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Last active April 23, 2016 03:17
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* A pizza chain wants to know which topping combinations are most popular for Build Your Own pizzas.
* Given the sample of orders at, write an application (in C#, F# or JavaScript)
* to output the top 20 most frequently ordered pizza configurations, listing the toppings for each along with the
* number of times that pizza configuration has been ordered.
// nuget FSharp.Data
// nuget Newtonsoft.Json
#load "Scripts/load-references-debug.fsx"
open System
open System.Text
open FSharp.Core
open Newtonsoft.Json
open FSharp.Data
type Orders = JsonProvider<"""[{"toppings":["cheese"]},{"toppings":["pepperoni", "cheese"]}]""">
let request = Http.RequestString("")
let orders = Orders.Parse(request)
let grouped =
|> Array.groupBy(fun o -> o.Toppings)
let sorted =
|> (key, orders) -> (key, (Array.length orders), orders) )
|> Array.sortByDescending(fun (_, s, _) -> s)
let displayResults() =
|> Array.take(20)
|> Array.iter(fun (ts, sum, ps) ->
let toppingsListString =
|> Array.fold(fun s tss -> s + tss + " ") ""
printfn "Toppings: %s |\t\t\tCount: %i" toppingsListString sum
displayResults ()
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