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Created May 23, 2017 16:16
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyecere import *
app = GuiApplication() #driver = "OpenGL")
printLn("Testing Variadic Functions!\n", 1, " + ", 2, " = ", 1+2)
printLn("Pi = ", 3.141592653589)
a = Array("<int>")
b = Array("<int>", [6,7,8])
c = Array("<double>", [3.4,5.6,1.4142135])
class MyThing:
def something(self):
class MyController(WindowController):
def __init__(self):
WindowController.__init__(self, "<MyThing>")
class MyForm(Window):
def __init__(self):
displayDriver = "OpenGL",
caption = I18N("Hello, Python!!"),
hasClose = True,
hasMaximize = True,
hasMinimize = True,
controller = MyController(),
borderStyle = BorderStyle.sizable,
clientSize = Size(640, 480),
background = ColorAlpha(a = 255, color = Color(b = 255)),
foreground = ColorAlpha(a = 255, color = Color(r = 235, b = 115, g = 200)),
font = FontResource("Merriweather", 30, outlineSize = 4.0, outlineFade = 0.2))
def myOnRedraw(self, surface):
surface.writeTextf(20, 20, I18N("Writing Stuff on the wall!!"))
self.onDrawOverChildren = myOnRedraw
def button1Clicked(self, button, x, y, mods):
printLn("I got pushed! (master is ", self.caption, ")")
self.background = ColorAlpha(a = 255, color = Color(b = 255, g = 192, r = 64))
MessageBox(caption = I18N("Hello, Python!"), contents = I18N("Python is pretty nifty.")).modal()
self.button2.notifyClicked(self, button, x, y, mods);
return True
self.picture1 = Picture(parent = self, anchor = Anchor(0,0,0,0), image = BitmapResource("picture.jpg"))
self.button1 = Button(
parent = self,
caption = "Push It!",
position = Point(80,80),
font = FontResource("Merriweather", 30),
notifyClicked = button1Clicked )
self.button2 = Button(
parent = self,
caption = "Another button",
position = Point(280,280),
font = FontResource("Merriweather", 20) )
caption = "Bindings are cool, 中文 too!",
hasClose = True,
clientSize = Size(320, 200),
background = ColorAlpha(a = 255, color = Color(255) ))
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