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Created September 30, 2019 10:27
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Rusts trait recursion test: trait recursion vs functor trait recursion
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/* Counter def, used to distinguish termination and non-termination step */
/// counter trait
pub trait Counter {}
/// End of counter
pub struct Current;
impl Counter for Current {}
/// Intermediate step of counter.
pub struct Next<Cnt>
Cnt: Counter,
_phantom: PhantomData<Cnt>,
impl<Cnt> Counter for Next<Cnt> where Cnt: Counter {}
/* Type list def */
/// Typed list trait.
pub trait TList {}
/// End of list.
pub struct Nil;
impl TList for Nil {}
/// Intermediate node of list with key.
pub struct Cons<Key, Tail>
Tail: TList,
_phantom: PhantomData<(Key, Tail)>,
impl<Key, Tail> TList for Cons<Key, Tail> where Tail: TList {}
/* First strategy: use recursive trait. It works eventually. */
/// Insert trait.
pub trait Insert<NewKey, Target, Cnt>
Cnt: Counter,
Self: TList,
Self::Output: TList,
type Output;
/// Termination step.
impl<NewKey, Target, Tail> Insert<NewKey, Target, Current> for Cons<Target, Tail>
Tail: TList,
type Output = Cons<Target, Cons<NewKey, Tail>>;
/// Non-termination step.
impl<NewKey, Target, Index, NonTarget, Tail> Insert<NewKey, Target, Next<Index>>
for Cons<NonTarget, Tail>
Tail: TList + Insert<NewKey, Target, Index>,
Index: Counter,
type Output = Cons<NonTarget, <Tail as Insert<NewKey, Target, Index>>::Output>;
/* Functor def */
/// Types implementing this trait is _appliable_.
pub trait Functor<Input> {
type Output;
/* Second strategy: recursive functor impl. It leads to overflow evaluation error. */
/// A functor that inserts a new key after target in list.
pub struct InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Index>
Index: Counter,
_phantom: PhantomData<(NewKey, Target, Index)>,
/// Termination of functor.
impl<Target, Tail, NewKey> Functor<Cons<Target, Tail>> for InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Current>
Tail: TList,
type Output = Cons<Target, Cons<NewKey, Tail>>;
/// Non-termination of functor.
impl<NonTarget, Tail, NewKey, Target, Index> Functor<Cons<NonTarget, Tail>>
for InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Next<Index>>
Tail: TList,
Index: Counter,
InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Index>: Functor<Tail>,
<InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Index> as Functor<Tail>>::Output: TList,
type Output = Cons<NonTarget, <InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Index> as Functor<Tail>>::Output>;
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The gist defines a typed list trait named TList. The Cons type is node of list, and Nil is end of list.
The auxiliary Counter trait is used for trait recursion. The Current is end of recursion, while Next is recursion step.

It attempts to insert a new key after some target key in TList. Here comes two strategies.

First strategy

The first strategy is to define a type operator trait called Insert. It implements on Nil and Cons respectively and it works.

Second strategy

The second way is less straightforward, but more general. It defines a Functor trait. Any types with Functor trait is regarded as a type operator. Then we define InsertFunctor with Functor to insert new key to TList. Also, it implements on Nil and Cons respectively. However, it leads to overflow evaluation error.


Both strategies have recursion calls with same set of generics. However, the compiler fails to find the termination step with functor indirection.

<Tail as Insert<NewKey, Target, Index>>::Output
<InsertFunctor<NewKey, Target, Index> as Functor<Tail>>::Output

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