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Created May 8, 2013 21:42
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Rough draft of userwrapper puppet module
"type": "id_rsa",
"key": "really long key",
"name": "blah@blah"
"type": "id_rsa",
"key": "really long key",
"name": "blah@blah"
"userwrapper::username": "reagand",
"userwrapper::fullname": "David Reagan",
"userwrapper::ensure": "present",
"userwrapper::password": "hashedpass",
"userwrapper::authorizedSSHKeys": ["username","reagand"],
"userwrapper::email": "",
"userwrapper::home": "/home/reagand",
"userwrapper::managehome": "true",
"userwrapper::shell": "/bin/bash",
"userwrapper::uid": "10001",
"userwrapper::groups": "developers"
class userwrapper(
user { $username:
comment => $username,
ensure => $ensure,
password => $password,
managehome => $managehome,
home => $home,
name => $username,
shell => $shell,
uid => $uid
# Do something with the groups to make sure we don't add nonexistent groups...
# read $authorizedSSHKeys
# if using example files...
# Grab sshpubkeys/reagand.json and sshpubkeys/username.json
# add a unique value to the name property
# run create_resources(ssh_authorized_key, $whatever is in the json file) for both keys.
server.fqdn {
include userwrapper
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