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Last active December 21, 2021 14:40
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《凤凰架构》PDF 增加目录
import json
import toml
from pdftocgen.recipe import extract_toc, Recipe
from fitzutils import ToCEntry, dump_toc, open_pdf
from pdftocio.tocio import write_toc
# requiremnets
# ----------------------------
# ruquire `pdf.tocgen`
# pip install -U pdf.tocgen
# usage
# ----------------------------
# 1. make sure `pdf.tocgen` is installed
# 2. put `exportPages.json`, `sidebar.json`, `the-fenix-project.pdf` into the folder containing the script
# 3. run the script
# 4. 2 files will be generated: `the-fenix-project-with-toc.pdf` and `toc.txt`
# to apply the toc, use `pdftocio {path_to_pdf} < toc.txt`
# prepare `exportPages.json` & `sidebar.json`
# add the following line after line 93 in `.vuepress/plugins/export/index.js`
# replace {path_to_folder} with the path to the folder containing the script!
# fs.writeFileSync("{path_to_folder}" + "/sidebar.json", JSON.stringify(sidebar));
# fs.writeFileSync("{path_to_folder}" + "/exportPages.json", JSON.stringify(exportPages));
# return
# constants & paths
# ----------------------------
pdf_path = "the-fenix-project.pdf"
toc_pdf_path = "the-fenix-project-with-toc.pdf"
final_toc_path = "toc.txt"
recipe_str = """[[heading]]
# 前端工程
level = 1
greedy = true
font.size = 26.411094665527344
font.size_tolerance = 1"""
# helpers
# -----------------------------
def remove_multiple_suffix(s, suffixes):
triggered = True
while triggered:
triggered = False
for suffix in suffixes:
if s.endswith(suffix):
triggered = True
s = s[:-len(suffix)]
return s
def normalize_path(path):
path = path.lower()
path = remove_multiple_suffix(path, ["/", ".md", ".html"])
return path
def walk_tree(item, level, path_title_level_list):
if isinstance(item, list):
for subitem in item:
walk_tree(subitem, level+1,path_title_level_list)
elif isinstance(item, dict):
# print(item)
if "path" in item:
path_title_level_list.append([item["path"], item["title"], level])
path_title_level_list.append([None, item["title"], level])
if "children" in item:
for subitem in item["children"]:
walk_tree(subitem, level+1,path_title_level_list)
elif isinstance(item, str):
path_title_level_list.append([item, None, level])
# steps
# -----------------------------
def generate_hierarchy():
# load url & title
with open("exportPages.json", "r", encoding="u8") as f:
export_pages = json.load(f)
export_pages[0]["title"] = ""
url_to_title = {normalize_path(page["url"]):page["title"] for page in export_pages}
# load sidebar (for hierarchy)
with open("sidebar.json", "r", encoding="u8") as f:
sidebar = json.load(f)
path_title_level_list = []
walk_tree(sidebar, 0, path_title_level_list)
# find title for childrens in sidebar
for idx, (path, title, level) in enumerate(path_title_level_list):
if title is None:
url = normalize_path(path)
title = url_to_title[url]
path_title_level_list[idx][1] = title
print("load from website, length", len(path_title_level_list))
return path_title_level_list
def find_title_pages():
recipe = toml.loads(recipe_str)
with open_pdf(pdf_path) as doc:
toc = extract_toc(doc, Recipe(recipe))
print("load from pdf, length", len(toc))
return toc
def check_toc_length(path_title_level_list, toc):
if len(toc) != len([i for i in path_title_level_list if i[0] is not None]):
print("WARNING: missing some chapters, the PDF provided might not be the most up-to-date version.")
print("警告:部分存在于网站中的章节不存在于 PDF 中。这可能是因为 PDF 构建后网站中增加了新章节。重新构建 PDF 可以解决这一问题。")
def build_final_toc(path_title_level_list, toc):
idx1, idx2 = 0, 0
last_page_num = 1
final_toc = []
for idx1, (path, title, level) in enumerate(path_title_level_list):
title_match = "".join(title.split()) == "".join(toc[idx2].title.split())
if path is None or (path is not None or title_match):
final_toc.append(ToCEntry(level, title, toc[idx2].pagenum))
if path is not None:
if title_match:
idx2 += 1
print("missing chapter: ", title)
final_toc.pop() # remove missing ones
return final_toc
def save_toc(final_toc):
with open_pdf(pdf_path) as doc:
write_toc(doc, final_toc)
with open(final_toc_path, "w") as f:
# main
# -----------------------------
def main():
path_title_level_list = generate_hierarchy()
toc = find_title_pages()
check_toc_length(path_title_level_list, toc)
final_toc = build_final_toc(path_title_level_list, toc)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Copy link


  1. 安装 Python 环境和 pdf.tocgen 依赖
pip install -U pdf.tocgen
  1. 准备一个临时的工作目录
  2. 把整个项目 git clone 到本地
  3. 打开 .vuepress\plugins\export\index.js,在 line 93 (exportPages 定义结束,browser 定义开始前) 插入以下内容,以生成层级数据文件
    注意需要将 {path_to_folder} 换成 1 中工作目录的路径
  fs.writeFileSync("{path_to_folder}" + "/sidebar.json", JSON.stringify(sidebar));
  fs.writeFileSync("{path_to_folder}" + "/exportPages.json", JSON.stringify(exportPages));
  1. 把生成完成的 PDF (位于 .vuepress/dist/pdf 下,文件名为 the-fenix-project.pdf)复制到 1 中的临时工作目录。此时 1 中目录应包含 sidebar.json, exportPages.json, the-fenix-project.pdf 三个文件
  2. 这里 获取 脚本,放置于 1 中工作目录
  3. 在终端中切换到 1 中工作目录,运行 5 中的脚本
  1. 若一切正常,会新生成两个文件,其中 the-fenix-project-with-toc.pdf 为带目录的 PDF 文件,toc.txt 为目录描述文件。只要有了目录描述文件,就可以直接在有原始 PDF 的情况下添加目录,而不需要再完成以上的步骤了,链接

如果不想自己生成 PDF,只是想要自己生成目录的话,只需要做如下改动

  • 上文步骤 3 中,添加的代码最后加一行 return,提前结束函数跳过 PDF 生成,但依然生成必要的层级数据文件
  • 上文步骤 4 中,直接使用官网下载到的 PDF 文件

但这样可能会有一些小问题:如果官网比 PDF 新(新在这里指文章增加),用官网的文件结构生成的 PDF 目录会包含实际 PDF 文件中没有的项,在脚本中会自动跳过,但是依然会提示。

WARNING: missing some chapters, the PDF provided might not be the most up-to-date version.
警告:部分存在于网站中的章节不存在于 PDF 中。这可能是因为 PDF 构建后网站中增加了新章节。重新构建 PDF 可以解决这一问题。
missing chapter:  ArchSummit2021主题演讲:从软件的历史看架构的未来

生成原理:(理论上适合于任何 vuepress 项目)

  1. vuepress 中的 sidebar 获得层级结构,exportPages 获得页面标题和 URL
  2. pdf.tocgen 中的 extract_toc 从 PDF 文件中提取出文章标题和对应的页码
  3. 匹配 1 中的树形目录和 2 中的文章页码,生成带层级的目录
  4. 将带层级的目录信息写入 PDF 文件中

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