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Created April 22, 2018 04:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyecere import *
class CubeApp(GuiApplication):
def __init__(self, appGlobals):
GuiApplication.__init__(self, appGlobals = appGlobals)
self.driver = "OpenGL"
self.timerResolution = 60
def cube_cycle(self, idle):
return True
self.cycle = cube_cycle
app = CubeApp(appGlobals=globals())
camera = Camera(
position = ( 0, 0, -200 ),
orientation = Euler ( 0, 0, 0 ),
fov = 53)
light = Light(
#diffuse = white,
specular = DefinedColor.white,
orientation = Euler ( pitch = 10, yaw = 30 ) )
light2 = Light(
diffuse = DefinedColor.white,
#specular = DefinedColor.white,
orientation = Euler ( pitch = 20, yaw = -30 ) )
class Test3D(Window):
def __init__(self):
displayDriver = "OpenGL",
caption = "Cube",
borderStyle = BorderStyle.none,
moveable = True,
stayOnTop = True,
clientSize = ( 400, 400 ),
background = 0,
opacity = 0,
alphaBlend = True)
self.lastTime = 0
# self.texture = BitmapResource ( "fractal3.jpg", window = this )
self.texture = BitmapResource ( "knot.png", window = self )
self.material = Material ( diffuse = DefinedColor.white, ambient =, power = 8, opacity = 1.0, flags = MaterialFlags ( translucent = True, doubleSided = True ) ) # specular = red,
self.cube = Cube()
self.spin = Euler()
self.moving = False
def test3D_onLoadGraphics(self):
self.display.ambient = ColorRGB (0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
self.material.baseMap = self.texture.bitmap
self.cube.transform = Transform(scaling = ( 100, 100, 100 ), orientation = Euler ( pitch = 20, yaw = -30 ) )
return True
self.onLoadGraphics = test3D_onLoadGraphics
def test3D_onResize(self, w, h):
camera.setup(w, h)
self.onResize = test3D_onResize
def test3D_onRedraw(self, surface):
self.display.setLight(0, light)
self.display.setLight(1, light2)
self.display.setCamera(surface, camera)
self.display.fogDensity = 0
self.display.setCamera(surface, None)
self.onRedraw = test3D_onRedraw
def test3D_onLeftButtonDown(self, x, y, mods):
self.clickTime = getTime()
self.startClick = Point ( x, y )
self.moving = True
return True;
self.onLeftButtonDown = test3D_onLeftButtonDown
def test3D_onLeftButtonUp(self, x, y, mods):
if self.moving:
self.moving = False
return True
self.onLeftButtonUp = test3D_onLeftButtonUp
def test3D_onMouseMove(self, x, y, mods):
if self.moving:
time = getTime()
diffTime = max(time - self.clickTime, 0.01)
self.spin.yaw += Degrees ( (x - self.startClick.x) / (25.0 * diffTime) )
self.spin.pitch += Degrees ( (self.startClick.y - y) / (25.0 * diffTime) )
self.startClick = Point ( x, y )
self.clickTime = time
return True
self.onMouseMove = test3D_onMouseMove
def test3D_onKeyHit(self, key, ch):
if key == KeyCode.wheelDown or key == KeyCode.wheelUp:
w = self.size.w
if key == KeyCode.wheelDown:
w /= 1.1
elif key == KeyCode.wheelUp:
w *= 1.1
self.move(self.position.x + self.size.w / 2 - w / 2, self.position.y + self.size.h / 2 - w / 2, w, w)
return True
self.onKeyHit = test3D_onKeyHit
def test3D_onKeyDown(self, key, ch):
if key == KeyCode.escape: self.destroy(0)
return True
self.onKeyDown = test3D_onKeyDown
def updateCube(self):
time = getTime()
diffTime = time - self.lastTime if self.lastTime else 0
if self.spin.yaw != 0 or self.spin.pitch != 0:
signYaw = 1
signPitch = 1
yaw = self.spin.yaw; pitch = self.spin.pitch
t = self.cube.transform
orientation = t.orientation
tSpin = Euler ( yaw * diffTime, pitch * diffTime, 0 )
thisSpin = Quaternion(tSpin)
if yaw < 0:
yaw = -yaw
signYaw = -1
if pitch < 0:
pitch = -pitch
signPitch = -1
yaw -= diffTime / 3 * yaw
pitch -= diffTime / 3 * pitch
if yaw < 0.0001: yaw = 0
if pitch < 0.0001: pitch = 0
self.spin.yaw = yaw * signYaw
self.spin.pitch = pitch * signPitch
temp = Quaternion()
temp.multiply(orientation, thisSpin)
t.orientation = orientation
self.cube.transform = t
self.lastTime = time
return True
test3D = Test3D()
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