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Last active December 3, 2021 09:57
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open import Data.List.Base
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; uncurry)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]′)
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Level using (Level)
open import Reflection
open import Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad
open import Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Syntax
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection using ( getInstances )
ℓ : Level
A B C D : Set ℓ
x y z : A
Macro = Term → TC ⊤
ctxArgs : TC (Args Term)
ctxArgs = loop 0 [] <$> getContext
loop : ℕ → Args Term → Args Type → Args Term
loop _ acc [] = acc
loop n acc (arg i a ∷ as) = loop (suc n) (arg i (var n []) ∷ acc) as
-- The type `Hint A` contains a macro that should be applied to a hole
-- of type `A`. Here `A` is just a phantom parameter, but it will be
-- used by the `tauto` macro to determine what hints to try.
record Hint (A : Set ℓ) : Set where
theHint : Macro
open Hint public
-- The `tauto'` macro will create a new meta of type `Hint (typeOf
-- hole)` and then call `tryInstances` to try all the hints that apply
-- to the hole in turn until one succeeds.
tauto' : Macro
tauto' hole = do
-- Block if the type is a meta, to avoid overly eager execution of
-- hint macros.
inferType hole >>= λ where
(meta m _) → blockOnMeta m
_ → return tt
-- Create meta that will hold the hint
hint@(meta m _) ← newMeta (def (quote Hint) (vArg (def (quote typeOf) (vArg hole ∷ [])) ∷ []))
where _ → typeError (strErr "Hey, what's going on?" ∷ [])
-- For each of the candidates for the hint meta...
tryInstances m $ do
-- ... get the hint ...
tac ← unquoteTC {A = Macro} (def (quote theHint) (vArg hint ∷ []))
-- ... and execute it.
tac hole
tryInstances : Meta → TC A → TC A
tryInstances {A = A} x m = do
args ← ctxArgs
getInstances x >>= λ where
[] → typeError (strErr "no instances found" ∷ [])
(c ∷ []) → tryInstance c args
cs → loop cs args
tryInstance : Term → Args Term → TC A
tryInstance c args = unify (meta x args) c >> m
loop : List Term → Args Term → TC A
loop [] args = typeError (strErr "all instances failed" ∷ [])
loop (c ∷ cs) args = catchTC (tryInstance c args) (loop cs args)
-- tauto is the macro version of tauto'
macro tauto = tauto'
-- A little helper function for creating subgoals that will
-- recursively be solved by `tauto`
subgoal : (Term → TC ⊤) → TC ⊤
subgoal f = do
x ← newMeta unknown
f x
tauto' x
-- Now we can define new hints in a modular way by declaring new
-- instances of type `Hint ...`.
tauto-⊤ : Hint ⊤
tauto-⊤ .theHint hole = return _
tauto-pair : Hint (A × B)
tauto-pair .theHint hole =
subgoal λ hole₁ →
subgoal λ hole₂ →
unify hole (con (quote _,_) (vArg hole₁ ∷ vArg hole₂ ∷ []))
tauto-inj₁ : Hint (A ⊎ B)
tauto-inj₁ .theHint hole =
subgoal λ hole' →
unify hole (con (quote inj₁) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
tauto-inj₂ : Hint (A ⊎ B)
tauto-inj₂ .theHint hole =
subgoal λ hole' →
unify hole (con (quote inj₂) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
test₁ : (⊤ ⊎ ⊥) × (⊥ ⊎ ⊤)
test₁ = tauto
tauto-magic : Hint (⊥ → A)
tauto-magic .theHint hole = unify hole (def (quote ⊥-elim) [])
tauto-useless : Hint (⊤ → A)
tauto-useless .theHint hole =
subgoal λ hole' →
unify hole (def (quote const) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
tauto-uncurry : Hint (A × B → C)
tauto-uncurry .theHint hole =
subgoal λ hole' →
unify hole (def (quote uncurry) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
tauto-split : Hint (A ⊎ B → C)
tauto-split .theHint hole =
subgoal λ hole₁ →
subgoal λ hole₂ →
unify hole (def (quote [_,_]′) (vArg hole₁ ∷ vArg hole₂ ∷ []))
test₂ : (⊥ × ⊤ ⊎ ⊤ × ⊥) → ⊥
test₂ = tauto
-- TODO: have some priority system so this is only tried when none of
-- the above rules are
tauto-lam : Hint (A → B)
tauto-lam .theHint hole = do
hole' ← extendContext (vArg unknown) (newMeta unknown)
unify hole (lam visible (abs "x" hole'))
extendContext (vArg unknown) (tauto' hole')
subgoals : Type → (Args Term → TC ⊤) → TC ⊤
subgoals (meta m _) _ = blockOnMeta m
subgoals (pi (arg i _) (abs _ b)) f = subgoal (λ x → subgoals b (f ∘ (arg i x ∷_)))
subgoals _ f = f []
tauto-var : Hint A
tauto-var .theHint hole = getContext >>= loop 0
tryVar : ℕ → Type → TC ⊤
tryVar n t = subgoals t (λ args → unify hole (var n args))
loop : ℕ → Args Type → TC ⊤
loop _ [] = typeError []
loop n (arg _ a ∷ as) = catchTC (tryVar n a) (loop (suc n) as)
test₃ : A → C → (A ⊎ B) × (B ⊎ C)
test₃ = tauto
test₄ : A → (A → B) → B
test₄ = tauto
contraposition : (A → B) → (B → ⊥) → (A → ⊥)
contraposition = tauto
modusponens : (A → B) × (B → C) → A → C
modusponens = tauto
deMorgan₁ : (A ⊎ B → ⊥) → (A → ⊥) × (B → ⊥)
deMorgan₁ = tauto
deMorgan₂ : (A → ⊥) × (B → ⊥) → (A ⊎ B → ⊥)
deMorgan₂ = tauto
deMorgan₃ : (A → ⊥) ⊎ (B → ⊥) → (A × B → ⊥)
deMorgan₃ = tauto
irrefutability : ((A ⊎ (A → ⊥)) → ⊥) → ⊥
irrefutability = tauto
-- TODO: have some check to prevent tauto from looping here
weakpeirce : ((((A → B) → A) → A) → B) → B
weakpeirce = {!tauto!} -- tauto loops
-- TODO: figure out how tauto tactics actually work so it can solve
-- this example as well:
test₅ : (A → B ⊎ C) → (B → D) → (C → D) → A → D
test₅ = {!tauto!} -- tauto fails
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