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Last active July 4, 2018 21:49
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  • Save jerrykrinock/b3ec9422e97f99895eea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jerrykrinock/b3ec9422e97f99895eea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script is for shipping OS X apps outside the Mac App Store. It will run you through a comprehensive quality-control checklist, supports alpha, beta and production channels, builds the product (or re-ships a previous build to a different channel), codesigns all components with Developer ID per Apple TN2206, builds the Help Book from Markdown…
This file is an example .shipconfig.txt file which needs to be supplied as an argument to the script.
For syntax rules see
No need to quote anything since values are delimited by end of line or backslash (continued on next line)
# Product Info
projectName BkmkMgrs
appName Synkmark
appNameLower synkmark
# Name of dmg file which will appear on server.
dmgName Synkmark.dmg
# Name of dmg file which will appear on server.
# The next two numbers are the major minor version numbers defining the limits for the family (regular, legacy, stone-age) etc., which will be used to identify the "previous" version when comparing the product's Contents to the "previous" version. If this configuration is for the regular family, where the highest-numbered version is the latest version, set both values to 0.
familyLimitMajor 0
familyLimitMinor 0
# Path to Help Book HTML in built product, relative to the built product
builtHelpPath Contents/Resources/English.lproj/HelpBook/index.html
# App Family Name, used to make title of Update News web page. If app is not part of a family, pass empty string.
appFamilyName BookMacster
# Data Model Change Checklist
# Comma-separated checklist of actions that the user/developer should be asked to affirm as having been done after indicating that changes have been made to the data model. The affirmation will be stated as "Affirm that you have <a-checklist-item>."
modelChangeAffirmations \
provided a mapping model and (if needed) a migration policy,\
updated the value returned by -[BkmxDoc requiresVersion]
# Xcode Build Info
# Path to Xcode app package which should be used to build the product. Usually this is /Applications/, but you may provide the path to an earlier "Developer" directory.
xcodeAppPath /Applications/
# Name of target which should be built prior to shipping
buildTargetName Synkmark
# Target Dependencies
# Comma-separated list of the names of targets on which buildTargetName depends, which should, separately and in addition, be analyzed by Deploymate for deprecated, obsolete or unavailable API calls.
targetDependencies \
# Stripping Exceptions
# By default, the following executables will have "All Symbols" stripped (no options to strip(1))
# Any executables in Contents/MacOS
# Any executables in Contents/Helpers
# Executables of any applications in Contents/Resources
# To override the default behavior on any of the above, list them in stripOnlyNonGlobalFrom, below.
# By default, the following items have "All Non-Global Symbols" stripped (-x option to strip(1))
# Executables of any loadable bundles (.bundle) in Contents/Resources
# Executables of any frameworks in Contents/Frameworks
# To override the default behavior on any of the above, list them in stripAllFrom, below.
# Names listed in the following two items should be the names of the executable files with no path.
# For example, to reference the executable in the framework Contents/Frameworks/MyFwk.framework/Versions/A/MyFwk, enter "MyFwk".
# To list more than one item, see note [1] below for syntax.
# Code Signing Info
# Code Signing Identity. We sign with an Apple Developer ID. must contain a certificate whose either SHA-1 fingerprint or Common Name matches this string. See man codesign "SIGNING IDENTIFIERS" section for gory details. I'm using the SHA-1 fingerprint because that's the way Xcode 4 does it. Supposedly, I could also use the Common Name, "Developer ID Application: Jerry Krinock".
codeSigningIdentity ekdieki84jr43e76gkeuskiosz8r94kfoe7
developerTeamId 5KFKI84JFO
# Local Client Paths. All of the paths in this section are relative to Home Directory
# Path to the Xcode project. This will be used to immediately roll the revs of selected targets in the project immediately after shipment. This is a good practice to insure that any changes will go into the next rev, casting the just-shipped rev, as archived, "forever, in concrete".
projectPath Documents/Programming/Projects/$projectName/$projectName.xcodeproj
# Path to an xcconfig file whose CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION Build Setting should be rolled after shipping
xcconfigPath Documents/Programming/Projects/$projectName/BkmkMgrs.xcconfig
# Directory whose contents will be included along with the product in the .dmg packages (but not the .zip package). This is appropriate for the "Alias to /Applications", if you want to ship one of these, since Mac alias files are resource forks which are not encoded by the zip tool.
dmgAccessoriesPath Documents/Programming/Projects/$projectName/ShipAccessories/ForDmgOnly
# Directory containing the Markdown source, rawScreenshots directory, etc. to be processed by
helpBookSourcePath Documents/Programming/Projects/$projectName/HelpBookSources/
# Path to file containing Help Book anchors referenced in the app which should be checked for existence in the produced Help Book, relative to helpBookSourcePath
helpAnchorsRelativePath ../SSYMH.AppAnchors.m
# Directory into which Help Book will be built, and whose contents will be uploaded, if they have changed, to the pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN directory during 'normal' shipments
helpBookLocalHtmlPath Documents/Programming/Projects/$projectName/Resources/Localized/English.lproj/HelpBook
updateDescriptionMarkdownPath Documents/Programming/Projects/$projectName/UpdateNews.markdown
buildsReleasePath Documents/Programming/Builds/Release/
shipArchivesPath Documents/Programming/Builds/Shipped/
localAppcastPath Documents/SheepSystems/$appNameLower/appcast.xml
# Names of other files in the buildsReleasePath which should be archived in the archive subfolder that will be created for this shipment, along with the .dmg and .zip products. These files will only be archived, not shipped. A typical use for this may be a list of additional, proprietary release notes. Uses unix cp with options -RLfp:
# -R recursive, will make deep copy of directories
# -L will follow symbolic links, in case you would like to add archivees outside the buildsReleasePath.
# -f overwrites if item already exists in archive (which might happen if this script was aborted and then re-run later.
# -p Tries to preserve file attributes (aka "metadata") as much as practical.
# If more than one items is to be listed, see note [1] below for syntax.
# Files in helpBookLocalHtmlPath which should not be uploaded. As a convenience, .DS_Store is automatically added to this list.
# Separate multiple items with commas. To continue on multiple lines, see Note [1] below.
excludedDocuments HelpBook idx,\
# OS-level script for publishing your website. Will be run with 'open' shell command. May be an AppleScript, QuicKeys shortcut, bash script with .command extension, etc.:
publishSiteScript Library/QuicKeys/Shortcuts/
# Remote Server (Web Host) Account Info
ftpAccountName theChief
ftpAccountPassword theChiefsPassword
# Appcast
appcastName appcast.xml
# Enter extension of the product filename broadcast by the appcast. This is usually one of dmg, zip, tar, etc.
appcastProductFileExtension zip
nItemsToLeaveInAppcast 2
# Name of html file which will be shown in the Sparkle window when an update is available
updateDescriptionName UpdateNews.html
# The following is required for "legacy" shipments, because In -[SUAppcast connectionDidFinishLoading:],, the items parsed from the appcast are sorted descending by date. So the newest item is first. And then, in -[SUBasicUpdateDriver appcastDidFinishLoading:], we "// Find the first update we can actually use." Now, say that I have two branches of an app, the "legacy" branch for Mac OS X 10.5 or later, and the "regular" branch for Mac OS X 10.6 or later. Further, say I do the following (which is actually a true story with different numbers). On April 15, publish a version 2.1 for Mac OS X 10.6 or later. On April 16, publish a version 1.1 for Mac OS X 10.5 or later. Then, someone with version 2.0 on Mac OS X 10.8 checks for update. Whoops! They will be told that "You're up to date!", because the sorting by date put version 1.1 first, 2.0 > 1.1, and 10.8 > 10.5. Enter 0 to indicate that this is the regular build with no maximum system version.
maximumSystemVersion 0
# Zip Archive Signature (for Sparkle)
# Path to a Ruby script, relative to Home, which signs the zip package for Sparkle, which must take two command-line parameters: (1) the zip to be signed (2) path to the private key .pem file
zipSignerPath Documents/Programming/Projects/Sparkle/sign_update.rb
# Path to a private key file (.pem), relative to Home, used by the previous parameter to sign the zip package for Sparkle
zipPrivateKeyPath Documents/Keys/My_Sparkle_priv.pem
# Path to a public key file (.pem), relative to Home, which will be sent in appcasts generated, which Sparkle will use in the old version of an app to verify that the zip archive containng a new version of the app is authentic
zipPublicKeyPath Documents/Keys/My_Sparkle_pub.pem
# Remote Server (Web Host) Paths
# The following is the www landing directory of your site. It depends on how your web host set it up. Some typical cases are: none (leave it blank), www/, htdocs/, home/yourName/, public_html/
pathServerHtml public_html/
# pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir is given for BookMacster, but is empty for the shoebox apps. This is because only building BookMacster should create the .htaccess file ship the Help Book, because shoebox apps would write the help book to, for example,, with correspondingly wrong entries in .htaccess.
# Depending on user interactive input, products will be uploaded to one of the following five directories.
# The following paths are all relative to pathServerHtml
pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN $appNameLower/
pathServerHtmlToProductsDirA $appNameLower/alpha/
pathServerHtmlToProductsDirB $appNameLower/beta/
pathServerHtmlToProductsDirD $appNameLower/debug/
pathServerHtmlToProductsDirS $appNameLower/special/
# Other Uploads
# List of other pseudo-projects which are related to this shipment. Examples are: scripts, source code, freebies. Each should be a directory, package or file which will be zipped and the zip archive will be uploaded. Each such "other upload" is specified by three fields:
# (1) path from local Home to local source directory or file
# (2) path from pathServerHtml to uploaded zip, including filename but not including the .zip extension. See note [2, 3] below.
# (3) an indication of whether or not the zip process should follow symbolic links, 1 if yes or 0 if no. So following symbolic links gives you
an easy way to include multiple subdirectories from various source locations in one archive, but takes away the ability to properly zip items which contain symbolic links that need to be transparently pass through zip/unzip, such as frameworks.
# (4) an indication of whether or not the pseudo-project should be codesigned with Developer ID. 1 if yes or 0 if no.
# These four components should be separated by commas (no whitespace) and separate "other upload" items should be separated by semicolons.
# To continue on multiple lines, see Note [1] below.
otherUploads Documents/AppleScripts/Sheep Systems Trouble,files/SSYTroubleZipper,0,1
[1] Use a backslash at end of line to continue on next line. Whitespace before the beginning of the value, after the end of the value, or after backslashes will be ignored but any other whitespace will be passed literally.
[2] In the destinations, if files are to be downloaded by visitors, avoid filenames that contain ".php", ".pl", etc. because some servers will try to execute instead of serving them, even after .zip is appended.
[3] If using punctuation to create filenames including variables, use spaces or dashes not underscores. For example, for a zip of the app's Applescripts, name the file "$appName AppleScripts" or "$appName-AppleScripts", not "$appName_AppleScripts". The latter will be interpreted as one variable.
This script will
Force you through a comprehensive quality-control checklist
Run Deploymate
Get the latest version number by reading it from product's Info.plist
Build the Help Book from markdown sources
Build the product using xcodebuild
Create a zip file, including the product and any accessories
Create a dmg file, including the product and any accessories
The dmg file has a Sparkle-compliant name.
Create an archive folder named for this shipment. This folder will contain:
The dmg shipment
The zip shipment
dSYM files of product and any constituent products.
Upload the disk image
Delete the old disk image
Download, change, and re-upload your Sparkle appcast.
Upload the new zip file (overwriting old)
Zip and upload "other uploads". These are typically AppleScripts, source code,
freebies, etc. that may be downloaded separately by users who want them.
Upload revised documentation files
Remembers last ship date, only uploads new/revised files.
Tell Sandvox to upload any website changes
Clean and rebuild project with a ^next^ (future) revision number that you will provide interactively.
Upload updated source code files.
Most of the above steps are done in separate steps, and user interaction before each step allows you read the output and then either "proceed" (hit 'return'), "skip" the next step, or "abort" the script. I've found this to be the best way since scripts and sub-scripts "don't always just work" ;), especially ftp to remote servers. In general, if this script dies or you abort it at, say, step 8, you may restart it, enter 's' 7 times to "skip" the first 7 steps that were succesfully completed, then continue where it left off.
Remote server operations are done using ftp.
This script takes one argument, the path to a text file (suggested name: AppName.shipconfig.txt) which provides the necessary parameters.
In addition to expecting all the files and directories referenced in the configuration file passed as the argument,
• The following tools must be installed somewhere in one of your bash $PATH paths:
• The following tools must be installed in the same directory as this script:
Directory "MultiMarkdown"
Must contain a subdirectory named "bin" which must contain
• The following apps must be installed in /Applications
use strict ;
use Config::Easy() ; # the () is required so that nothing is done at import() time.
use File::Spec ;
use File::Temp ;
use File::stat ;
use IPC::Run ;
use File::Basename ;
use Net::FTP ;
require File::Util ;
# The following are sparsely used because they do not copy resource forks.
use File::Copy ;
use File::Copy::Recursive ;
# Sometimes this is necessary for modules in this directory to be found at compile time when running on my Mac:
use lib '/Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Scripts' ;
use SSYUtils2 ;
From the documentation for Cwd,
"If you ask to override your chdir() built-in function,
use Cwd qw(chdir);
then your PWD environment variable will be kept up to date. Note that it will only be kept up to date if all packages which use chdir import it from Cwd."
We certainlly want our PWD variable to be kept up to date, so we do it!...
use Cwd qw(chdir) ;
# Archive::Zip was abandoned because it does not properly copy symbolic links.
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ) ;
my $verbose = 1 ;
# Open access to configuration file specified as the argument
#my $configPath = '/Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Projects/Bookdog/Bookdog.shipconfig.txt' ;
my $configPath = $ARGV[0] ;
my $programName = SSYUtils2::programName() ;
print "$programName is beginning to ship with configuration file:\n $configPath\n" ;
my $config = Config::Easy->new($configPath);
# Read Configuration Variables
# Basic Product Info
my $appName = $config->get('appName') ;
my $revisionBaseName = $appName . "_" ;
my $appNameLower = $config->get('appNameLower') ;
my $dmgName = $config->get('dmgName') ;
my $zipName = $config->get('zipName') ;
my $familyLimitMajor = $config->get('familyLimitMajor') ;
my $familyLimitMinor = $config->get('familyLimitMinor') ;
if ($familyLimitMajor == 0) {
$familyLimitMajor = 9999 ;
if ($familyLimitMinor == 0) {
$familyLimitMinor = 9999 ;
my $builtHelpPath = $config->get('builtHelpPath') ;
my $appFamilyName = $config->get('appFamilyName') ;
my $macupdateTextPath = $config->get('macupdateTextPath') ;
# Xcode Build Info
my $xcodeAppPath = $config->get('xcodeAppPath') ;
my $buildTargetName = $config->get('buildTargetName') ;
my $targetDependenciesString = $config->get('targetDependencies') ;
my @targetDependencies = split /,/, $targetDependenciesString ;
my $modelChangeAffirmationsString = $config->get('modelChangeAffirmations') ;
my @modelChangeAffirmations = split /,/, $modelChangeAffirmationsString ;
# Stripping Exceptions
# These are optional
my $stripAllFromStr = $config->get('stripAllFrom') ;
my @stripAllFrom = split /,/, $stripAllFromStr ;
my $stripOnlyNonGlobalFromStr = $config->get('stripOnlyNonGlobalFrom') ;
my @stripOnlyNonGlobalFrom = split /,/, $stripOnlyNonGlobalFromStr ;
$config->strict() ;
# Code Signing Info
my $codeSigningIdentity = $config->get('codeSigningIdentity') ;
my $developerTeamId = $config->get('developerTeamId') ;
# Local Client Paths
my $projectPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('projectPath')) ;
my $xcconfigPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('xcconfigPath')) ;
my $dmgAccessoriesPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('dmgAccessoriesPath')) ;
my $helpBookSourcePath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('helpBookSourcePath')) ;
my $helpAnchorsRelativePath = $config->get('helpAnchorsRelativePath') ;
my $helpBookLocalHtmlPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('helpBookLocalHtmlPath')) ;
my $updateDescriptionMarkdownPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('updateDescriptionMarkdownPath')) ;
my $buildsReleasePath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('buildsReleasePath')) ;
my $shipArchivesPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('shipArchivesPath')) ;
my $localAppcastPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('localAppcastPath')) ;
my $otherArchiveesStr = $config->get('otherArchivees') ;
my @otherArchivees = split /,/, $otherArchiveesStr ;
my $excludedDocumentsStr = $config->get('excludedDocuments') ;
my @excludedDocuments = split /,/, $excludedDocumentsStr ;
my $publishSiteScript = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('publishSiteScript')) ;
# Remote Server (Web Host) Account Info
my $serverDomain = $config->get('serverDomain') ;
my $ftpAccountName = $config->get('ftpAccountName') ;
my $ftpAccountPassword = $config->get('ftpAccountPassword') ;
# Appcast
my $appcastName = $config->get('appcastName') ;
my $nItemsToLeaveInAppcast = $config->get('nItemsToLeaveInAppcast') ;
my $updateDescriptionName = $config->get('updateDescriptionName') ;
my $appcastProductFileExtension = $config->get('appcastProductFileExtension') ;
my $maximumSystemVersion = $config->get('maximumSystemVersion') ;
if ($maximumSystemVersion == 0) {
$maximumSystemVersion = undef ;
# Zip Archive Signature (for Sparkle)
my $zipSignerPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('zipSignerPath')) ;
my $zipPrivateKeyPath = SSYUtils2::prependHome($config->get('zipPrivateKeyPath')) ;
# Remote Server Paths
# Script assumes that all products, appcast and updateDescription are all
# in the same directory on the server, specified by one of these paths
# relative to the server's html landing
my $pathServerHtml = $config->get('pathServerHtml') ;
my $pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir = $config->get('pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir') ;
my $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN = $config->get('pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN') ;
my $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirA = $config->get('pathServerHtmlToProductsDirA') ;
my $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirB = $config->get('pathServerHtmlToProductsDirB') ;
my $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirD = $config->get('pathServerHtmlToProductsDirD') ;
my $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirS = $config->get('pathServerHtmlToProductsDirS') ;
# Other Uploads
my $otherUploadsStrings = $config->get('otherUploads') ;
my @otherUploads = split /;/, $otherUploadsStrings ;
my $reupload = 0 ;
my $userInputChar ;
my $fileUtil = File::Util->new() ;
my @sysargs ;
my $revisionNumberString ;
my $pathToProduct = "$buildsReleasePath$" ;
my $familyName ;
if (length($appFamilyName) > 0) {
$familyName = $appFamilyName . " App Family" ;
else {
$familyName = $appName ;
print "\nWhat do you want to do?\n" ;
print " Type 'u' to only upload a previously built and packaged version from your Shipped Archives, possibly to a different publishing channel than you had uploaded it to previously.\n" ;
print " Type any other key to build, package and ship a version for the first time.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'u') {
$reupload = 1 ;
print "Enter the version number that you want to ship, for example \"11.22.33\"\n" ;
$revisionNumberString = <STDIN> ;
chomp $revisionNumberString ;
else {
# Get revision number from xcconfig file. Note that we do not use
# extractBundleVersion($pathToProduct, 1)
# because (1) the Release build may not be there yet (we're going to build it later), or (2) if it is there, it might be a prior version.
my $versionKey = "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION" ;
print "Will extract $versionKey from $xcconfigPath\n\n" ;
open (my $xcconfigFile, '<', $xcconfigPath) or die "Could not open $xcconfigPath. $!\n" ;
$revisionNumberString = "" ;
while (<$xcconfigFile>) {
if ($_ =~ m/$versionKey(\s?)=(\s?)([0-9\.]+)/) {
$revisionNumberString = $3 ;
last ;
close($xcconfigFile) ;
# Compose variable names based on revisionNumberString
my $revisionName = $revisionBaseName . "$revisionNumberString" ;
my $shipArchiveSubdirectory = "$shipArchivesPath$revisionName/" ;
my $dmgPathLocal="$shipArchiveSubdirectory$dmgName" ;
my $zipPathLocal="$shipArchiveSubdirectory$zipName" ;
print "Choose update channel to ship $appName verison $revisionNumberString\n" ;
print " '1' alpha only\n" ;
print " '2' beta only (Use if alpha has a later version.)\n" ;
print " '3' beta & alpha\n" ;
print " '4' production only (Use if both alpha and beta have later versions)\n" ;
print " '5' production & beta (Use if alpha has later a version.)\n" ;
print " '6' production, beta & alpha (Use if this is the greatest AND latest.)\n" ;
print " 'd' (debug) ---> $serverDomain/$pathServerHtmlToProductsDirD\n" ;
print " 's' (special) ---> $serverDomain/$pathServerHtmlToProductsDirS\n" ;
print " 'a' Abort this script.\n" ;
my $ok ;
my $shipmentType ;
my $pathServerHtmlToProductsDir ;
my @serverAppcastPaths ;
while ($pathServerHtmlToProductsDir eq "") {
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
$shipmentType = $userInputChar ;
if ($userInputChar eq '1') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirA ;
push (@serverAppcastPaths,
) ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq '2') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirB ;
push (@serverAppcastPaths,
) ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq '3') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirB ;
push (@serverAppcastPaths,
) ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq '4') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN ;
push (@serverAppcastPaths,
) ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq '5') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN ;
push (@serverAppcastPaths,
) ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq '6'){
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirN ;
push (@serverAppcastPaths,
) ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq 'd') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirD ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq 's') {
$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir = $pathServerHtmlToProductsDirS ;
elsif ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
else {
print "Bad answer, try again.\n" ;
my $zipDateStatement ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($zipPathLocal)) {
my $zipDate = localtime(stat($zipPathLocal)->mtime) ;
$zipDateStatement = " zipped: $zipDate\n"
else {
$zipDateStatement = " (Apparently not zipped yet, not found $zipPathLocal)\n" ;
my $dmgDateStatement ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dmgPathLocal)) {
my $dmgDate = localtime(stat($dmgPathLocal)->mtime) ;
$dmgDateStatement = " dmg'ed: $dmgDate\n"
else {
$dmgDateStatement = " (Apparently not dmg'ed yet, not found $dmgPathLocal)\n" ;
my $updateDescriptionPath = "$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir$updateDescriptionName" ;
my $updateDescriptionURL = "http://$serverDomain/$updateDescriptionPath" ;
my $serverRootToProductsDir = $pathServerHtml . $pathServerHtmlToProductsDir ;
my $nAppcasts = @serverAppcastPaths ;
print "\nWill publish:\n" ;
print " app: $appName version $revisionNumberString\n" ;
print $zipDateStatement ;
print $dmgDateStatement ;
print " to: $serverDomain/$serverRootToProductsDir\n" ;
print "Writing the update description (aka Release Notes) to:\n" ;
print " $updateDescriptionPath\n" ;
print "Will create an appcast and publish it to $nAppcasts subpaths:\n" ;
for my $appcastPath (@serverAppcastPaths) {
print " $appcastPath\n" ;
print "\nAffirm that ALL of the above is what you want.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
my $currentXcodePath = `xcode-select -print-path` ;
chomp($currentXcodePath) ;
if (!$reupload) {
my $doSourceAffirmations = 1 ;
print "\nShould skip all quality-control affirmations related to sources, because I'm in the middle of a multi-app shipment and have already affirmed them?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip affirmations.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to continue.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 's') {
$doSourceAffirmations = 0 ;
if ($doSourceAffirmations) {
print "\nAffirm that you checked your bug tracker and cleared all Stoppers for this shipment.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have searched for and approved all 'SSYDBL or DB?' in the project source code.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have searched for and approved all '#if 11' in the project source code.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you considered running the regression tests in the PROJECT_DIR/Tests/Scripts.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nHave you changed the (Core Data) Data Model for documents in this version?\n" ;
print " Type 'y' for YES.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key for NO.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'y') {
foreach my $affirmation (@modelChangeAffirmations) {
print "\nAffirm that you have $affirmation.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have edited any changes to Help Book's Markdown sources and screenshots.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have added the new section for this release to the Update Description.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have added the new section for this release to the Version History.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you updated the Localization files.\n" ;
print "The steps are:\n" ;
print " * In BBEdit, save Localizable.strings\n * Launch Localization Manager\n * Open Recent: <RelevantFile.ldb>\n * Select file 'Localizable.strings'\n * Click button 'Rescan'\n * Click button 'Synchronize'\n * Save\n * Quit\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have defined or not HARD_EXPIRATION_STRING in LicensingParms.m.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have defined as desired DEMO_TRIAL_DAYS in the project.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have done a change-by-change code review. In Xcode, use Source Control > Commit to see changes.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that you have executed a Product > Analyze in Xcode recently.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nAffirm that all open files affecting this project are currently saved in the Xcode GUI (because we are going to use SSYMakeHelp and xcodebuild, neither of which checks this with the Xcode GUI).\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nActive Xcode is $currentXcodePath\n" ;
print "\nAffirm that this is the correct Xcode version for this build.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nShould process Help Book from Markdown etc. sources and index it with hiutil?\n" ;
print "If no changes to sources since the last Help Book build, enter 's'.\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
# Example command for /Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Scripts/ /Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Projects/MyApp/HelpBook/source /Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Projects/MyApp/Resources/English.lproj/HelpBook/ myapp/HelpBook/
my $makeHelpToolPath = SSYUtils2::colocatedToolPath("") ;
@sysargs = ($makeHelpToolPath, "--appAnchorsPath", "\"$helpAnchorsRelativePath\"", "--indexIt") ;
if ((length($serverDomain) > 0) && (length($pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir) > 0)) {
# Should build Help Book with .htaccess so that it can be uploaded to server
push (@sysargs, "--serverDomain") ;
push (@sysargs, $serverDomain) ;
push (@sysargs, "--serverPathToHelpBook") ;
push (@sysargs, $pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir) ;
push (@sysargs, "\"$helpBookSourcePath\"") ;
push (@sysargs, "\"$helpBookLocalHtmlPath\"") ;
print "Invoking with arguments: @sysargs\n" ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
my $desiredXcodePath = $xcodeAppPath . "/Contents/Developer" ;
if ($currentXcodePath ne $desiredXcodePath) {
print "\nThis Mac has Xcode path for xcodebuild not set to your desired path\n" ;
print " Current: $currentXcodePath\n" ;
print " Desired: $desiredXcodePath\n" ;
print " Please correct either by running command:\n" ;
print " sudo xcode-select -switch $xcodeAppPath\n" ;
print " or by changing the xcodeAppPath parameter in the configuration file to this script to reflect the current Xcode path.\n" ;
die "Incorrect Xcode path" ;
print "\nShould remove any existing Release build, to ensure that Xcode renews all Resources, such as Help Book, which seems to be renewed only alternately even in Xcode 5.0.2?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my @sysargs = ("/bin/rm", "-r", "-f", "\"$pathToProduct\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
print "\nShould tell Xcode to perform final build? (Needed to get new Help Book at least!)\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my $projectDir = dirname($projectPath) ;
my $projectName = basename($projectPath) ;
my $xcodeBuildCommand = "xcodebuild -project \"$projectName\" -target \"$buildTargetName\" -configuration Release build" ;
# $xcodeBuildCommand = "xcodebuild -project \"$projectName\" -scheme \"$buildTargetName\" -configuration Release archive ;"
# If I wanted to use Xcode's archiving, I would use the second line above, instead. Here are the reasons why I don't use Xcode's archiving, and do not use it for non-Mac-App-Store builds…
# (1) If you have a false start on a shipment, false-started archive remains, which must be deleted one at a time, with a confirmation dialog, in the Xcode GUI. Uses a lot of disk space, not economical with SSD. Deleting them "directly" is not convenient either; see next item.
# (2) Archives get buried in a deep, un-rememberable directory.
# (3) I see more actual warnings and fewer incorrect warnings from Core Data such as: cdtool[14715:f07] CoreData: warning: no NSValueTransformer with class name 'TransformStringsSetToData' was found for attribute 'unexportedDeletions' on entity 'Client_entity'
# (4) Indications are that consituent targets (frameworks, etc.) seem to not get codesigned. I've not investigate this.
# Note that by using Xcode's 'build' action instead of 'archive' this means that I must do my own stripping and codesigning, which I do, below.
# (5) The build action 'build' apparently only builds what needs to be built, which means that it takes only a few seconds for an immediate re-build. But 'archive' always seems to take many minutes.
print "Invoking $xcodeBuildCommand\n" ;
print " in directory $projectDir\n" ;
# Note that xcodebuild will not take an input path as a parameter.
# You must change the working directory to the project directory.
# Also, for some reason, if I use /usr/bin/cd in the following, it "just doesn't work".
my $buildTranscript = `source ~/.bash_profile ; cd "$projectDir" ; $xcodeBuildCommand` ;
print "*** Build Transcript from xcodebuild ***\n $buildTranscript" ;
print "\nAffirm that the above Build Transcript is acceptable.\n" ;
my @lines = split("\n", $buildTranscript) ;
#my @warnerrLines = grep(/warning/, @otoolLines) ;
my @warnerrLines ;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ m/warning:|error:/i) {
push (@warnerrLines, $line) ;
my $count = @warnerrLines ;
print "We've found $count lines with warnings and errors:\n\n" ;
my $i ;
foreach my $warnerrLine (@warnerrLines) {
$i++ ;
print ("$i\t$warnerrLine\n") ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
my $buildRevisionNumberString = extractBundleVersion($pathToProduct, 1) ;
print "\nVersion Check: Built=$buildRevisionNumberString Expected=$revisionNumberString\n" ;
if ($buildRevisionNumberString ne $revisionNumberString) {
die "Failed Version Check" ;
if ($doSourceAffirmations) {
print "\nShould display, for inspection, the new Help Book from within the newly-built product? You can do this while the next step (Deploymate) is running. You should at least have a look at the Version History section.\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
@sysargs = ("/usr/bin/open", "\"$pathToProduct/$builtHelpPath\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
# Read minimum system version from product's Info.plist
my $minimumSystemVersion = extractInfoPlistKey($pathToProduct, "LSMinimumSystemVersion", 1) ;
if ($doSourceAffirmations) {
# Although it would be more *efficient* (in case something goes wrong) to do Deploymate before the final build, we needed to get the minimum system version from the build.
print "\nShould run Deploymate to ensure tomorrow will not be ruined by old-system bugs?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
# We shall use IPC::Run::run() for noisy programs that would otherwise noise up the system's stdout or stderr, or whose stdout or stderr contains data which we need to parse.
# Things we'll need for IPC::Run::run().
my $command ;
my @args ;
my $stdin ; # Leave as undef
my $stdout = "<???>" ;
my $stderr = "<???>" ;
my $exitOk ;
my $msg ; # Leave as undef
$command = '/Applications/' ;
push (@targetDependencies, $buildTargetName) ;
foreach my $aTarget (@targetDependencies) {
print "Analyzing with Deploymate: target: $aTarget\n" ;
# IPC::Run() quotes arguments, so in the following, we do not add \".
@args = ("--cli", "-t", $aTarget, "-V", $minimumSystemVersion, "-l", "info", $projectPath) ;
# Note that IPC::Run:run() returns "TRUE when all subcommands exit with a 0 result code.
my $exitOk = IPC::Run::run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr ;
my $exitWord ;
if ($exitOk) {
$exitWord = "OK" ;
else {
$exitWord = "NOT OK" ;
printf "Results:\n$stdout\n" ;
printf ("IPC::Run returned %s when analyzing $aTarget.\n", $exitWord) ;
print "\nDo the above results look OK?\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
my @revisionComps = split('\.', $revisionNumberString) ;
if (@revisionComps < 3) {
# Add a "0" as the bug-fix component
push(@revisionComps, 0) ;
# Compare package contents to last-shipped build.
# First, we need to find the previously-shipped build.
my @archiveDirNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($shipArchivesPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $lastMaj = 0 ;
my $lastMin = 0 ;
my $lastBix = 0 ;
my $lastVersionDirName ;
my $didFindLastShippedProduct = 0 ;
for my $archiveDirName (@archiveDirNames) {
my $isTheProductWeAreNowShipping = 0 ;
my $maj = 0 ;
my $min = 0 ;
my $bix = 0 ;
if ($archiveDirName =~ m/$revisionBaseName(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
$maj = $1 ;
$min = $2 ;
$bix = $3 ;
$isTheProductWeAreNowShipping = 1 ;
elsif ($archiveDirName =~ m/$revisionBaseName(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# This case handles no bugfix digit, for example "1.0"
$maj = $1 ;
$min = $2 ;
$bix = 0 ;
$isTheProductWeAreNowShipping = 1 ;
next if (!$isTheProductWeAreNowShipping) ;
# Ignore prior, unshipped builds of the current version
my $mustBePriorUnshippedBuildOfVersionNowBeingRebuilt =
($maj == $revisionComps[0])
&& ($min == $revisionComps[1])
&& ($bix == $revisionComps[2])
) ;
next if ($mustBePriorUnshippedBuildOfVersionNowBeingRebuilt) ;
if ($maj <= $familyLimitMajor) {
if ($min <= $familyLimitMinor) {
if ($maj >= $lastMaj) {
if ($maj > $lastMaj) {
$lastMin = 0 ;
$lastBix = 0 ;
if ($min >= $lastMin) {
if ($min > $lastMin) {
$lastBix = 0 ;
if ($bix >= $lastBix) {
$lastMaj = $maj ;
$lastMin = $min ;
$lastBix = $bix ;
$lastVersionDirName = $archiveDirName ;
$didFindLastShippedProduct = 1 ;
if ($didFindLastShippedProduct) {
my $lastShipVersion = "$lastMaj.$lastMin.$lastBix" ;
print "\nShould compare files in current built package with last-shipped version $lastShipVersion?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my $lastShipDirPath = $shipArchivesPath . $lastVersionDirName ;
# Unzip. -b says to treat all files as binary
`cd \"$lastShipDirPath" ; /usr/bin/unzip -bo \"$zipName\"` ;
my $unzippedFolder ;
my $lastShipAppPath ;
# First, try the modern form, assuming the prior .app was zipped directly
$unzippedFolder = "$lastShipDirPath/" ;
$lastShipAppPath = "$unzippedFolder$" ;
if (!$fileUtil->existent($lastShipAppPath)) {
die ("Could not find last shipment") ;
print " unzippedFolder: $unzippedFolder\n" ;
print " lastShipAppPath: $lastShipAppPath\n" ;
# We use the unix 'diff' program, which can compare directory trees
my $packageDiffsString = `diff -qr "$lastShipAppPath" "$pathToProduct" | grep -v -e 'DS_Store' -e 'Thumbs' | sort` ;
my @diffs = split("\n", $packageDiffsString) ;
my $nOnlyInLast = 0 ;
my $nOnlyInThis = 0 ;
my $nCodeSignatures = 0 ;
my $nDiffers = 0 ;
my $i ;
my $onlyInLast = "Only in $lastShipDirPath" ;
my $onlyInThis = "Only in $pathToProduct" ;
my $onlyInLastLen = length("Only in $lastShipAppPath/") ;
my $onlyInThisLen = length("$onlyInThis/") ;
my @onlyInLasts ;
my @onlyInThiss ;
my $dieMsg ; # So we can postpone dying until after we clean up
for ($i=0; $i<@diffs; $i++) {
my $diff = $diffs[$i] ;
# Find lines that begin in "Only in "
if ($diff =~ m/\AOnly in/) {
# Find lines that end in " _CodeSignature"
if ($diff =~ m/ _CodeSignature\Z/) {
$nCodeSignatures++ ;
elsif ($diff =~ m/\A$onlyInLast/) {
$nOnlyInLast++ ;
push(@onlyInLasts, substr($diff, $onlyInLastLen)) ;
elsif ($diff =~ m/\A$onlyInThis/) {
$nOnlyInThis++ ;
push(@onlyInThiss, substr($diff, $onlyInThisLen)) ;
else {
$dieMsg = "Cannot interpret diff[1]: $diff." ;
last ;
# Find lines that end in " differ"
elsif ($diff =~ m/ differ\Z/) {
$nDiffers++ ;
else {
$dieMsg = "Cannot interpret diff[2]: $diff." ;
last ;
if (!defined($dieMsg)) {
printf("Differences found comparing to last shipped product version $lastShipVersion:\n") ;
printf(" _CodeSignature (non-payload) files: %4d\n", $nCodeSignatures) ;
printf(" Payload items only in last version: %4d\n", $nOnlyInLast) ;
printf(" Payload items only in this version: %4d\n", $nOnlyInThis) ;
printf(" Matched items which differ last vs. this: %4d\n", $nDiffers) ;
if ($nOnlyInLast + $nOnlyInThis + $nCodeSignatures + $nDiffers != $i) {
$dieMsg = "Diffs don't add up." ;
if (!defined($dieMsg)) {
if ($nOnlyInLast > 0) {
print("Items only in last version:\n") ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@onlyInLasts; $i++) {
print(" In $onlyInLasts[$i]\n") ;
else {
print "Found 0 payload items only in last version.\n" ;
if ($nOnlyInThis > 0) {
print("Items only in this version:\n") ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@onlyInThiss; $i++) {
print(" In $onlyInThiss[$i]\n") ;
print("OK to proceed? If not type 'a' to abort.\n") ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
$dieMsg = "User aborted" ;
else {
print "Found 0 payload items only in this version.\n" ;
# Clean up
`rm -Rdf \"$lastShipAppPath\"` ;
if ($dieMsg) {
die ($dieMsg) ;
else {
print "\nWARNING! Could not find any prior shipment of this product. Is that OK?\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
# Check version of any Plugins in the product
my $pluginsPath = "$pathToProduct/Contents/Plugins" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($pluginsPath)) {
my @pluginNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($pluginsPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@pluginNames; $i++) {
my $pluginPath = "$pluginsPath/$pluginNames[$i]" ;
my $revisionNumberString = extractBundleVersion($pluginPath, 1) ;
print "\nProduct contains version $revisionNumberString of $pluginNames[$i]. Did Xcode copy the latest/correct one?\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " *** I don't think that .htaccess in the Help Book should ever be missing! It might be if we generated a Help Book while building one of the other apps, but we probably shouldn't be doing that!\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
# Run lint on Localizable.strings files
print "\nShould run plutil lint on strings files?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my $mainAppResources = "$pathToProduct/Contents/Resources/" ;
print " Looking for lproj subdirectories in $mainAppResources\n" ;
my @resourceNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($mainAppResources, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@resourceNames; $i++) {
if (substr(reverse($resourceNames[$i]), 0, 6) eq "jorpl.") {
print " Found one: $resourceNames[$i]\n" ;
my $lprojDirPath = $mainAppResources . $resourceNames[$i] ;
my @filenames = $fileUtil->list_dir($lprojDirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for (my $j=0; $j<@filenames; $j++) {
if (substr(reverse($filenames[$j]), 0, 8) eq "sgnirts.") {
my $stringsFilePath = $lprojDirPath . "/" . $filenames[$j] ;
my $stringsLint = `/usr/bin/plutil -lint "$stringsFilePath"` ;
print $stringsLint ;
print "\nDo the results look OK? (May be OK if this product has lproj subdirs buried in a framework.)\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
# Extract architectures from main executable
my $mainAppExecutable = "$pathToProduct/Contents/MacOS/$appName" ;
my $lipoOutput = `/usr/bin/lipo -info "$mainAppExecutable"` ;
my @lipoWords = split(" ", $lipoOutput) ;
# Unfortunately, lipoOutput contains a narrative. Examples:
# Non-fat file: /path/to/Whatever is architecture: i386
# Architectures in the fat file: /path/to/Whatever are: i386 ppc
# We need to eliminate the narrative and just get the last few word(s), which are the archs
@lipoWords = reverse(@lipoWords) ;
my @architectures ;
foreach my $arch (@lipoWords) {
# Assume that the last word of the narrative contains a colon (:).
if ($arch =~ m/:/) {
# This is the last word of the narrative.
last ;
# $arch is really an architecture
if ($arch =~ s/ppc7400/ppc/) {
print "Note: ppc will be used instead of $arch since dwarfdump does not support ppc7400)\n" ;
$arch = "ppc" ;
push (@architectures, $arch) ;
# Make readable maximumSystemVersion
my $readableMaximumSystemVersion = $maximumSystemVersion ;
if (!defined($maximumSystemVersion)) {
$readableMaximumSystemVersion = "<no-maximum>" ;
# Ask user if the version we're going to ship is the correct version.
my $archList = join(" ", @architectures) ;
print "\nAffirm that you want to ship:\n $appName\n Version $revisionNumberString\n For Mac OS X \"$minimumSystemVersion\" thru $readableMaximumSystemVersion\n For architectures: $archList\n To: $pathServerHtmlToProductsDir\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
print "\nShould inspect and list dSYM files? ** List is NEEDED SOON for archiving!\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
my @dSymPaths ; # Collect good dSYM paths for later, when moving to permanent archive subfolder
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my @dSymNames ;
# The scanBundle subroutines dig in recursively
scanBundleForDSyms($pathToProduct, \@dSymNames, " ") ;
# Check the dSYM file for each dSymName, and while we're at it form an array of dSymPaths. @dSymNames and @dSymPaths will have corresponding elements.
print "\nWill inspect dSYM files for architectures:" ;
foreach my $arch (@architectures) {
print " $arch" ;
print "\n" ;
my $nGood = 0 ;
my $nZeroSourceFiles = 0 ;
my $nDiffFileCountForDiffArch = 0 ;
my $nMissingDSym = 0 ;
foreach my $dSymName (@dSymNames) {
printf " $dSymName\n" ;
my $dSymPath = $buildsReleasePath . $dSymName . ".dSYM" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dSymPath)) {
my $isFirstArch = 1 ;
my $firstNSourceFiles ;
foreach my $arch (@architectures) {
my $thisNSourceFiles = 0 ;
my $dwarfDump ;
my $cmd = "/usr/bin/dwarfdump --arch=$arch -r0 \"$dSymPath\"" ;
my $dump = `$cmd` ;
# Count the number of occurrences of the string "Compile Unit: "
$thisNSourceFiles = $dump =~ s/Compile Unit://g ;
if (length($thisNSourceFiles == 0)) {
$thisNSourceFiles = 0 ;
my $notCountingArclite = "" ;
my $hasArclite = ($dump =~ m|/SourceCache/arclite/arclite|) ;
if ($hasArclite) {
# Subtract one for arclite.m, which is apparently something that the linker inserts into an x86_64 build but not i386.
$thisNSourceFiles-- ;
$notCountingArclite = " (not counting arclite.m)" ;
printf " $thisNSourceFiles source files symbolized for arch=$arch$notCountingArclite\n" ;
push @dSymPaths, $dSymPath ;
if ($isFirstArch) {
$firstNSourceFiles = $thisNSourceFiles ;
$isFirstArch = 0 ;
else {
if ((length($thisNSourceFiles) == 0) && (length($thisNSourceFiles) == 0)) {
$nZeroSourceFiles++ ;
printf " Warning: Zero source files dSYMed for arch=$arch\n" ;
elsif ($firstNSourceFiles != $thisNSourceFiles) {
printf " Warning: Different arch has dSYMed different count of source files\n" ;
printf " Try comparing the output of this command:\n" ;
printf " $cmd | grep AT_name\n" ;
printf " using different --arch= values:" ;
@architectures = sort(@architectures) ;
foreach my $archi (@architectures) {
printf " $archi" ;
printf "\n" ;
$nDiffFileCountForDiffArch++ ;
else {
$nGood++ ;
else {
printf " Warning: Missing dSYM file for $dSymName\n" ;
$nMissingDSym++ ;
my $nExpectedDSyms = @dSymNames ;
if ($nExpectedDSyms != $nGood) {
print "\nAttention: Issues were found in dSYMs. Summary:\n" ;
printf(" %3d contain data for zero source files\n", $nZeroSourceFiles) ;
printf(" %3d have diff source file counts for diff architectures\n", $nDiffFileCountForDiffArch) ;
printf(" %3d No dSYM file found\n", $nMissingDSym) ;
printf(" %3d Look good\n", $nGood) ;
printf(" %3d Total Expected\n", $nExpectedDSyms) ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to continue DESPITE TROUBLE.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
else {
printf "Found $nGood dSYM files, as expected, and all look good.\n" ;
@dSymPaths = SSYUtils2::uniqueifyArray(@dSymPaths) ;
my $dSymsLengthString = @dSymPaths ;
if ($dSymsLengthString == 0) {
$dSymsLengthString ="***ZERO!!***" ;
print "\nShould create a new archive directory and copy $dSymsLengthString dSYM files into it?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
# Make a new subfolder in shipArchivesPath into which we'll archive the
# .dmg and .zip we're going to publish
SSYUtils2::makeDirectoryOrDie("$shipArchiveSubdirectory") ;
chdir($buildsReleasePath) or die "Failed cd to $buildsReleasePath" ;
printf "Changed working directory to:\n %s\n", SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() ;
printf "Will try copying dSYMs to: $shipArchiveSubdirectory\n" ;
# Append the dSYM paths that we collected above, during Inspect dSYMS, to otherArchivees, and move all to archive
push @otherArchivees, @dSymPaths ;
foreach my $otherArchivee (@otherArchivees) {
@sysargs = ("cp", "-RLfp", "\"$otherArchivee\"", "\"$shipArchiveSubdirectory\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
printf(" Tried: $otherArchivee\n") ;
my $scratchDirOuter = File::Spec->catdir($buildsReleasePath, (SSYUtils2::programName() . "_Temp_" . $appName)) ;
my $scratchProductPkg = File::Spec->catdir($scratchDirOuter, "$") ;
# scratchDirOuter is: /Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Builds/Release/SSYShipProduct_Temp_MyApp
# scratchProductPkg is: /Users/jk/Documents/Programming/Builds/Release/SSYShipProduct_Temp_MyApp/
print "\nShould make a temporary \"scratch\" directory and copy app product into it?\n" ;
print " The \"scratch\" product will temporarily be at:\n" ;
print " $scratchProductPkg\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
# Make new subfolder for this revision
SSYUtils2::makeDirectoryOrDie($scratchDirOuter) ;
chdir($scratchDirOuter) or die "Failed cd to $scratchDirOuter" ;
printf "Working directory is now:\n %s\n", SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() ;
# Copy the app to the newly-renamed directory
printf "Copying:\n $pathToProduct\n" ;
printf " To:\n $scratchProductPkg\n" ;
SSYUtils2::copyDirectoryOrDie("\"$pathToProduct\"", "\"$scratchProductPkg\"") ;
# Note that we have not stripped anything yet, and will not strip the original product which is in $buildsReleasePath. Our reason is that this is the product accessed by Xcode, and if we stripped it, then rebuilt in Xcode for some reason before cleaning, the GenerateDSYMFile build steps in Xcode would generate .dSYM files from executables that have already had their symbols stripped, resulting in empty dSYM files that has no symbols (Apple Bug ID 7145893). Also, we have not done Code Signing yet since that must be done after stripping.
print "\nShould strip all executables in the package?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my @pathsToStrip ;
my @stripOptions ;
# The scanBundle subroutines dig in recursively
scanBundleForStripping($scratchProductPkg, \@pathsToStrip, \@stripOptions, " ") ;
# Now modify @stripOptions by replacing any item whose default strip option has been overridden by inclusion into the stripAllFrom or stripOnlyNonGlobalFrom configuration settings.
for (my $i=0; $i<@pathsToStrip; $i++) {
my $name = SSYUtils2::lastPathComponent($pathsToStrip[$i]) ;
my $stripAll = 0 ;
my $stripOnlyNonGlobal = 0 ;
foreach my $specialName (@stripAllFrom) {
if ($specialName eq $name) {
$stripOptions[$i] = "" ;
printf "Default overridden: Will strip all symbols from $name.\n"
foreach my $specialName (@stripOnlyNonGlobalFrom) {
if ($specialName eq $name) {
$stripOptions[$i] = "-x" ;
printf "Default overridden: Will strip only non-global symbols from $name.\n"
my $nPathsToStrip = @pathsToStrip ;
my $nTroubles = 0 ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@pathsToStrip; $i++) {
my $j = $i+1 ;
my $name = SSYUtils2::lastPathComponent($pathsToStrip[$i]) ;
print " Stripping with options \"$stripOptions[$i]\" : $name ($j/$nPathsToStrip)\n" ;
# The following two lines are equivalent. One is commented out.
# if (-e $pathsToStrip[$i]) {
if ($fileUtil->existent($pathsToStrip[$i])) {
my $sizeBeforeStrip = `/usr/bin/stat -f \"%z\" \"$pathsToStrip[$i]\"` ;
printf " Bytes before: %8d\n", $sizeBeforeStrip ;
my @sysargs = ("/usr/bin/strip") ;
if (length($stripOptions[$i]) > 0) {
push @sysargs, $stripOptions[$i] ;
push @sysargs, "\"$pathsToStrip[$i]\"" ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
my $sizeAfterStrip = `/usr/bin/stat -f \"%z\" \"$pathsToStrip[$i]\"` ;
printf " Bytes after : %8d\n", $sizeAfterStrip ;
else {
print " TROUBLE! No executable found for $name.\n" ;
print " Complete path is:\n \"$pathsToStrip[$i]\"\n" ;
$nTroubles++ ;
if ($nTroubles > 0) {
print "\nThere was TROUBLE found with $nTroubles items.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to continue DESPITE TROUBLE.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nShould check architectures of all executables in the package?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my @pathsToExecutables ;
# The scanBundle subroutines dig in recursively
scanBundleForArchitectures($scratchProductPkg, \@pathsToExecutables, " ") ;
print "\nArchitecture Check Results:\n" ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@pathsToExecutables; $i++) {
# Things we'll need for IPC::Run::run()
my $command = "/usr/bin/lipo" ;
my @args ;
my $stdin ;
my $stdout ;
my $stderr ;
my $exitOk ;
# If path is a .app or .plugin, append /Contents/MacOS
my $path = $pathsToExecutables[$i] ;
if (($path =~ m/.app$/) || ($path =~ m/.plugin$/)) {
$path = $path . "/Contents/MacOS" ;
# If we are in a MacOS or framework (version "A", "B", etc.), find the executable file and append it. It should be the only regular file in there.
if (($path =~ m</MacOS$>) || ($path =~ m</A$>) || ($path =~ m</B$>) || ($path =~ m</C$>)) {
my @filenames = $fileUtil->list_dir($path, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
my $executableName = $filenames[0] ;
$path = "$path/$executableName" ;
my $filename = basename($path) ;
@args = ("-info", $path) ;
$exitOk = IPC::Run::run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr ;
# stdout will be one of two forms:
# Non-fat file: /path/to/executableName is architecture: x86_64
# Architectures in the fat file: /path/to/executableName are: x86_64 i386
# In either case we can split at colons and take the third substring
my @stdouts = split(":", $stdout) ;
my $archsString = $stdouts[2] ;
# Sort because, oddly, lipo lists archs in random order.
$archsString = join(" ", sort(split(" ", $archsString))) ;
# stdout did end in a newline, but the above split+join stripped that.
# In the following line, "A" means "A text (ASCII) string, will be space padded".
my $pad_length = 25 ;
$filename = pack("A$pad_length", $filename) ;
print "$filename: $archsString\n" ;
if(defined($codeSigningIdentity)) {
print "\nShould perform Code Signing on all executables in the package?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
codesignDeveloperID($scratchProductPkg, $codeSigningIdentity) ;
print "\nShould create $zipName and move it to:\n $shipArchiveSubdirectory?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
# Create our zip archive of the files we just copied
# When using zip, it is important that you cd to the parent of the thing that you want to zip and then give zip, as last argument, the relative path to what you want to zip. If you give it a full path, you'll get Russian dolls of directories when you unzip.
chdir($scratchDirOuter) or die "Failed cd to $scratchDirOuter" ;
printf "Changed working directory to:\n %s\n", SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() ;
# Note that I cannot specify the output path for zip; it goes to the current directory, which is $scratchDirOuter.
@sysargs = ("/usr/bin/zip", "-r", "-y", "\"$zipName\"", "\"$\"") ;
print "zipping product and accessories\n" ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
my $didMove = move("$zipName", "$shipArchiveSubdirectory$zipName") ;
if (!$didMove) {
die("Failed moving $zipName from " . SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() . " to $shipArchiveSubdirectory") ;
print "\nShould do the following?\n * Create a directory to be disk-imaged.\n * Copy dmg shipping accessories into it.\n * Move product into it.\n * Create $dmgName and move it to the archive directory.\nREAD: If you'll ever want a dmg of this build, the correct answer is YES ('return')!\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
my $dmgSource = File::Spec->catdir($scratchDirOuter, "$appName") ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
chdir($scratchDirOuter) or die "Failed cd to $scratchDirOuter" ;
printf "Changed working directory to:\n %s\n", SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() ;
# Make a subdirectory named "$appName", which will be the source of the dmg. (Otherwise, when user opens the dmg they will get a folder named $scrathDirOuter is, the Temp_ etc. etc.
@sysargs = ("/bin/mkdir", "\"$appName\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
printf "Created directory:\n $dmgSource\n" ;
printf "Copying into it the contents of:\n $dmgAccessoriesPath\n" ;
SSYUtils2::copyContentsOfDirectoryToOtherExistingDirectoryOrDie("\"$dmgAccessoriesPath\"", "\"$dmgSource\"") ;
printf "Moving into it the product $ into it\n" ;
@sysargs = ("/bin/mv", "\"$\"", "\"$appName\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
printf "Creating disk image\n" ;
@sysargs = ("hdiutil", "create", "-verbose", "-srcfolder", "\"$dmgSource\"", "-format", "UDZO", "-scrub", "-imagekey", "zlib-level=9", "-ov", "\"$dmgName\"") ;
# UDZO means compressed
# zlib-level = 9 says to take a long time and compress as much as possible
# -ov says to overwrite old dmg if any is found
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
# Make the disk image "Internet Enabled". This causes the .dmg to automatically trash
# itself after it has been decompressed.
@sysargs = ("hdiutil", "internet-enable", "\"$dmgName\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
printf "Moving disk image to archive\n" ;
my $didMove = move("$dmgName", "$shipArchiveSubdirectory$dmgName") ;
if (!$didMove) {
die("Failed moving $dmgName from " . SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() . " to $shipArchiveSubdirectory") ;
print "\nRemoving temporary directory because it is no longer needed.)\n" ;
SSYUtils2::removeDirectoryOrDie($scratchDirOuter) ;
print "\nShould do final inspection, to make sure product launches, etc.?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to open a window showing the product.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
@sysargs = ("/usr/bin/open", "-a", "\"Path Finder\"", $shipArchiveSubdirectory) ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
print "\nThe dmg and/or zip ae now open in a Path Finder window into:\n" ;
print " $shipArchiveSubdirectory\n" ;
print " Recommended Final Inspection Items:\n * Try in a minimum-version system.\n* Agent or Helper operation\n * Demo License retrival\n * Purchase\n * AppleScripts or Automator Actions\n * Make sure that Localizable.strings files are UTF-16, not UTF-8.\n * Make sure that Help button(s) work.\n * Check new Help buttons to new help anchors.\n * Run localized to a foreign language and check any new strings.\n (For Bookdog, type Launchbar shortcut 'bdll'\n" ;
print "\nAffirm that the product passed Final Inspection.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
else {
print "\nAffirm that you have updated the comments, showing the current release channel, after the latest items in Update News markdown source?\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to affirm.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
print "\nShould upload from: $zipPathLocal\n" ;
print " to: $serverRootToProductsDir$zipName\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve. Note that, after this point, you\n" ;
print " **MUST** continue on to update the Sparkle feed, or else users will get\n" ;
print " an ugly \"Error Extracting Archive\" due to mismatched DSA signatures !!\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
print "uploading from: $zipPathLocal\n" ;
print " to: $serverRootToProductsDir$zipName\n" ;
# tuff-ftp-put will die() if anything goes wrong.
system(" \"$zipPathLocal\" \"$serverRootToProductsDir\" $zipName $serverDomain $ftpAccountName $ftpAccountPassword") ;
print "\nShould update $nAppcasts appcasts? If you have uploaded the zip, you MUST do this (see above).\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
chdir($shipArchiveSubdirectory) or die "Failed cd to $shipArchiveSubdirectory" ;
printf "Changed working directory to:\n %s\n", SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() ;
my $signZipCmd = "ruby \"$zipSignerPath\" \"$zipName\" \"$zipPrivateKeyPath\"" ;
print "Will calculate digest/signature of $zipName by invoking:\n $signZipCmd\n" ;
my $updateSignature = `$signZipCmd` ;
chomp($updateSignature) ;
print "Done. The zip product\n $shipArchiveSubdirectory$zipName\nyielded digest/signature:\n $updateSignature\n" ;
my $nChars = length($updateSignature) ;
my $nMin = 60 ;
my $nMax = 64 ;
if (($nChars > $nMax) || ($nChars < $nMin)){
die "Got $nChars characters in updateSignature. Not accepted.\n" ;
# Unzip the shipped product, and then get the publicKeyPath and minimumSystemVersion which we shall need to construct the appcasts.
# Unzip. -b says to treat all files as binary
`cd \"$shipArchiveSubdirectory" ; /usr/bin/unzip -bo \"$zipName\"` ;
my $shippedAppPath = "$shipArchiveSubdirectory/$" ;
my $publicKeyResourceFilename = extractInfoPlistKey($shippedAppPath, "SUPublicDSAKeyFile", 1) ;
my $publicKeyPath = $shippedAppPath . "/Contents/Resources/$publicKeyResourceFilename" ;
my $minimumSystemVersion = extractInfoPlistKey($shippedAppPath, "LSMinimumSystemVersion", 1) ;
open (my $file, '<', $publicKeyPath) or die "Could not open $publicKeyResourceFilename in app resources. $!\n" ;
my $publicKey = "" ;
while (<$file>) {
elsif (/END PUBLIC KEY/) {
last ;
else {
$publicKey .= $_ ;
close($file) ;
my $keyLen = length($publicKey) ;
if ($keyLen != 1108) {
die "Length of Public key in $publicKeyPath is $keyLen characters. Expected 1108.\n" ;
`rm -Rdf \"$shippedAppPath\"` ;
my $verifyCmd = "verifysparkledsa -v \"$updateSignature\" \"$publicKey\" \"$zipName\"" ;
print "Will verify $zipName with digest/signature:\n $updateSignature\nand public key:\n$publicKey\n" ;
my $verifyResult = `$verifyCmd` ;
print $verifyResult ;
if ($? != 0) {
die "Signature for Sparkle on zip package failed to verify." ;
my $appcastProductFilename ;
if ($appcastProductFileExtension eq "dmg") {
$appcastProductFilename = $dmgName ;
elsif ($appcastProductFileExtension eq "zip") {
$appcastProductFilename = $zipName ;
else {
die "appcastProductFilename $appcastProductFilename not supported.\n" ;
print "Will appcast:\n Product Filename:\n $appcastProductFilename\n Minimum System Version:\n$minimumSystemVersion\n Maximum System Version:\n$maximumSystemVersion\n Description URL:\n $updateDescriptionURL\n" ;
foreach my $serverAppcastPath (@serverAppcastPaths) {
# Third sysarg should be "-cvs" for safe mode asking "OK to do this?" before publishing, "-cv" for "just publish"
@sysargs = ("", "-a", "-cv", "-m$nItemsToLeaveInAppcast", "\"-w$serverAppcastPath\"") ;
if ($minimumSystemVersion) {
push @sysargs, "\"-i$minimumSystemVersion\"" ;
if ($maximumSystemVersion) {
push @sysargs, "\"-j$maximumSystemVersion\"" ;
if ($shipmentType eq 'p') {
push @sysargs, "\"-y$localAppcastPath\"" ;
push @sysargs, "\"-k$updateSignature\"" ;
if ($shipmentType eq 'p') {
push @sysargs, "\"-y$localAppcastPath\"" ;
push @sysargs, ("\"$appName\"", $appcastProductFilename, "\"$revisionNumberString\"", "\"$serverDomain\"", "\"$ftpAccountName\"", "\"$ftpAccountPassword\"", "\"$pathServerHtml\"", "\"$pathServerHtmlToProductsDir\"", "\"$updateDescriptionURL\"") ;
print "Will invoke like this\n" ;
foreach my $argument (@sysargs) {
print "$argument " ;
print "\n" ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
print "\nShould smarty-markdown and upload latest Update Description? (Needed for Sparkle and MacUpdate)\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
print "reading markdown file\n" ;
open (SOURCEDATA, $updateDescriptionMarkdownPath) ;
my $j = 0 ;
my @sourceLines ;
while (my $aLine = <SOURCEDATA>) {
$aLine = SSYUtils2::preMarkdown ($aLine, $j, $updateDescriptionMarkdownPath) ;
push @sourceLines, $aLine ;
$j++ ;
my $markdownSource = join ("", @sourceLines) ;
# Process through smartMarkdown
print "processing markdown to HTML\n" ;
my $htmlBody = SSYUtils2::smartMarkdown($markdownSource, SSYUtils2::scriptParentPath()) ;
# Add HTML head and tail
print "adding HTML head and tail\n" ;
my $htmlHead = <<HTMLHEAD ;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<!-- To make changes, edit the Markdown source, not this file! -->
<title>Update News for $familyName</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style TYPE="text/css">
.Normal { font-family: "Arial", "Osaka", "Verdana", "Helvetica"; font-size:12.0px; font-weight:normal }
h1 { font-size:16.0px; font-weight:bold }
h2 { font-size:12.0px; font-weight:bold }
.whapp {
vertical-align: middle ;
margin-left: 5px ;
margin-bottom: 2px ;
height: 18px ;
width: 18px ;
background-color: #eee ;
border: 1px solid #ccc ;
<span class=Normal>
my $htmlTail = "</span>\n</body>\n</html>\n" ;
my $html = $htmlHead . $htmlBody . $htmlTail ;
# Write to file
print "writing local file\n" ;
(my $junk1, my $updateDescriptionDir, my $updateDescriptionMarkdownFilename) = File::Spec->splitpath($updateDescriptionMarkdownPath) ;
my $updateDescriptionLocalHtmlPath = File::Spec->catdir(($updateDescriptionDir, $updateDescriptionName)) ;
my $didWriteOK = open(HTML,">$updateDescriptionLocalHtmlPath") ;
print HTML $html ;
close(HTML) ;
print "creating upload path\n" ;
my $updateDescriptionRemoteFullPath="ftp://$ftpAccountName:$ftpAccountPassword\@$serverDomain/$pathServerHtml$updateDescriptionPath" ;
print "uploading from: $updateDescriptionLocalHtmlPath\n" ;
print " to: $updateDescriptionRemoteFullPath\n" ;
@sysargs = ("ftp", "-u", "\"$updateDescriptionRemoteFullPath\"", "\"$updateDescriptionLocalHtmlPath\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
print "uploaded Update Description\n" ;
print "\nShould post to MacUpdate now?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
# pbcopy copies to clipboard
`echo \"$htmlBody\" | /usr/bin/pbcopy` ;
print "\nAccording to Warren Mills <warren\>, MacUpdate allows only three HTML tags in 'Description' and 'Release Notes': <strong>, <break>, and <ul>. I've found them to be allow more than that. However, you should:\n" ;
print " * Strip out the intro <h1> element.\n" ;
print " * Strip out any <h2> elements, combining all sections since the last update in this channel.\n" ;
print " * Strip out the bottom sections, beginning with the last update.\n" ;
print " * Strip out any list items that do not apply to the app being updated.\n" ;
print " * Strip out the <img src=images/AppName.png alt= class=whapp /> elements by searching for the following grep pattern and replacing with an empty string:\n" ;
print " <img src=\\w+/\\w+\.\\w+ alt= \\w+=whapp />\\s?(&#160;)?\\s?\n" ; # Unescaped: <img src=\w+/\w+\.\w+ alt= \w+=whapp />\s?(&#160;)?\s?
print " * Strip out the <p> elements that are inside the <li> elements.\n" ;
print "When filling in the MacUpdate form, be careful to examine all fields. The web browser's autofill can be your enemy by re-filling data from your last submission!\n" ;
print "Type any key to open a new BBEdit document containing Update News html.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
my $bbeditAppleScript = <<BBEDITAPPLESCRIPT ;
tell application "BBEdit"
open POSIX file "$macupdateTextPath"
tell text of front text window
select insertion point before character 1
set theSelection to get selection
set text of theSelection to return & return & return & "********* PRIOR TEXT FOLLOWS *********" & return & return & return
select insertion point before character 1
end tell
end tell
`osascript -e '$bbeditAppleScript'` ;
print "Type any key to visit\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
`open` ;
printf ("\nHelp book parameters are to upload from:\n $helpBookLocalHtmlPath\nto server:\n $serverDomain\nhtml path:\n $pathServerHtml\nsubpath:\n $pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir\n") ;
if ((length($pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir) > 0) && (length($helpBookLocalHtmlPath) > 0)) {
print "\nShould upload revised Help Book from $helpBookLocalHtmlPath?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
@sysargs = ("", "-v", "-x.DS_Store", "-xSSYMH.AppAnchors.h", "-xSSYMH.AppAnchors.m") ;
my @xOptions ;
foreach my $excludedDocument (@excludedDocuments) {
my $xString = "-x'" ;
$xString .= $excludedDocument ;
$xString .= "'" ;
push @xOptions, $xString ;
push @sysargs, @xOptions ;
# Append the six string arguments required by
push @sysargs, "\"$pathServerHtmlToHelpBookDir\"", "\"$helpBookLocalHtmlPath\"", "\"$serverDomain\"", "\"$ftpAccountName\"", "\"$ftpAccountPassword\"", "\"$pathServerHtml\"" ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
print "uploaded documentation\n" ;
else {
printf "Skipping upload of Help Book per missing parameter(s).\n" ;
print "\nShould upload disk image?\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key except 'n' to approve.\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
print "uploading from: $dmgPathLocal\n" ;
print " to: $serverRootToProductsDir$dmgName\n" ;
# tuff-ftp-put will die() if anything goes wrong.
system(" \"$dmgPathLocal\" \"$serverRootToProductsDir\" $dmgName $serverDomain $ftpAccountName $ftpAccountPassword") ;
print "\nShould publish website?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
@sysargs = ("open", "\"$publishSiteScript\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
print "publishing website (in separate forked process)\n" ;
my $nextRevisionNumberString ;
foreach my $otherUpload (@otherUploads) {
my @otherUploadValues = split /,/, $otherUpload ;
my $nValues = @otherUploadValues ;
if ($nValues != 4) {
print "Found $nValues, need 4 comma-separated values for other upload:\n $otherUpload\nin config file\n $configPath\n" ;
stop ("Bad configuration. ") ;
my $source = SSYUtils2::prependHome($otherUploadValues[0]) ;
my $followSymlinks = $otherUploadValues[2] ;
my $doCodesign = $otherUploadValues[3] ;
my $doCodesignString ;
if ($doCodesign) {
$doCodesignString = "DO" ;
else {
$doCodesignString = "do NOT"
if (!(($followSymlinks == 0) || ($followSymlinks == 1))) {
print "last comma-separated value should be 0 or 1 in other upload:\n $otherUpload\nin config file\n $configPath\n" ;
stop ("Bad configuration. ") ;
print "\nShould zip, " . $doCodesignString . " codesign, and upload $source?\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
(my $sourceVolume, my $sourceParentPath, my $sourceFilename) = File::Spec->splitpath($source) ;
my $destin = $pathServerHtml . $otherUploadValues[1] . ".zip" ;
my $zipname = SSYUtils2::filenameOfPath($otherUploadValues[1]) ;
# When using zip, it is important that you cd to the parent of the thing that you want to zip and then give zip, as it last argument, the relative path to what you want to zip. If you give it a full path, you'll get Russian dolls of directories when you unzip.
chdir($sourceParentPath) or die "Failed cd to $sourceParentPath" ;
printf "Changed working directory to:\n %s\n", SSYUtils2::currentWorkingDirectory() ;
if ($doCodesign) {
codesignDeveloperID($source, $codeSigningIdentity) ;
# zip it.
@sysargs = ("zip", "-r") ;
if (!$followSymlinks) {
push @sysargs, "-y" ;
print "zip will not follow symlinks while zipping $source\n" ;
else {
print "zip will follow symlinks while zipping $source\n" ;
my $tempZipFile = File::Temp->tmpnam() ;
push @sysargs, "\"$tempZipFile\"", "\"$sourceFilename\"" ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
# upload it.
my $tempZipFileDotZip = "$" ;
my $zipRemoteFullPath="ftp://$ftpAccountName:$ftpAccountPassword\@$serverDomain/$destin" ;
@sysargs = ("ftp", "-u", "\"$zipRemoteFullPath\"", "\"$tempZipFileDotZip\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
SSYUtils2::removeFileOrDie($tempZipFileDotZip) ;
print "\nDone uploading $appName version $revisionNumberString and other uploads.\n" ;
if (!$reupload) {
print "\nPlease commit all source code now.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any other key to continue.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
if (defined($xcconfigPath)) {
print "Should roll rev now in $xcconfigPath?\n" ;
print "Recommend doing so if this is the last app in the family to get this update.\n" ;
print "But not if other apps in family still need to be published.\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
my $nextRevisionNumberString ;
print "You have just shipped $revisionNumberString.\n" ;
while (($nextRevisionNumberString == undef) && ($userInputChar ne 's') && ($userInputChar ne 'a')) {
print "Please enter the ^^NEXT^^ version of \"$appFamilyName\"\n" ;
$nextRevisionNumberString = <STDIN> ;
chomp $nextRevisionNumberString ;
print "Next version: $nextRevisionNumberString\n" ;
print " Type 's' to skip this step.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'r' to re-enter next version number.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to approve.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'r') {
$nextRevisionNumberString = undef ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ; ;
elsif ($userInputChar ne 's') {
print ("Will set CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION to $nextRevisionNumberString in $xcconfigPath\n") ;
# Read the file, producing new contents by replacing any existing CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION with new value.
open (my $xcconfigFileIn, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $xcconfigPath) or die "Could not read $xcconfigPath. $!\n" ;
my $configContents = "" ;
my $didReplace = 0 ;
while (<$xcconfigFileIn>) {
# Existing setting found. Replace it.
$configContents .= "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = $nextRevisionNumberString\n" ;
$didReplace = 1 ;
else {
# Some other line, just copy it.
$configContents .= $_ ;
if (!$didReplace) {
# There was no existing setting. Add one.
$configContents .= "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = $nextRevisionNumberString\n" ;
close($xcconfigFileIn) ;
# Write the file, with the new contents
open (my $xcconfigFileOut, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $xcconfigPath) or die "Could not write $xcconfigPath. $!\n" ;
print $xcconfigFileOut $configContents ;
close ($xcconfigFileOut) ;
printf "\n%s is complete.\nSet a to-do to send emails to bug reporters in a couple days, or else direct beta testers to your beta tester's page", SSYUtils2::programName() ;
########### Subroutines ###################
sub scanBundleForDSyms {
my $rootPath = shift ;
my $dSymNamesRef = shift ;
my $indent = shift ;
print ($indent . "Searching for dSYM-able executables in:\n$indent $rootPath\n") ;
my @rawNames ;
# First, the bundle itself.
push @$dSymNamesRef, "$" ;
my $i ;
# Next, any executables in Contents/MacOS.
my $dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/MacOS" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/MacOS/...\n") ;
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
push @$dSymNamesRef, $rawNames[$i] ;
# Next, any executables, or helper apps in Contents/Helpers.
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Helpers" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Helpers/...\n") ;
# Executables
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
push @$dSymNamesRef, $rawNames[$i] ;
# Helper apps
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotApp = ".app" ;
my $dotAppLength = length($dotApp) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
# This is the recursion
scanBundleForDSyms ("$dirPath/$rawNames[$i]", $dSymNamesRef, , "$indent ") ;
# Next, any helper apps or loadable bundles in Contents/Resources (which, according to TN2206, there should not be any of)
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Resources" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Resources/...\n") ;
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotApp = ".app" ;
my $dotAppLength = length($dotApp) ;
my $dotBundle = ".bundle" ;
my $dotBundleLength = length($dotBundle) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
if (index($rawNames[$i], $dotApp, length($rawNames[$i]) - $dotAppLength) > 0) {
push @$dSymNamesRef, $rawNames[$i] ;
if (index($rawNames[$i], $dotBundle, length($rawNames[$i]) - $dotBundleLength) > 0) {
push @$dSymNamesRef, $rawNames[$i] ;
# Next, the executables in any frameworks in Contents/Frameworks
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Frameworks" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Frameworks/...\n") ;
scanFrameworksForDSyms($dirPath, $dSymNamesRef) ;
# Next, any plugins in Contents/Plugins
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Plugins" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Plugins/...\n") ;
my @pluginNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotPlugin = ".plugin" ;
my $dotPluginLength = length($dotPlugin) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@pluginNames; $i++) {
if (index($pluginNames[$i], $dotPlugin, length($pluginNames[$i]) - $dotPluginLength) > 0) {
push @$dSymNamesRef, $pluginNames[$i] ;
sub scanFrameworksForDSyms {
my $dirPath = shift ;
my $dSymNamesRef = shift ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
my @frameworkNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@frameworkNames; $i++) {
my $frameworkDirPath = $dirPath . "/" . $frameworkNames[$i] ;
# The following line picks out the name of the framework executable(s), by getting all regular files which are immediate children of Whatever.framework. Usually, there will be only one, a symlink to the framework executable which is buried in /Versions/A
my @rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($frameworkDirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for (my $j=0; $j<@rawNames; $j++) {
push @$dSymNamesRef, ($rawNames[$j] . ".framework") ;
# Recurse into subframeworks
my $subframeworksDir = "$frameworkDirPath/Versions/A/Frameworks" ;
scanFrameworksForDSyms($subframeworksDir, $dSymNamesRef) ;
sub scanBundleForStripping {
my $rootPath = shift ;
my $pathsToStripRef = shift ;
my $stripOptionsRef = shift ;
my $indent = shift ;
print ($indent . "Searching for strippable code files in:\n$indent $rootPath\n") ;
my @rawNames ;
my $i ;
# Next, any executables in Contents/MacOS.
my $dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/MacOS" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/MacOS/...\n") ;
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
# All executables should be stripped.
push @$pathsToStripRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] ;
push @$stripOptionsRef, "" ; # default stripping (all)
# Next, any executables, or helper apps in Contents/Helpers.
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Helpers" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Helpers/...\n") ;
# Executables
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
push @$pathsToStripRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] ;
push @$stripOptionsRef, "" ; # default stripping (all)
# Helper apps
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotApp = ".app" ;
my $dotAppLength = length($dotApp) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
# This is the recursion
scanBundleForStripping ("$dirPath/$rawNames[$i]", $pathsToStripRef, $stripOptionsRef, , "$indent ") ;
# Next, any helper apps or loadable bundles in Contents/Resources (which, according to TN2206, there should not be any of)
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Resources" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Resources/...\n") ;
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotApp = ".app" ;
my $dotAppLength = length($dotApp) ;
my $dotBundle = ".bundle" ;
my $dotBundleLength = length($dotBundle) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
if (index($rawNames[$i], $dotApp, length($rawNames[$i]) - $dotAppLength) > 0) {
push @$pathsToStripRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] . "/Contents/MacOS/" . SSYUtils2::removePathExtension($rawNames[$i]) ;
push @$stripOptionsRef, "" ; # default stripping (all)
if (index($rawNames[$i], $dotBundle, length($rawNames[$i]) - $dotBundleLength) > 0) {
push @$pathsToStripRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] . "/Contents/MacOS/" . SSYUtils2::removePathExtension($rawNames[$i]) ;
push @$stripOptionsRef, "-x" ; # strip local symbols only
# Next, the executables in any frameworks in Contents/Frameworks
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Frameworks" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Frameworks/...\n") ;
scanFrameworksForStripping($dirPath, $pathsToStripRef, $stripOptionsRef) ;
# Next, any plugins in Contents/Plugins
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Plugins" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Plugins/...\n") ;
my @pluginNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotPlugin = ".plugin" ;
my $dotPluginLength = length($dotPlugin) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@pluginNames; $i++) {
if (index($pluginNames[$i], $dotPlugin, length($pluginNames[$i]) - $dotPluginLength) > 0) {
my $pluginPath = $dirPath . "/" . $pluginNames[$i] ;
push @$pathsToStripRef, $pluginPath . "/Contents/MacOS/" . substr($pluginNames[$i], 0, length($pluginNames[$i]) - $dotPluginLength) ;
push @$stripOptionsRef, "-x" ; # strip local symbols only
sub scanFrameworksForStripping {
my $dirPath = shift ;
my $pathsToStripRef = shift ;
my $stripOptionsRef = shift ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
my @frameworkNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@frameworkNames; $i++) {
my $frameworkDirPath = $dirPath . "/" . $frameworkNames[$i] ;
# The following line picks out the name of the framework executable(s), by getting all regular files which are immediate children of Whatever.framework. Usually, there will be only one, a symlink to the framework executable which is buried in /Versions/A
my @rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($frameworkDirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for (my $j=0; $j<@rawNames; $j++) {
push @$pathsToStripRef, $frameworkDirPath . "/Versions/A/" . SSYUtils2::removePathExtension($rawNames[$j]) ;
push @$stripOptionsRef, "-x" ; # strip local symbols only
# Recurse into subframeworks
my $subframeworksDir = "$frameworkDirPath/Versions/A/Frameworks" ;
scanFrameworksForStripping($subframeworksDir, $pathsToStripRef, $stripOptionsRef) ;
sub scanBundleForArchitectures {
my $rootPath = shift ;
my $pathsToExecutablesRef = shift ;
my $indent = shift ;
print ($indent . "Searching for architectured executables in:\n$indent $rootPath\n") ;
my @rawNames ;
my $i ;
my $dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/MacOS" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/MacOS/...\n") ;
# Script will fail here if Contents/MacOS does not exist:
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
push @$pathsToExecutablesRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] ;
# Next, any executables, or helper apps in Contents/Helpers.
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Helpers" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Helpers/...\n") ;
# Executables
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
push @$pathsToExecutablesRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] ;
# Helper apps
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotApp = ".app" ;
my $dotAppLength = length($dotApp) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
# This is the recursion
scanBundleForArchitectures ("$dirPath/$rawNames[$i]", $pathsToExecutablesRef, "$indent ") ;
# We skip Contents/Resources since there should not be any code in there. Only code has architecture.
# Next, the executables in any frameworks in Contents/Frameworks
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Frameworks" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Frameworks/...\n") ;
scanFrameworksForArchitectures($dirPath, $pathsToExecutablesRef, "$indent ") ;
# Next, any plugins in Contents/Plugins
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Plugins" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Plugins/...\n") ;
my @pluginNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotPlugin = ".plugin" ;
my $dotPluginLength = length($dotPlugin) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@pluginNames; $i++) {
if (index($pluginNames[$i], $dotPlugin, length($pluginNames[$i]) - $dotPluginLength) > 0) {
my $pluginPath = $dirPath . "/" . $pluginNames[$i] ;
push @$pathsToExecutablesRef, $pluginPath ;
sub scanFrameworksForArchitectures {
my $dirPath = shift ;
my $pathsToExecutablesRef = shift ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
my @frameworkNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@frameworkNames; $i++) {
my $frameworkDirPath = $dirPath . "/" . $frameworkNames[$i] ;
# The following line picks out the name of the framework executable(s), by getting all regular files which are immediate children of Whatever.framework. Usually, there will be only one, a symlink to the framework executable which is buried in /Versions/A
my @rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($frameworkDirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for (my $j=0; $j<@rawNames; $j++) {
push @$pathsToExecutablesRef, $frameworkDirPath . "/Versions/A" ;
# Recurse into subframeworks
my $subframeworksDir = "$frameworkDirPath/Versions/A/Frameworks" ;
scanFrameworksForArchitectures($subframeworksDir, $pathsToExecutablesRef) ;
sub codesignDeveloperID {
my $productPath = shift ;
my $codeSigningIdentity = shift ;
# We shall use IPC::Run::run() for noisy programs that would otherwise noise up the system's stdout or stderr, or whose stdout or stderr contains data which we need to parse.
# Things we'll need for IPC::Run::run().
my $command ;
my @args ;
my $stdin ;
my $stdout ;
my $stderr ;
my $exitOk ;
# The 'codesign' tool will make up its own code signing "identitifer" based on a couple of different inputs, but I don't like the idea of leaving such an important parameter up to a somewhat indeterminate algorithm. Also, usually you want all executables in the package to be signed with the same identity, and to do that the identity must be passed to codesign explicitly. Therefore, this script consructs an appropriate identifier for each item. (Note that I said same identi*ty*, not identi*fier*. Code signing identifiers should be unique.)
# Apple's codesign utility does not seem to support file globbed paths, so we use File::Util to get arrays of the contents of the known directories that may have executables that need to be signed.
my @pathsToSign ;
my @codeSignIdentifiers ;
# The scanBundle subroutines dig in recursively
# @pathsToSign and @codeSignIdentifiers will have corresponding elements.
scanBundleForCodesign($productPath, \@pathsToSign, \@codeSignIdentifiers, " ") ;
# Starting in Mac OS X 10.9, the codesign tool requires that code components of any bundle to be signed be signed first. In other words, bundles must be signed in order, from the inside out. Because scanBundleForCodesign processes from the outside in, we now reverse its results. (Note that this could be done inside scanBundle because that function calls itself recursively.)
@pathsToSign = reverse(@pathsToSign) ;
@codeSignIdentifiers = reverse(@codeSignIdentifiers) ;
my $nPaths = @pathsToSign ;
print "Found $nPaths signable files. Files must and will be be signed starting from the innermost and working up to the root. Here are the paths to be signed, and the identifiers which will be used, in order of how they will be signed:\n" ;
for (my $i=0; $i<$nPaths; $i++) {
print "$pathsToSign[$i]\n" ;
print " will be signed with identifier: $codeSignIdentifiers[$i]\n" ;
# We'll need the bundle identifier to use as code signing identifier
my $mainBundleIdentifier = extractBundleIdentifier($productPath) ;
# Construct Designated Requirements (DR)
# Signed by Apple anchor certificate...
my $reqmt1 = "anchor apple generic" ;
# Identifier is bundle identifier of this app...
# $reqmt2 specifies the codesign identifier and changes for each signable code object. It is therefore computed in the loop below.
# Is from the Mac App Store...
my $reqmt3 = "cert leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists" ;
# Is from a Developer ID authority
my $reqmt4 = "certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists" ;
# Has a Developer ID certificate
my $reqmt5 = "certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists" ;
# Developer ID certificate must have proper Team ID.
my $reqmt6 = "certificate leaf[subject.OU] = \\\"$developerTeamId\\\" " ;
my $nPathsToSign = @pathsToSign ;
my $nTroubles = 0 ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@pathsToSign; $i++) {
my $j = $i+1 ;
my $pathToSign = $pathsToSign[$i] ;
my $name = SSYUtils2::lastPathComponent(SSYUtils2::removeIfSuffix("/Versions/A", $pathToSign)) ;
print "\Signing component: $j/$nPathsToSign: $name\n" ;
# I tried checking for file existence here but got really strange results. So at this time there is no test. Script will fail if Code Signing fails for any item.
if (1) {
my $codeSignIdentifier = $codeSignIdentifiers[$i] ;
my $reqmt2 = "identifier \\\"$codeSignIdentifier\\\"" ;
my $requirements = "\"=designated => $reqmt1 and $reqmt2 and (($reqmt3) or ($reqmt4 and $reqmt5 and $reqmt6))\"" ;
@sysargs = ("/usr/bin/codesign", "--force", "--verbose", "--sign", "\"$codeSigningIdentity\"", "--requirements", $requirements, "--identifier", "\"$codeSignIdentifier\"", "\"$pathToSign\"") ;
SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
else {
print " TROUBLE! No file found for $name.\n" ;
print " Complete path is:\n \"$pathToSign\"\n" ;
$nTroubles++ ;
if ($nTroubles > 0) {
print "\nThere was TROUBLE found with $nTroubles items.\n" ;
print " Type 'a' to abort this script and exit.\n" ;
print " Type 'return' or any key other key to continue DESPITE TROUBLE.\n" ;
$userInputChar = SSYUtils2::getUserInputChar() ;
if ($userInputChar eq 'a') {
die "User aborted" ;
# Verify code signatures
@sysargs = ("/usr/bin/codesign", "--verify", "\"$productPath\"") ;
my $verifyFailed = SSYUtils2::systemDoOrDie(@sysargs) ;
if ($verifyFailed) {
die "Code Signing's Verification failed" ;
else {
print "\nCode Signing verified OK -- Yeah!\n" ;
print "List of code signing identifiers used...\n" ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@pathsToSign; $i++) {
print " $codeSignIdentifiers[$i]\n" ;
# Verify for Gatekeeper
my $pathToVerify = $pathsToSign[-1] ; # -1 = last element in list
print "Will check sisgnature and verify for Gatekeeper:\n $pathToVerify\n" ;
# Verify that the Code Signature is version 2 or greater. This is required for users with OS X 10.9.5 or later.
$command = "/usr/bin/codesign" ;
my @args = ("--display", "--verbose", $pathToVerify) ;
$exitOk = IPC::Run::run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr ;
# IPC::Run:run() returns "TRUE when all subcommands exit with a 0 result code." Thus, success is indicated by $exitOk = 1.
if (!$exitOk) {
die("Failed displaying code signature info with command:\n$command @args") ;
print "\nCodesign Info Result: exitOk=$exitOk\n stdout:\n$stdout\n stderr:\n$stderr" ;
my @infoLines = split("\n", $stderr) ;
my $hasGoodResourcesSignature = 0 ;
for my $infoLine (@infoLines) {
# codesign --display prints its result to stderr, not stdout.
# We search for and then parse a line that typically looks like this:
# Sealed Resources version=2 rules=12 files=400
if ($stderr =~ m/Sealed Resources/) {
$stderr =~ m/version=([0-9\.]+)/ ;
my $resourceVersion = $1 ;
if ($resourceVersion >= 2) {
$hasGoodResourcesSignature = 1 ;
last ;
if (!$hasGoodResourcesSignature) {
die("Product's code signature does not have required resources version.") ;
$command = "/usr/sbin/spctl" ;
$stdout = "<NO-STDOUT>" ;
$stderr = "<NO-STDERR>" ;
# Note that "spctl exits zero on success, or one if an operation has failed. Exit code two indicates unrecognized or unsuitable arguments". If an assessment operation results in denial but no other problem has occurred, the exit code is three." But IPC::Run:run() returns "TRUE when all subcommands exit with a 0 result code." Thus, success is indicated by $exitOk = 1.
# Before assessing the product, first make sure that Gatekeeper is enabled
@args = ("--status") ;
$exitOk = IPC::Run::run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr ;
# Note that stdout and stderr end with line feeds
print "\nGatekeeper Status Result: exitOk=$exitOk\n stdout: $stdout stderr: $stderr" ;
my $assessmentsEnabled = (($stdout =~/assessments enabled/) && $exitOk) ;
if (!$assessmentsEnabled) {
die ("Gatekeeper Assessments are not enabled, according to command:\n $command @args\nPlease run this command in Terminal:\n sudo /usr/sbin/spctl --master-enable\nto fix this problem") ;
# Assess the product
my @args = ("-a", "-vv", "-t", "execute", $pathToVerify) ;
$exitOk = IPC::Run::run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr ;
# Note that ends with line feed but stdout does not
print "\nGatekeeper Assessment Result: exitOk=$exitOk\n stdout:\n$stdout\n stderr:\n$stderr" ;
# spctl prints its result to stderr, not stdout.
my $assessmentOk = (($stderr =~ m/source=Developer ID/) && ($stderr =~ m/: accepted/) && $exitOk) ;
if (!$assessmentOk) {
die("Failed Gatekeeper test for Developer ID with command:\n$command @args") ;
sub scanBundleForCodesign {
my $rootPath = shift ;
my $pathsToSignRef = shift ;
my $codeSignIdentifiersRef = shift ;
my $indent = shift ;
print ($indent . "Searching for signable items in:\n$indent $rootPath\n") ;
my @rawNames ;
# First, the bundle itself. We mimic the default behavior of the codesign tool by assigning its bundle identifier to the codesign identifier.
push @$pathsToSignRef, $rootPath ;
my $bundleIdentifier = extractBundleIdentifier($rootPath, $1) ;
push @$codeSignIdentifiersRef, $bundleIdentifier ;
my $i ;
# Next, any executables in Contents/MacOS, but do not sign the "main" executable (CFBundleExecutable). Although signing this seems to be harmless; it just replaces the signature which was applied when the whole bundle was signed; I don't like the idea of signing things twice.
my $dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/MacOS" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/MacOS/...\n") ;
my $mainExecutableName = extractInfoPlistKey($rootPath, "CFBundleExecutable", 1) ;
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
if ($rawNames[$i] eq $mainExecutableName) {
# Do not add the main executable to @$pathsToSignRef, because the bundle is already in there, and codesign will sign the main executable when signing the bundle.
printf("Skip signing the main executable $mainExecutableName because these are treated when its bundle is treated.\n") ;
next ;
push @$pathsToSignRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] ;
push @$codeSignIdentifiersRef, $rawNames[$i] ;
# Next, any executables, or helper apps in Contents/Helpers.
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Helpers" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Helpers/...\n") ;
# Executables
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
push @$pathsToSignRef, $dirPath . "/" . $rawNames[$i] ;
push @$codeSignIdentifiersRef, $rawNames[$i] ;
# Helper apps
@rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotApp = ".app" ;
my $dotAppLength = length($dotApp) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@rawNames; $i++) {
# This is the recursion
scanBundleForCodesign ("$dirPath/$rawNames[$i]", $pathsToSignRef, $codeSignIdentifiersRef, "$indent ") ;
# We skip Contents/Resources since there should not be any code in there. Only code gets signed.
# Next, the executables in any frameworks in Contents/Frameworks
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Frameworks" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Frameworks/...\n") ;
scanFrameworksForCodesign($dirPath, $pathsToSignRef, $codeSignIdentifiersRef) ;
# Next, any plugins in Contents/Plugins
$dirPath = "$rootPath/Contents/Plugins" ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
print ($indent . " Contents/Plugins/...\n") ;
my @pluginNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
my $dotPlugin = ".plugin" ;
my $dotPluginLength = length($dotPlugin) ;
for ($i=0; $i<@pluginNames; $i++) {
if (index($pluginNames[$i], $dotPlugin, length($pluginNames[$i]) - $dotPluginLength) > 0) {
my $pluginPath = $dirPath . "/" . $pluginNames[$i] ;
push @$pathsToSignRef, $pluginPath ;
push @$codeSignIdentifiersRef, $pluginNames[$i] ;
sub scanFrameworksForCodesign {
my $dirPath = shift ;
my $pathsToSignRef = shift ;
my $codeSignIdentifiersRef = shift ;
if ($fileUtil->existent($dirPath)) {
my @frameworkNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($dirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --dirs-only/) ;
for (my $i=0; $i<@frameworkNames; $i++) {
my $frameworkDirPath = $dirPath . "/" . $frameworkNames[$i] ;
# The following line picks out the name of the framework executable(s), by getting all regular files which are immediate children of Whatever.framework. Usually, there will be only one, a symlink to the framework executable which is buried in /Versions/A
my @rawNames = $fileUtil->list_dir($frameworkDirPath, qw/--no-fsdots --files-only/) ;
for (my $j=0; $j<@rawNames; $j++) {
# The following is per Apple TN 2206 which says "To avoid problems when signing frameworks make sure that you sign a specific version as opposed to the whole framework ... This is the right way:
# codesign -s my-signing-identity ../FooBarBaz.framework/Versions/A
push @$pathsToSignRef, $frameworkDirPath . "/Versions/A" ;
push @$codeSignIdentifiersRef, $frameworkNames[$i] ;
# Recurse into subframeworks
my $subframeworksDir = "$frameworkDirPath/Versions/A/Frameworks" ;
scanFrameworksForCodesign($subframeworksDir, $pathsToSignRef, $codeSignIdentifiersRef) ;
sub extractBundleIdentifier {
my $path = shift ;
my $dieIfFail = shift ;
return (extractInfoPlistKey($path, "CFBundleIdentifier", $dieIfFail)) ;
sub extractBundleVersion {
my $path = shift ;
my $dieIfFail = shift ;
return (extractInfoPlistKey($path, "CFBundleVersion", $dieIfFail)) ;
sub extractInfoPlistKey {
my $path = shift ;
my $key = shift ;
my $dieIfFail = shift ;
my $infoPlistPath = "$path/Contents/Info.plist" ;
# We shall use IPC::Run::run() for noisy programs that would otherwise noise up the system's stdout or stderr, or whose stdout or stderr contains data which we need to parse.
# Things we'll need for IPC::Run::run().
my $command ;
my @args ;
my $stdin ; # Leave as undef
my $stdout = "<??>" ;
my $stderr = "<??>" ;
my $exitOk ;
my $msg ; # Leave as undef
$command = '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy' ;
# IPC::Run() quotes arguments, so in the following, we do not add \".
@args = ("-c", "Print:$key", "$infoPlistPath") ;
my $value ;
# Note that PlistBuddy exits zero on success. But IPC::Run:run() returns "TRUE when all subcommands exit with a 0 result code.
$exitOk = IPC::Run::run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr ;
if ($exitOk) {
if (!defined($stdout)) {
$msg = "Did not get $key from $infoPlistPath\nGot stdout: $stdout\nGot stderr: $stderr" ;
else {
if (length($stdout) < 1) {
$msg = "Got empty $key \"$stdout\" from $infoPlistPath\nGot stderr: $stderr" ;
else {
# Success
$value = $stdout ;
chomp($value) ;
else {
$msg = "Error while reading $key from $infoPlistPath" ;
if (!$value && $dieIfFail) {
die($msg) ;
return $value ;
my $gMaxLabelLength = 24 ;
sub concoctLabel {
my $label = shift ;
# Remove any non-word character
$label =~ s/\W//g ;
# Remove and stash the first character, making it lower case.
my $firstChar = lc(substr($label, 0, 1)) ;
$label = substr($label, 1) ;
my $revLabel = reverse($label) ;
my $nCut = 1 ;
my $maxLabelBodyLength = $gMaxLabelLength - 1 ;
while (
(length($revLabel) > $maxLabelBodyLength)
($nCut > 0)
) {
# Remove the first vowel (which is actually the last vowel of the non-reversed label)
$nCut = $revLabel =~ s/[aeiouy]// ;
$label = reverse($revLabel) ;
# In case it's still too long,
$label = substr($label, 0, $maxLabelBodyLength) ;
return $firstChar . $label ;
sub extractTitleAndLabelFromLine {
my $mmdString = shift ; # MultiMarkdown String
my $titleRef = shift ;
my $labelRef = shift ;
$$titleRef = undef ;
$$labelRef = undef ;
my $otherHtml = "" ;
my $htmlStart = index($mmdString, "<") ;
my $htmlFreeString = $mmdString ;
if ($htmlStart != -1) {
my $htmlEnd = rindex($mmdString, ">") ;
my $htmlLength = $htmlEnd - $htmlStart + 1 ;
if ($htmlLength > 0) {
$otherHtml = substr($mmdString, $htmlStart, $htmlLength) ;
$htmlFreeString = substr($mmdString, 0, $htmlStart) . substr($mmdString, $htmlEnd + 1) ;
# Extract the label, if any
# The label is the thing in square brackets
my $inputHasLabel = ($htmlFreeString =~ m/\[(\w+)\]/) ;
if ($inputHasLabel) {
# $1 is the last successful pattern match, i.e. (\w+),
# i.e. the label we want.
$$labelRef = $1 ;
# Construct the search pattern for pound signs and title. Note the double backslashes, because we need literal backslashes in the search pattern.
my $pattern = "(#+)\\s+([^\n<>]+)\\s?" ;
if ($inputHasLabel) {
$pattern .= "\\[$$labelRef\\]\\s?" ;
# Extract the pound signs and title , and concoct label if none.
my $ok = ($htmlFreeString =~ m/$pattern/) ;
if ($ok) {
my $poundSigns = $1 ;
$$titleRef = $2 ;
# It is possible that title may have some additional text at the end of the line, for example,
# Earth.&#160; Earth is the third planet from the sun...
# The demarcation between the title and the text will be a punctuation character(s) (optional) followed by some &#160; and space character(s).
$$titleRef =~ s/(.+?)[[:punct:]]??\s?&#160;\s+(.+)/$1/ ;
# Because the .+ subpattern must match whitespace to get multiple words, $$titleRef will now include a whitespace at the end. Get rid of that.
$$titleRef = SSYUtils2::trimWhitespaceTrailing($$titleRef) ;
my $labelSeed = $$titleRef ;
# Because Markdown ignores Markdown syntax within
# <div> blocks, and because Markdown will undesirably
# encode the tags in it, we must pass the title through Markdown now,
# before enclosing it in its <div>
$$titleRef = SSYUtils2::moveTrailingPunctuationInsideMarkdownItalics($$titleRef) ;
$$titleRef = SSYUtils2::smartMarkdown($$titleRef, SSYUtils2::scriptParentPath()) ;
if (!$inputHasLabel) {
# Label must be concocted
$$labelRef = concoctLabel($labelSeed) ;
$mmdString = "$poundSigns $$titleRef $otherHtml [$$labelRef]" ;
return $mmdString ;
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