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Created July 9, 2021 08:32
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Week 04
(ns dop)
(require '(clojure.string))
(defn read-file
(->> (slurp filename)
:N (Integer/parseInt (nth % 0))
:C (vec (nth % 1))
:X (Integer/parseInt (nth % 2))
:Y (Integer/parseInt (nth % 3))))))
(defn create-count-memo
(let [
{N :N C :C X :X Y :Y} data
w (inc (- Y X))
C' (reduce conj C (repeat w \.))]
(fn [acc i c]
(let [
{prev :prev memo :memo} acc
pc (nth C (- i w) 0)]
(->> (if (< i N) (assoc prev c (inc (prev c))) prev)
(#(if (>= i w) (assoc % pc (dec (% pc))) %))
(#(hash-map :memo (conj memo %) :prev %)))))
{:memo [] :prev {\P 0 \B 0 \A 0 \. 0}}
(defn get-match-count
(let [
data (read-file filename)
{N :N X :X Y :Y C :C} data
memo (create-count-memo data)]
(->> (reduce-kv
(fn [acc i c]
(->> (if (and (= c \A) (>= i X) (< (+ i X) N))
(let [
l (nth memo (- i X))
r (nth memo (+ i Y))]
(+ (* (l \P) (r \B)) (* (l \B) (r \P))))
(+ acc)))
(get-match-count "data/input1.txt")
package main
import (
const CAP = 300001
func readFile(filename string) []string {
f, _ := os.Open(filename)
defer f.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, CAP), CAP)
buf := make([]string, 0, 4)
for scanner.Scan() {
buf = append(buf, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return buf
func getMatchCount(N int32, C string, X int32, Y int32) int64 {
cnt := int64(0)
w := Y - X + 1
memo := make([]map[byte]int64, N+w)
prev := make(map[byte]int64)
for i := int32(0); i < N+w; i++ {
if i < N {
if i >= w {
memo[i] = map[byte]int64{'P': prev['P'], 'B': prev['B']}
for i := int32(0); i < N; i++ {
if C[i] == 'A' {
if i-X >= 0 && i+X < N {
l, r := memo[i-X], memo[i+Y]
cnt += l['P']*r['B'] + l['B']*r['P']
return cnt
func main() {
buf := readFile("data/input1.txt")
N, _ := strconv.Atoi(buf[0])
C := buf[1]
X, _ := strconv.Atoi(buf[2])
Y, _ := strconv.Atoi(buf[3])
fmt.Println(getMatchCount(int32(N), C, int32(X), int32(Y)))
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