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Last active July 25, 2017 07:15
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con not find symbol &gourp, but sub group is export(:MANDATORY) { ...}
unit module add;
use Term::Choose;
use Prompt::Gruff::Export;
use check;
use datas;
######## PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ##################################################################
sub ask_add_new {
return prompt-for("Would you like to add an other one new repo ?", :yn(1));
my sub ask_repo_datas {
my ($title, $url);
$title= prompt-for( "Give a title for the new repo to add: " );
$url= prompt-for( "give me the repo url: ", :regex("^https://") );
return ($title, $url);
sub change_repo_datas(Str $title, Str $url){
$title = change_title( $title );
$url = change_url( $url );
return ($title, $url);
sub change_title(Str $title){
return prompt-for( "Change the title \"$title\" : " );
sub change_url(Str $url) {
return prompt-for( "Change the url \"$url\" : ", :regex("^https://") );
######## PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ###################################################################
# _Menu answer a) I want to add repos group
our sub group($yaml) is export(:MANDATORY) {
my $group_name;
while (1) {
$group_name= prompt-for( "Which name to give for this new group ?", :yn(1) );
if ( ! check.group_exist($yaml, $group_name) ) {
if ($group_name eq "") {
say "exit... ";
return 0;
} else {
$yaml.add_group( $group_name );
} else { say "\ngroup exist allready... choose an other one name please."; }
# _Menu answer b) i want to add repos
our sub repos($yaml) is export(:MANDATORY) {
my ( @group_list, $group_name, $title, $url );
my $add_repo= 1;
$ { @group_list.push: $_<group>; };
until ( defined $group_name ) {
$group_name= choose( @group_list,
:prompt("which group for add repos inside ? choose..."),
:index(1), :mouse(1), :layout(2) );
while ( $add_repo ) {
my $correct = 0 ;
($title, $url) = ask_repo_datas();
until ( $correct ) {
my $answer = check.repo_is_correct( $yaml, $group_name, $title, $url );
given "$answer" {
when "title exist" { say "title exist allreay in the database";
$title = change_title( $title ); }
when "url exist" { say "url exist allready in the database";
$url = change_url( $url ); }
when "want to change" { ( $title, $url ) = change_repo_datas( $title, $url ); }
when "remote repo failed" { say "remote repo does not exist or is down";
$url = change_url( $url ); }
when "all is ok" {
$yaml.add_repo( $group_name, $title, $url );
$correct = 1;
$add_repo = ask_add_new();
use YAML;
class datas {
has Str $.filename is rw;
has Array @.datas;
has Str $!directory= %*ENV<HOME> ~ "/.vim/installer";;
has Str $!repo_dir= %*ENV<HOME> ~ "/.vim/bundle";
has Str $!full_filename= $!directory ~ "/$!filename";
method new (Str $filename) {
return self.bless: filename => $filename;
method TWEAK {
my $thing = slurp $!full_filename;
# self.datas = load($thing);
method initialize_directory() {
unless $!directory.IO.d { mkdir $!directory or die "unable to create directory"; }
method initialize_filename_data() {
unless $!full_filename.IO.f {
my @default = [ { group => "default", repos => [ { url => "", title => "" } ] } ];
spurt $!full_filename, dump( @default );
method save {
spurt $!full_filename, dump(@!datas) or die "can not save datas.yml";
say "Datas has been saved.";
method add_group( $group_name ){
@!datas.push: { group => "$group_name", repos => [] };
has method add_repo($group_name, $title, $url) {
@! {
if ( $_<group> eq $group_name ) {
$_<repos>.push: { title => "$title", url => "$url"}; }
- !Pair
key: repos
- !Pair
key: title
- !Pair
key: url
- !Pair
key: group
value: default
#use install;
use lib "/home/jerome/PROGRAMATION/Perl/Vim_plugger_6/";
use Term::Choose;
use datas;
use add :MANDATORY;
my $mode;
my $yaml ="my_pl6.yml");
my @menu0 = < List Add Modify Remove Install Uninstall Update Quit >;
my @menu_List = ( "Liste repos of group",
"Liste all the repos of database",
"List all installed repos" );
my @menu_Add = ( "Add new group", "Add new repos to group" );
my @menu_Remove = ( "Remove group", "Remove repos from group" );
my @menu_Modify = ( "Modify name of group", "Mofify repos" );
my @menu_Install = ( "Install repos from group", "Install all repos" );
my @menu_Uninstall = ( "Unisnstall repos from group", "Uninstall all repos" );
# Questions: what to do ?
sub menu($title, @list) {
my $title_ex = "\nWhat do you want to do ?\n $title";
$mode = choose( @list, :index(0), :layout(2), :mouse(1), :prompt($title_ex) );
return $mode;
while ( $mode = menu("Choose:", @menu0) ) {
given $mode {
when "List" {
my $action = menu("Print a list: ", @menu_List);
given $action {
when "List all the repos of database" { }
when "List repos of group" { }
when "List all installed repos" { } } }
when "Add" {
my $action = menu("Add something: ", @menu_Add);
given $action {
when "Add new group" { add::group($yaml); }
when "Add new repos to group" { add::repos($yaml); }
when "Modify" {
my $action = menu("Modification :", @menu_Modify);
given $action {
when "Modify a repos" { }
when "Modify name of group" { } } }
when "Remove" {
my $action = menu("Remove:", @menu_Remove);
given $action {
when "Remove repos from a group" { }
when "Remove group" { } } }
when "Install" {
my $action = menu("Install for vim", @menu_Install);
given $action {
when "Install repos from group" { } #install::repos_from_group($yaml); }
when "Install all repos" { } } }
when "Uninstall" {
my $action = menu("Uninstall repos:", @menu_Uninstall);
given $action {
when "Uninstall repos from group" { }
when "Uninstall all repos" { } } }
when "Update" { }
when "Quit" { exit; }
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jerome-diver commented Jul 25, 2017

the yaml file syntax is wrong, it should have an Array content Hashes.
Instead, it contains an Array with two Hashes.
why ?

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