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Created January 11, 2017 10:01
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Occurrences of PAGES in pelican
All occurrences of PAGES
./aboutwilson/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./alchemy/alchemy/templates/base.html: {% if LINKS or (DISPLAYON_MENU and PAGES) or ICONS %}
./alchemy/alchemy/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./alchemy/alchemy/templates/base.html: {% if (LINKS or (DISPLAYON_MENU and PAGES)) and loop.first %}
./blue-penguin/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./bluegrasshopper/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./bluegrasshopper/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./blueidea/templates/base.html: {% for pg in PAGES | sort(attribute=SORT_ATTRIBUTE) %}
./blueidea/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./bootlex/templates/base.html: {% if PAGES %}
./bootlex/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./bootstrap/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./bootstrap2/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./bootstrap2/templates/index.html: {% if PAGES %}
./bootstrap2/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./bootstrap2-dark/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./bootstrap2-dark/templates/index.html: {% if PAGES %}
./bootstrap2-dark/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./brownstone/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./built-texts/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./burrito/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./burrito/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./Casper2Pelican/templates/navigation.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./cebong/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./cebong/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./chunk/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./cid/templates/footer.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./cid/templates/landing.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./clean-blog/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./crowsfoot/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./dev-random/templates/includes/sidebar.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./dev-random2/templates/includes/sidebar.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./dev-random3/templates/sidebar.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./eevee/templates/partials/footer_menu.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./eevee/templates/partials/header_menu.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./foundation-default-colours/templates/base.html: {% for pg in PAGES | sort(attribute='index') %}
./franticworld/templates/sidebar.html:{% if PAGES %} {% for page in PAGES %}
./franticworld/templates/sidebar.html:{% for page in PAGES %}
./fresh/templates/base.html: {% for pa in PAGES %}
./fresh/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./gum/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./gum/templates/sidebar.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./html5-dopetrope/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./irfan/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./iris/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./Just-Read/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./lab/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./lannisport/templates/navigation.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./lazystrap/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./lightweight/templates/menu.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./lovers/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./martin-pelican/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./medius/templates/index.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./mg/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./mg/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./mnmlist/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./monospace/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./nest/templates/base.html: {% for pg in PAGES %}
./new-bootstrap2/templates/base.html: {% for gpage in PAGES %}
./new-bootstrap2/templates/index.html: {% if PAGES %}
./new-bootstrap2/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./nice-blog/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./nikhil-theme/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./nmnlist/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./notebook/templates/base.html: {% if DISPLAYON_MENU and PAGES %}
./notebook/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./notmyidea-cms/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./notmyidea-cms/templates/index.html:{% for page in PAGES %}
./notmyidea-cms-fr/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./notmyidea-cms-fr/templates/index.html:{% for page in PAGES %}
./Nuja/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./octopress/templates/_includes/navigation.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./pelican-blue/templates/base.html: {% if DISPLAYON_MENU and PAGES %}{% for p in pages %}
./pelican-cait/templates/sidebar.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./pelican-mockingbird/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES -%}
./pelican-simplegrey/templates/base.html: {% if PAGES %}
./pelican-simplegrey/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./pelican-sober/templates/base.html: {% if PAGES %}
./pelican-sober/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./pelipress/templates/_includes/navigation.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./photowall/templates/base.html: {% for pg in PAGES %}
./photowall/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./pjport/templates/_base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./plumage/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./pujangga/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./relapse/templates/base.html: {% for page_num in range(1, PAGES|length + 1) %} {# TODO: improve wasteful inner loop #}
./relapse/templates/base.html: {% for page_iter in PAGES if page_iter.order and page_iter.order|int > 0 %}
./relapse/templates/base.html: {% for page_iter in PAGES if not page_iter.order %}
./relapse/templates/index.html: {% for page_num in range(1, PAGES|length + 1) %} {# TODO: improve wasteful inner loop #}
./relapse/templates/index.html: {% for page_iter in PAGES if page_iter.order and page_iter.order|int > 0 %}
./relapse/templates/index.html: {% for page_iter in PAGES if not page_iter.order %}
./Responsive-Pelican/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./simple-bootstrap/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./sneakyidea/templates/base.html: {% for current_page in PAGES %}
./sneakyidea/templates/index.html:{% for page in PAGES %}
./SoMA/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./SoMA2/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./sora/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./subtle/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./subtle/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./sundown/templates/sidebar.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./svbtle/templates/base.html: {% for p in PAGES %}
./syte/templates/base.html: {% for current_page in PAGES %}
./tuxlite_tbs/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./tuxlite_zf/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./tuxlite_zf/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./twenty-html5up/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./voidy-bootstrap/templates/base.html: {% for item in PAGES %}
./w3-personal-blog/templates/header_menu.html: {% for pa in PAGES %}
./w3-personal-blog/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./waterspill/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./waterspill-en/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./zurb-F5-basic/templates/base.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
./zurb-F5-basic/templates/index.html: {% for page in PAGES %}
All files with PAGE
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