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Working from home

Jeshan Giovanni BABOOA jeshan

Working from home
  • Independent
  • Mauritius
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public class Meta {
private final String name, content;
private final Head head;
public Head head() { return head; }
public class Head
extends Container<Head> {
public Html html() {
return (Html) parent();
.heading(Heading.Level.ONE, "Hello h1")
.paragraph("Some text in a paragraph goes here")
.heading(Heading.Level.TWO, "level 2")
.paragraph("Give me a second paragraph");
public Body div() {
return this;
public Body heading(Heading.Level level, String content) {
Heading heading = Heading.create(level, content, this);
return this;
.title("Insert page title here.");
<title>Insert page title here.</title>
import static com.methodicalprogrammer.fluent.htmlgenerator.Html.html;
public class Html {
private Body body = Body.create(this);
private Head head = Head.create(this);
public static Html html() { return new Html(); }
public Head head() { return head; }
public Body body() { return body; }
// .get() because meta(String) returns an Optional<Meta>
// and since null references suck
.html(); // back to the html object reference!
// Creating the document, with some headings and a paragraph
.heading(Heading.Level.ONE, "Hello h1")
.heading(Heading.Level.TWO, "level 2")
.paragraph("Some text in a paragraph goes here");
// keep the reference which will allow us to walk through the structure
Html html = html();
// creating a meta tag and navigating down the tree
.meta("charset", "UTF-8");