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Last active May 9, 2017 11:56
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Phabricator arc wrapper script that integrate with Subversion, and it is used for Windows platform. (中文:集成了FB的Phabricator arc命令和SVN命令的windows bat脚手架命令集.)
@echo off
rem echo path
rem path
rem echo HELLO
rem pause
rem @pause
rem call php -v
rem CHOICE /?
rem CHOICE /C YNC /M continue?
rem type test.php
rem if exist a.bat echo 90
rem if not exist a1.bat goto _done
rem echo 1
rem :_done
rem for %%D in (*.bat) do type %%c rem not-include-hidden-files
rem ping -n 3>nul
title Phabricator Assistant-Tool
rem chose the project dir
rem echo "Please chd to your project"
rem cd
rem set /p proj-dir=
rem call cd proj-dir
rem cd
rem goto _EOF
rem initial diff files
set affected-files = t.php xml/test.html
set cmt-revision = D53
rem starting tips
echo Start sending reviewing request ...
rem noted current dir
echo ---CUR-DIR---
echo ---PHABRICATOR-Config---
call arc get-config
echo ------------------
echo 请选择要执行的操作
echo ==================
echo "1. 提交Phabricator Request"
echo "2. 向Subversion分支提交已通过的源码"
echo "3. 查看当前项目已提交的Review记录"
echo "Q. 退出"
echo "请选择并回车"
set choice=
set /p choice=
if not "%choice%"=="" set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if /i "%choice%"=="1" goto _req
if /i "%choice%"=="2" goto _cmt
if /i "%choice%"=="3" goto _rec
if /i "%choice%"=="Q" goto _exit
echo 选项无效,请重新选择
goto _cho
echo ---REVIEW-ITEMS---
call arc list
choice /C YN /M "请确认Review Req是否已经存在上述列表中,避免重复发送审查请求。返回请选C"
rem set a=%errorlevel%
rem echo %a%
if %errorlevel%==1 goto _YES
if %errorlevel%==2 goto _NO
goto _EOF
rem call arc diff affected-files
rem choice /C yn /M checked?
echo 提交申请中,请稍候...
call arc diff affected-files
goto _menu
goto _menu
choice /C YN /M "是否使用配置中既定的REVISION-ID?若希望重新填写请选N."
if %errorlevel%==1 goto _cmt_y
if %errorlevel%==2 goto _cmt_n
goto _EOF
goto _cmt_go
echo "请填写REVISION-ID"
set /p cmt-revision=
goto _cmt_go
echo 源码提交SVN中,请稍候...
call arc commit --revision %cmt-revision%
goto _menu
call arc list
goto _menu
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