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Created November 5, 2021 16:44
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--{-# OPTIONS -v any-auto:10 #-}
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties using
(singleton⁺; map⁺; mapMaybe⁺; ++⁺ˡ; ++⁺ʳ; concat⁺)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any using (just) renaming (Any to MAny)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Reflection
open import Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad
open import Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Syntax
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
Macro = Term → TC ⊤
goalMacro : (Term → Type → TC ⊤) → Macro
goalMacro m hole = do
goal ← inferType hole >>= reduce
case goal of λ where
(meta x _) → blockOnMeta x
_ → m hole goal
record Hint (f : Name) : Set where
theHint : List (Arg Term) → Macro
≡-auto' : Macro
≡-auto' = goalMacro λ where
hole (def (quote _≡_) (_ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ x ∷ arg _ y ∷ _)) →
unify hole (con (quote refl) [])
hole goal → typeError (strErr "≡-auto: invalid goal: " ∷ termErr goal ∷ [])
mAny-auto : Macro → Macro
mAny-auto m = goalMacro λ where
hole (def (quote MAny) (_ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ mx ∷ _)) → do
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (con (quote MAny.just) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
m hole'
hole goal → typeError (strErr "mAny-auto: invalid goal: " ∷ termErr goal ∷ [])
data Normalise? : Set where yes no : Normalise?
maybeNormalise : Normalise? → Term → TC Term
maybeNormalise yes = normalise
maybeNormalise no = return
any-auto' : {{Normalise?}} → Macro → Macro
any-auto' {{norm}} p-auto = goalMacro λ where
hole (def (quote Any) (_ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ xs ∷ _)) → do
debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: found list " ∷ termErr xs ∷ [])
xs ← maybeNormalise norm xs
let err = typeError (strErr "any-auto: failed on list: " ∷ termErr xs ∷ [])
aux p-auto err hole xs
hole goal → typeError (strErr "any-auto: invalid goal: " ∷ termErr goal ∷ [])
unknowns : ℕ → List (Arg Term)
unknowns n = replicate n (hArg unknown)
fail : TC ⊤
fail = typeError []
admit : TC ⊤
admit = return _
-- Main loop of the tactic:
-- * `p-auto` is the macro used for proving `P` holds for an individual element
-- * `fallback` is the action that should be taken on a failure:
-- + It should be `admit` when we have only made unforced choices,
-- and we are not at the top-level
-- + It should be a hard `typeError` otherwise
-- * `hole` is the current hole we are trying to fill
-- * `xs` is the list of elements for which we are trying to prove `Any P`
aux : (p-auto : Macro) (fallback : TC ⊤) (hole : Term) (xs : Term) → TC ⊤
aux p-auto fallback hole = λ where
(con (quote List._∷_) (_ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ x ∷ arg _ xs ∷ _)) → catchTC
(do debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying here " ∷ termErr x ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (con (quote here) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
p-auto hole')
(do debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying there " ∷ termErr xs ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (con (quote there) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
aux p-auto fallback hole' xs)
(def (quote [_]) (_ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ x ∷ _)) → do
debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying singleton⁺ " ∷ termErr x ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (def (quote singleton⁺) (vArg hole' ∷ []))
catchTC (p-auto hole') fallback
(def (quote map) (_ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ f ∷ arg _ xs ∷ _)) → do
debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying map⁺ " ∷ termErr xs ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (def (quote map⁺) (unknowns 4 ++ hArg f ∷ unknowns 2 ++ hArg xs ∷ vArg hole' ∷ []))
aux p-auto admit hole' xs
(def (quote mapMaybe) (_ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ f ∷ arg _ xs ∷ _)) → do
debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying mapMaybe⁺ " ∷ termErr xs ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (def (quote mapMaybe⁺) (vArg f ∷ vArg xs ∷ vArg hole' ∷ []))
aux (mAny-auto p-auto) admit hole' xs
(def (quote _++_) (_ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ xs ∷ arg _ ys ∷ _)) → catchTC
(do debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying ++⁺ˡ " ∷ termErr xs ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (def (quote ++⁺ˡ) (unknowns 4 ++ hArg xs ∷ vArg hole' ∷ []))
aux p-auto fail hole' xs)
(do debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying ++⁺ʳ " ∷ termErr ys ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (def (quote ++⁺ʳ) (vArg xs ∷ vArg hole' ∷ []))
aux p-auto fallback hole' xs)
(def (quote concat) (_ ∷ _ ∷ arg _ xss ∷ _)) → do
debugPrint "any-auto" 10 (strErr "any-auto: trying concat⁺ " ∷ termErr xss ∷ [])
hole' ← newMeta unknown
unify hole (def (quote concat⁺) (unknowns 4 ++ hArg xss ∷ vArg hole' ∷ []))
aux (any-auto' p-auto) admit hole' xss
xs → fallback
any-auto : {{Normalise?}} → Macro → Macro
any-auto = any-auto'
∈-auto : {{Normalise?}} → Macro
∈-auto = any-auto' ≡-auto'
private module _ where
-- In the test cases below, you can see the actual output of the
-- macro by creating a hole around `∈-auto` and pressing `C-u C-c
-- C-m` (without the `C-u` you get the reduced proofs).
instance _ = Normalise?.no
test₁ : 3 ∈ (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
test₁ = ∈-auto
test₂ : {x : ℕ} → x ∈ [ x ]
test₂ = ∈-auto
test₃ : 3 ∈ map (_+ 1) (0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
test₃ = ∈-auto
pred : ℕ → Maybe ℕ
pred zero = nothing
pred (suc n) = just n
test₄ : 2 ∈ mapMaybe pred (0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
test₄ = ∈-auto
test₅ : 3 ∈ (0 ∷ 1 ∷ []) ++ (2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
test₅ = ∈-auto
test₆ : 3 ∈ concat ([ 1 ] ∷ [ 2 ] ∷ [] ∷ (3 ∷ 4 ∷ []) ∷ [])
test₆ = ∈-auto
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