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Created January 17, 2022 09:09
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Pack and publish NuGet package.
@set curdir=%cd%
:: echo %curdir%
:: build
@echo 1. build
@cd %curdir%\src
dotnet clean >nul
dotnet build --configuration Release >nul
:: pack
@echo 2. pack
@cd %curdir%\nupkgs
@del /s /q /f *.nupkg >nul 2>nul
@cd %curdir%\src
@cd ./Ft.Parking.Hardware.Camera.Ybsy
dotnet pack -c Release -o %curdir%\nupkgs >nul
@cd ../
@cd ./Ft.Parking.Hardware.Indicator.Absen
dotnet pack -c Release -o %curdir%\nupkgs >nul
@cd ../
@cd ./Ft.Parking.Hardware.SelfPayment.Ybsy
dotnet pack -c Release -o %curdir%\nupkgs >nul
:: publish
@echo 3. publish
@cd %curdir%\nupkgs
@for %%i in (*.nupkg) do @(
:: echo %%i
dotnet nuget push %%i --skip-duplicate -s --no-service-endpoint
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