const sheet = getOrCreateSheet("Lookup", LOOKUP_TPL);
sheet.getRange(1,1,rows.length, LOOKUP_TPL.length).setValues(rows);
function getLookupTable() {
const data = loadSheetAsObject("Lookup", LOOKUP_TPL);
const lookup = {};
for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
const user = data[i];
lookup[user.username] = user;
lookup[user.fullname] = user;
lookup[user.displayname] = user;
lookup[user.userid] = user;
return lookup;
function getSettings() {
const data = loadSheetAsObject("Settings", SETTINGS_TPL);
const result = {};
for (const row of data) {
result[row.key] = row.value;
return result;
function getSetting(name) {
const settings = getSettings();
if(!settings[name]) {
let setting;
while(!setting) {
setting = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().prompt('Enter value for: '+name).getResponseText();
getOrCreateSheet("Settings", SETTINGS_TPL).appendRow([name, setting]);
return setting;
return settings[name];
function confirm(msg) {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
return ui.alert(msg, ui.ButtonSet.YES_NO) === ui.Button.YES
function postLoop () {
const lookup = getLookupTable();
const input = loadSheetAsObject("Input", INPUT_TPL);
const token = getSetting(SLACK_TOKEN_NAME);
if(!confirm(`You are going to send a message to ${input.length} users, are you sure?`)) {
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
const user = lookup[input[i].query];
if(input[i].status) continue;
const status = user ? 'Sending...' : 'Not Found: ';
if(!user) continue;
const message = ['firstname', 'lastname'].reduce(
(r, a) => r.replace('$'+a, user[a]),
const response = postToSlack(''+user.userid, message, token);
input[i].setstatus(response.ok ? 'sent' : 'NOT OK');
function loadUserData(token) {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
method : 'get',
contentType : 'application/json',
headers : {
Authorization : 'Bearer ' + token
muteHttpExceptions : true,
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText())
function postToSlack(channel, message, token) {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
method : 'post',
contentType : 'application/json',
headers : {
Authorization : 'Bearer ' + token
payload : JSON.stringify({
'channel' : channel,
'text' : message,
'as_user' : true
muteHttpExceptions : true,
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText())
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