Run the following in your shell to get a list of global installed packages:
npm ls -g --depth=0 --json | jq '.dependencies | keys | ["npm i -g"] + . | join(" ")'
winget install jqlang.jq
Run the following in your shell to get a list of global installed packages:
npm ls -g --depth=0 --json | jq '.dependencies | keys | ["npm i -g"] + . | join(" ")'
winget install jqlang.jq
npm i -g @cspell/dict-nl-nl @vscode/vsce better-npm-audit corepack cspell expo-doctor generator-code generator-eslint generator-jest generator-sublime help js-to-ts-converter np npm npm-check-updates npm-gui types-react-codemod web-ext yo | |
cspell link add @cspell/dict-nl-nl | |
corepack enable | |
corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate | |
yarn set version stable |